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Cal4Wheel History - 1957-1962

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__,I ~ CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF JEEP CLUBS PROPOSED AGGENDA Hotel Tulare, Tulare, Californi a PRi!:SENTATION OF CREDENTIALS MEETING CALLED TO ORD;EH:: :: :: :: :; :: :H: 8 : 00 P . M. APPOINTMENT OF NOMINATING COMMI TTEE CAUCUS of MEMBERS -::--:H:--::--::--::-1:--::--:HHH:-ME'l:TING OF NOMINATim{ COMMITTEE ELECTION OF OFFICERS DI SCUSSION OF AMENDMENTS if' any ! ~.,,-1.~ C~_,,l-l.~-<. .,,i,,_< . ..__A._) APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTEES Suggested Committees Aggenda Committee · Membership Corn.>ni ttee---~ f...-.'LQ...,-...,· :_-:7._'-:... .o ·-----~ (•,.., '~-MEET I NG PLACE

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..... --,,,.,· California Association of Jeep Clubs First Association Meeting r Tulare, California --._/ Saturday, April 18, 1959. I MINUTES OF THE FORMATION MEETING The meeting was called to order by Chairman pro t~m Bud·Hammers in the Hotel Tulare at 8:30 p.m., Saturday, April 1~, 1Q50, ~he following clubs presented delegate credentials and we~e registerGd at the meeting~ Orange County Four Wheelers; Four Wheel Drive Club of Western America, Fresno: Desert Foxes; Quads Jeep Club~ Four Wheel Drive Club of Monterey Peninsula ~ Sacranrnto Jeepers~ II:i.llhopper.J; Chuckwalla Jeep Club:. F.l Dorado Jeephcrders; and TularR 4--Wheel Dri vr. Club. MOTION made , seconded anci passed t o dispense with the minutes of the last meeting. The Chairman calleci for discussion of the By-Laws . Fr~sno stated their club wanted 1 vote per 25 members instead of t he previously passed one vote per club. Discussion followed. MOTION made , seconded and passed that the delegates be polled as to how voting will be determined. Roll of delegates called on the question of one vote p~r club . Eight clubs voted Ave, two no. MOTION MADE, seconded and passed that the delegates be polled for acceptance of the Constitution and By-Laws as amended at the previous meeting. MOTION made, s econded and passed that Article II, Section 1~ and '-..../ Article I, Secti on 2, be reconsidered. Discussion followed relat i:-::: t o the dues structur e set up in the By-laws . MOTION made and seconded to keeo the dues at $5 . 00 initia~ion and ~1.00 per vehicle. Motion did not carr~. · MOTION made and seconded to set· the dues at $10.00 initiation and ~~2,00 per vehicle. Motion passed. MOTION made , seconded and passed to reconsider the previous moticn i .. order that voting be done only by delegates as pr ovided in A~ticlJ r! of the Bv-laws . MOTION. made , seconded and passed to tabl e the motion relating t o $10.00 initiation and $2 .00 per vehicle dues. The chairman then called for the poll of delegates to accept the proposed Constitution and By-laws , as amended at the prev~ous meeting. The poll was carried out by the delegate coming forward and signing the master copy of the Constitution and Bv--laws. The £'olloi: ing Clnbs signed the Constituti on and By- laws~ Hillhoppers; Desert Foxes; Quads~ Four-wheel Drive Cl ub of Monterey Penins 1la~ Sacramento .Jeepers, Chuckwalla Jeep Club: El Dorado Jeepherrlers: Tul are 4-Wheel Dri•e Club ~ and the Orange Co1mtv Four-Wheelers. Th A fir0.s 1 0 F ur 1\l:1eel Dr-L ,,e r.~.ub dirl not sign. The California Association of Jeep Cl11 . s h~ been officially formed, the Chairman proceed to the appointment of a Nominating Committee to select candidates for offices of the Association. The following commi ttee was appointed~ Steve Morris, Chairman~ Loren Hagler·, and Richar d Thomas . · 1 -

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'-......./ General discussion following relatine to the probl ems of organizing and conducting the b1rniress of the Association. MOTION made , secondecl and carried that the meeting be adiou.rned ~o allow the nominating committee to meet with delegates relating to the selection of candirlatcs for the election t o be held Sundav, April 19, 1050 . First Association Meeti ng , Tulare, California. Sunday, April 19, 1959. The meeting was called to or der to Chairman Forrest Sheppa, who then called on Ste,,e Morris, Chairman of the Nominating Committee, to make his report. Steve Morris reported his committee wished to place the following nominations before the delegates: For President: Bill Morrison J . M. Hammers. For Vice President: Forrest Sheppa Bill Sanders For Secretary: Harold Krabbenhoft Richar d Thomas . For Treasurer: Edwarrl Comes Loren Hagler Chairman Sheppa then callerl for further nominations from the f loor. Steve Morris was nominaterl for President. -....._J' MOTION made, seconded and passed that each office be voted on indivi-duallv before further nominations for another office were made. Bill Morrison then declined to he nominated for president and withdrew his nomination. Chairman Sheppa appointed an Election Tellers Committee composed of the following: Mrs. Hammers , i'Irs . Morris, Mrs. Sheppa . MOTION made , seconded and passed that nominations for the office of President be closecl. The election was then held. The election tellers co~mittee reported that Stev() Morris was elect8d rr8sident. Bill Morrison was nominated for Vice President. MOTION made, seconded and passed that nominations for the office of Vice President be closed. The election was then held. The election tellers committee reported that Forrest Sheppa was elected Vice President. --->' Chairman Sheppa call:) d for further nomirations for the office of Seer,,_ -ar y. MOTION made , seconded and passed that nominations for the office o~ Secretary be closerl . The el~ction was then held. Tho electi on tellers comrnitt0e r0r r~,, that Harold Krabbenhoft was elected Secretary. Chairman Sheppa then called for further no~inations for the office of Secretary. Bill Morrisrtiwas nominated and seconded from the f l o r . \P,t;L - 2 -

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. . -""' California Association nf Jeep Clubs First Regular Meetipg Hotel Tulare, Tulare, California Sunday, April 19, 1959, 10:00 a.m. MINUTES C PRESIDENT STEVE MORRIS called the First Regular Meeting-of the California Association of Jee~ Clubs to orrler in·the Hotel Tulare, Tulare, California, on Sunday, April 19~ .1959, first thanking the delegates for his election, and then addressing the delegates on his proposed program for the coming year. MOTION made, seen nded and carried that the President and Treasurer be authorized to establish bank accounts in the name of the California Assocjation of Jeep Clubs for the receipt and disbursement of Association Funds. MOTION made, seconded and carried that the bond authorized by the By-Laws be secured for the Treasurer. MOTION made, seconded and carried to accept the budget read by the Sccretarv and that Association expenditures be allowed ,~ithin that bud~et. (Budge t attached ) MOTION made, seconded and carried that t he officers be directed to proceed with the incorporation of the State Association. MOTION made, seconded and carried that the following resolution be adopted relating to amendment of the By-laws, and that the same be submitted to the member clubs for ratification pursuant t o the By-laws and action at the next meeting: "RESOLVED, that Articl e I, Section 2, of the By-Laws be amended by deleting t he figure ' $5.00' and substituting ther e for the r c v :~l(). 00 v ; c111d be it further · RESOLVED, that Article II, Section l , of the By-Laws be amended ·to delete the figure ?$1.00 ' and subs ti tu ting therefor the figure '.,2. 00' • 11 President Morris announced the need for the formation~f certain committees to carry on the business of the Association, to st udy and report on matters of vital in·er e~t :or further 2ction of the Delegates. MOTION made, seconded anrl carrierl that Committees on Membership, - l -

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.. -Ii California Association nf Jeep Clubs First Regular Meetipg Hotel Tulare, Tulare, California Sunday, April 19, 195~, 10:00 a.m. MINUTES C PRESIDENT STEVE MORRIS callod the First Regular Meeting·of the California Association of Jee~ Clubs t o or~er in·the Hotel Tulare, Tulare, California, on Sunday, April 19~ .1959, first thanking the delegates for his election, ~nd then addressing the delegates on his proposed program for the coming year. MOTION made , sero nded and carried that the President and Treasurer be authorized to establish bank account s in the name of t he California Assocjation of Jeep Clubs for the r eceipt and disbursement of Association Funds. MOTION made, seconded and carried t hat the bond authorized by the By-Laws be secured for the Treasur er. MOTION made, sem nded and carried t o accept the budget read by the Secr etarv and that As s oc iati on expe nditures be allowed ,~i thin that budr;et. (Budget attacherl) MOTION made, seconded and carried that the officers he directed to proceed with the incorporation of t he State Ass ociation. MOTION made, seconded and carried that the following resolution be adopted r elating to amendment of the By-laws, and that the same be submitted t o the member clubs for ratification pursuant to the By-laws and action at the next meeting~ "RESOLVED, that Articl e I, Section 2, of the By-Laws be amended by del eting t he figure '$5.00' and substituting t herefor the fi.gurc v •i 10 . 009; c1nd be i t further · RESOLVED, that Art icle II, Section l, of t he By-Laws be amended ·to delete the figur e 1$1.00 ' ad substituting theref or the figure ' ~2. 00' • 11 President Morris announced the need for the f or mation ~ f certain committees to carry on the busines s of the Association, to study and report on matters of vital i n·er est for further 2ction of the Delegates. MOTION made, seconded anrl carried t hRt Committees on Membership, - l -

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Legislation, Publi city and Area·Closures be appointed by the President and their formation be fapproved, and that a committee ot one person be approved as a Parliamenta~ian. President Morris announced the follm-,ing appointments on the authorized-.___.., committees: Membership Committee~ Forrest Sheppa, Chairman; Ed Callahan, Louis Pope , Don Elmore . Legislati ve Committee ~ Edward Comes; Chairman; A. V. Neely, Monty Powell, Bud Hammers. Area Closures Committee~ I Berg Ashley, K. W. Collins, Loren Hagler, and Richard Thomas . Publicity Comm_i'ttee ~ Edward Comes , Chairman; Harold Krabbenhoft, Richard Thomas , Clay Larson. Parliamentarian: Louis Pope . MOTION made , seconded and passed to recess f or twenty mi nutes. (Meeting recessed from 11~00 a .m., untll 11 :20 a.m.) President Morris called the meeting to or der~ain and called on the delegates to give ideas as to the conduct of the Associati on . Ed Comes stated that all association member s9 decorum must be such that it would be an example to others~in order to preser ve the hi gh ideals of the Association. Bill Sanders of Monterey reported they have cleanup campaigns, cleaning up litter, and for their effort wer e awarded a citation by the Seaside American Legion Post. Next meeti ng place and time discussed. Bill Sanders of Monterey invited the Ass oc i ation to meet at Monterey and suggested some fish might be dug up f or the occasion . Souther n California delegates suggested t he har ds hip in the long t ravel necessary to meet .. farther north. MOTION made , seconded and carried that the next Association meeting be held in Bakers~ield, with the alternate as Monter ev. Forrest Sheppa promised to see about arrang0nents for a meeting pl ace in Bakersfield. MOTION MADE, seconded and carried that Committees meet at ~:00 p~m;, Saturday, June 20, 1°59, and that the Delegates meet a t ~: 00 a.m., Sunday, June 21, 1050 . E~ Callohan dj_scussed a decal for the Associati on a nd s howed proposed drawings for an Assoc iation seal and decal. MOTION made and seconcted to·accept drawing wi t h col or changes and putting in !!I(eep Caljf ornia Green", making color s dar k green above, light green below. Motion withdrawn. MOTION made, seconded and carried that Ed Callahan be appointed Chairman and allowd to select his own committee to investig~t ~ identification~~ the Association anrl report recommendation to the next meeting . MOTION made , seconded and carried to·adiour n. (Meeting adjourned at 12:30 o9clock, p.m. ) - 2 -

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CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF JEEP CLUBS Income~ BUDGET 1959 - 1960 Initiation fees, 12 clubs at $5.00 per club Dues, 300 vehicl~s at $1.00 per vehicle Total income Expenses: Treasurer's Bond Telephone expense (officers) Stationery, Printing, supplies Travel expenses, officers, 2 meetings at ,20.00 each Incorporation expense Surplus of Income over Expenses $ 60.00 300.00 $ 360.00 10.00 25.00 100.00 160.00 50.00 $ 33 5. 00 25.00 This is the budget approved·and authorized by the Delegates at the meeting in Tulare, April 19, 1959. J

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CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF JEEP CLUBS MEETING AGENDA --------Saturday~ June 20,1959, Hacienda Motel, Bakersfield: Committee meetings. All committee~, to meet and discuss their subjects and prepare. :recommendations to pnisent to the general meeting Sunday. The fol'lowini is a suggested agenda of subjects each committee should consider~ MEM.BERSHIP COMMITTE~: (Forrest Sheppa, Chairman) Member·ship :Ldentifica ti on, clubs and individual. Review of applications for membership. Promotion of new members. LEGISLATIVE COMMIT'rEE~ (Ed Comes, Chairman) Setting up contact with· Federal and State lawmaking agencies relating to our activities. Consider any pertinent before ·theseagencies. Prepare means of opposing or approving legifillation affecting clubs. AREA CLOSURES COMMITTEE (Chairman to be elected by the committee) Consideration of the overall area closures problem. Study existing closed area and propo~als for possi~le reopening. Study proposal3 for closing new areas, Prepare recommendations for action in. these matters. PUBLICITY COMMITTEE~ (Ed Comes, Chairman) Set up method of distributing publicity to the proper places. Lay out regular program of publicity. Cooperate with all committees and member clubs in matters of publicity. Discussion of Association History, which would contain clippings on publicity, photos, ~tc., covering activities and programs of the Associat~on. ' Anyone interested in discussing any matter before any of these committees is cordially invited to attend these meetings. Meeting rooms will be assigned to the1 committees after reaching the motel and the location of committ :ee meeting places will be publicized. The association's program can best be gotten underway by concrete proposals which come from these committee meetings, so we urge your attendance.

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CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF JEEP CLUBS ..__/ MEErrING AGENDA Sunday, June 2l p 19599 Hacienda Motel, Bakersfield. --..._____/ -.,___., 9:00 a~~-~ General meeting. Meeting called to order by President Steve Morris. Reading and approval of the minutes. Correspondence Treasurers9 Repor t . Proposed amendment to the By-Laws. Committee Reports~ Membership Legislative Area Closures Publicity." Other reports9 Special report on Association Emblem by Ed Callahan. Old Business. New Business. Consideration of the meeting place for the August meeting. Adiour1nment.

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--.___,_/ California Association of Jeep Clubs Second Regular Meeting Lanai Room, Hacienda Motel, Bakersfield, California. Sunday, June 21, 1959, 9:20 ~.m. MINUTES PRESIDENT STEVE MORRIS called the Second Regular Meeting of the Cali~ornia Association of Jeep Clubs to order-tn the Lanai Room, Hacienda Motel, Bakersfield, California, at 9:20 oftlock, a.m., Sunday, June 21, 1959. All officers of the Association were present. The roll call of delegates, with the following being present: Tulare County Four "Wheel Drive Club LERC Four Wheel Drive Club Hillhoppers Chuckwalla Jeep Club Desert Foxes Sacramento Jeepers Orange County Four "Wheelers El Dor~do Jeepherders 4-Wheel Drive Club of Monterey Peninsula Richard D. Thomas Lewis G. Moore Louis Pbpe A. V. Neel y Ed Callahan William R. Powell Kenneth Miller Harold Krabbenhoft Bill Souder~3 Only one club did not have a delegate present, that being the Sidewinder Jeep Cruise from Indio. Guests and interested visi.ters from member clubs were as follows~ Ray Austin, 1349 Metz , Seaside. Ruth Nixon~ 2302 Hill Street. Santa Monica Emil Nixon, 2302 Hill Street; Santa Monica: Clarence and Beverly-Weiss; 11148 Greenlawn Ave, Culver City. Garland and Pat Peed• 44g Puerto del Mar, Pacific Palisades. Ida Pope, 21169 Hathawayj Hayward. Viola Austin~ 1349 Metz Avenue; Monterey. Henrietta Souders, Monterey. Bud Hammers, Route lll Box 773, Visalia. Shirley Hammers, Route l,·Box 663, Visalia~ Edward Comes9 c/ o Buttell, 21}0 N. Lamer St., Burbanko MOTION made and sec ended that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as printed and sent to t he clubs.· Motion carried. A letter from the Sidewinder Jeep Cruise (!ndio Fire Department), noti-fying the· association of its desire to joir,1-.and wishing to be a charter member of the association; letter from the.Capital City Jeep Club of Sacramento, were read.

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--._/ Treasurer Bill Morrison reported on the bills which had been paid since the last meeting; and reported there was a balance of $80.09 left in the checking account, but that a large amount of dues had been collected at the meeting and wouid put the checking account in much better shape. MOTION made, seconded and carried that the Treasurers report be accepted" The proposed amendmm t to the by-laws which had been sept~. -t;:.9_ all .member clubs was read by President Morris, and after some discussion, President_ Morris called fo~ a roll call vote on acceptance of the by-law changes.~ Nine clubs voted in favor of the thange in the by~laws, none voted agains MOTION made, seconded and carried that dues from new clubs joining the Association be paid to the nearest six months ·period based upon the present membership at the time of joining; ie, six months and one day or more pay a full. year Y s dues; five month·s, 29 days or less pay one-half of a full year's dues. MOTION made , seconded and carried that the amendment to the By-laws relating to raising the dues and initiation fee be effective immediately, and that the present member clubs pay the balance of the dues and initiation fee0based on the membership at the time of joining. MOTION made , seconded and carried that it be the POLICY of the Association that dues to the Association shall be based on member club membership as of January 1st of each year • ..._/ President Morris called for reports of committees~ MEMBERSHIP. COMMI1'.TEE ~ ( Forrest Shep pa, Chairman) Mr. Sheppa Discussed ways and means of getting new clubs to join the State Association and declared that his committee would continue to work on a membershj_p program. Presented to the delegates tvrn fonms of Membership Application and asked that the delegates look them over and chose one as the official membership application f orm. LgGISLATIVE COMMITTEE~ ( Ed Comes, Chair1~a!1) I--'Ir. Comes reported the Legislative Committee is still work1ing on or gar:.izing a program for Association work in the Legislative fie~d. He reported that he is attempting to get further informat ion on the '~ilderness Areas' bill now in Congress to see how these areas might affect owners of Jee,s. Until t he legislation could be further ~nalyzed, i t was difficult to tell whether we should approve or oppose t he legislation. . A~EA CLOSURES C0r1_MITTE~~ (1/Hllia;ri R. Powell., Chairman) Mr: Powell discussed recent developments on the Area Closures problem and reported on the recent jeep trip in the El Dorado National Forest with members of the Forest Service i n which areas of damage by vehicles was pointed out and reported on the discussion had with forest officials relating to the problems of meadows gouged up by vehicular traffic. For the information of the delegates, Mr. Powell read a letter from Dr. Howard Bliss of Placerville wr:L tten-to Senator Clair Engle in Wa:3hington rela-ting to the closures problem, and then read the correspondence by Senator _._,,,, Engle with Forest Service Headquarters in Washington, and the letters received by him and forwarded to Dr . Bliss of Forest Service policy in - 2 -·

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the matter of Area Closures. Mr. Powell then gave recommendations his committee had arrived at for further action by the Association on the closur e problem, which were as follows~ ----J L That a letter of information be prepared setting forth the facts covering this entire problem of area closures to-:be sent to all ieep owners in the clubs. 2. That an investigation be conducted of areas closed 0-r proposed to be closed and that letters relating to the same be sent to Congressmen. · .. ·." ·.,. -3. That basic rules for the decoJJum of operators of vehicles , ... inthe national forests be set up and that negotiations be had with the Forest Service for inclusion of these rules in fire permits. Discussion followed on this entire problem. MOTION made , seconded and carried to approve the program of the Area Closures Committee as outlined by Mr. Powell. MOTION made ~ seconded and carried that the Association develop and and have printed pertinent signs or placards relating to keeping vehicles out of wet high meadows where damage is now being done by vehicle travel, and that the placards and signs be posted in cooperation with the Forest Service in areas of damage; that the Assoc~ation develop and have printed small windshield stickers with the Association seal on t~ front-and appropriate "Rules of the Road for Forest Travel" on the reverse, the cost for the entire program not to exceed $25.00. Forrest Sheppa stated he wished to put up $25.00 to support this program, and the donati on was gratefully received by the Association. PUBLIQ.fil COMMITTEE;~ ( Ed Comes, Chairman) JVIr ~ Comes reported on a proposed program of publicity for the Association, and that he was goi ~ to work with the Area Closures committee inorder to affor d the widest possible publicity to this problem. He also asked that individual clubs furnish hi m with local interesting items that might be used in statewi de publicity. President Morris appointed William Powell of Sacramento Chai rman of the Area Closures Committee. In or der to light~n the l oad on Ed Comes, who has been chairman of two committ~es, President Morris relieved him of, Chairmanship of the Legislative Committee and appointc:Jd. in his stead Bud Hammers f rom Visalia. MOTION made j seconded and carried that the form entitled 11Applicati·on for Membership" be adopted as the official form of the Association for member ship applications. MOTION made~ seconded and carried that the budget item entitled vv Treasurer 9 s Bondvv be increased to ~\15. 00 upon the report of the Treasurer that a one year bond cost was $10.00, while :the same bond for a three year period was only $1 5 .00. MOTION made, seconded and carried that th~ rental of the Lanai Room for the meetings at Bakersfield be paid.

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-....._/ "'---.../ ____ / President Morris called on Ed Callahan to make his report on his investi-gation of a suitable emblem and seal for the State Association. Mr. Callahan passed around a proposed emblem o Discussion ensued. MOTION made , seconded and carried that the Emblem presented by Mr. Callahan be accepted as the official emlDlem and sE~al of the California Association of Jeep Clubs. MOTION made , seconded and-carried that the newly ado;pt,~;d,,_ emblem be made of license tab material, and that 500 of the emblems be ordered for delivery as soon as possible for resale to member clubs ordering them ii 50¢ eacho MOTION made , seconded and carried to authorize the Treasurer to purcha-and pay for 500 a~proved emblems of the Association and to resell to Association members at 50¢ each. MOTION made to limit emblems to two per jeep. Died for lack of a seco1 MOTION made, seconded and carried to allow members to purchase all emblems desired. MOTION made9 seconded and carried that i t be left up t o individual memberclubs as to display of and disposal of emblems. MOTION made9 seconded and carried that the Treasurer be authorized to purchase 500 emblems and resell at 50¢ each. MOTION made, seconded and carried tha.t the Membershi. Committee inves-tigate copyrighting the emblem so that i!ts unauthorize' · se can be controlledo MOTION made , seconded and carried that the Thi.rd Reg-.1.1.=ir Meeting be held at Monterey on August 29th and 30th, with the admo~ition that even in August it will be nippy in Monterey and that coats 2 ~ bedrolls be brought along. Bill Souders stated that a free dinner will be put on f or the delegates and their guests on Saturday night, ~· gust 29th, and promises a bang-up time for all who attend. Upon a motion·to adjourn, President Morris adjourned the meeting at 12:15 o'clock, p.m.

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CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF JEEP CLUBS MEE'.fING AGENDA Saturday, &ugust 29g 1959: 6:00 pam. Fish fry QQ the beach, compliments of the Fp~-r-Jifueel -Drive Club of Monterey Peninsula. Go to Biff's Restaurant located at Playa and Del Monte in Seaside for directions on how to get to the beach. Biff's Restaurant will be headquarters for the Association for information and directions of all kinds. 8 ~ 3 0 p. m. Commi. ttee meeting§_. These will be held in a meeting room in Bi:ff9s Restaurant after the fish fry. The following committees will meet, and your attendance is urged: Membership (Forrest Sheppa, Chairman) Le12;isla ti ve ( Bud Hammers, Visalia, Cha:Lrman) i Area Closur~s (Bill Powell, Sacramento, Chairman) Publicity (Ed Comes, Burbank~ Chairman) ~undav, August 30, 1959: ' ...____,, . ....._ ' ~~00 a.m. Assocjation :business meeting \' Call to orderr"·---.. ( : \ Reading and approval of the minutes .~v...... ~ Corr~spo1;dence • .!...... . ./ ~Applications for membership • 7 Treasurer's report·.~-- --~ Committee Reports: --'------,;Membership. - -_Legislative. -----Area Closures •. ---~ Publicity. Other Reports. Old business New Business. Consideration of the meeting place fon the October meeting. Adjournment .. (Delegates are reminded they must have their delegate credential form properly filled out by their club and they must be handed to the Secretary to entitle you to vote at this meeting. -(Remember that you MUST ARRANGE YOUR OW1N ACCOMMODATIONS to attend this meeting. Monterey is providing space! for those hardy souls who prefer camping and -using sleeping bags on the beach. For the others contact Reiny Lamm, Box 364P Seasidep for motel reservations •

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CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF ~JEEP CLUBS REVISED BUDGET August 30, 19'5°9 1959 1960 ESTIMATED INCOME~ -Initiation fees, 15 clubs at $10.00 each club Dues, 300 vehicles at $2.00 per vehicle (full year) Dues, 50 vehicles at ~il. 00 per vehicle ( half year) Donation by Forrest Sheppa for poster printing Sale of Association Decals, 500 @50¢ each Total income ESTIMATED EXPENSES~ Treasurer9s· Bond . Telephone expense (officers) Stationery, printing, supplies, postage Travel expenses, officers, 2 meetings at Travel expenses, officers, 3 meetings at Incorporation expense $20.00 each $25.00 each Miscellaneous Committee expenses Purchase of Association Decals Total expenses Surplus of income over expenses, 2/1/60 TREASURER9S INTERIM REPORT (Date Income~ Initiation fees Dues, full year Dues, half year Donations Sale of decals Other income (specify) Expenses~ Treasurer1s Bond Telephone expenses -----Stationery, printing, supplies, postage Travel expenses, officers, 2 meetings at $20.00 Travel expenses, officers, 3 meetings at :$25.00 Incorporation expense Miscellaneous Committee expenses Purchase of association decals. each each " ._ ... ··.,., --Other authorized expenses by Association action (Specify) J '-----' Balance on hand i n the Treasury as of --------,• $ . 150.00 600.00 . 50. 00 25.00 250.00 $1,075.00 $ 15.00 35.00 150.00 160.00 300.00 50.00 2~.00 30.00 250.00 $1,015.00 $ 60.00

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CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF JEEP CLUBS REVISED BUDGET 1959 ,,, 1960 EST IMA TED INCOME~ · Initiation fees, 15 clubs at $10000 each club Dues; 300 vehicles at $2000 per vehicle (full year) Dues, 50 vehicles at $1000 per vehicle (half· year) Donation by Forrest Sheppa·for post er printing Sale of Association Decals, 250 @50¢ each ~· Total ESTIMATED EXPENSESg Treasurervs Bond Telephone ~xpense (officers) Stationery, printing, ·supplies, postage Travel expenses; officers, 2 Travel expenses, officers, 3 meetings at Incorporation expense Miscellaneous Committee expenses Purchase of Association Decals ._______.., Surplus of income over expenses9 2/ 1/ 60 TREASURER9S INTERIM REPORT Income~ Initiation Fees Rues; full year Dues, half year Donations Sale of decals Other income (specify) E.xpehsesg Treasurer?s Bond (Date_. _________ ) Telephone expe.nses . Total Stationery, printing~ supplies, postage Travel expenses; off:Lcers; ;~ meetings @$20 .. (l)() each Travel expenses, officers~ 3 meetings @$25.GO each Incorporation expense Miscellaneous Committee expenses Purchase of association decals Other authorized expenses by association action (Specify) -alance on ha nd in the treasury as of '--------$ .. , $ 150~00 600~00 50000 25. Ob ·,-· +24-.-:00 't.. --9..§G-... ~O I 15. 00 ,,. 3 5. 00.., 150.00 ~ 160.00--, I 300.00 / 50.00 25. 00 ✓ 300 00 ti a. 2-5 .Oel t ,, ( .,, $ --8,9() .. ;-~0 I \, $ 60000 ------

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Califo:irnia Associatio nof Jeep Clubs Third Regular Meeting Biff's Restaurant, Seaside~ Califor ni a Sunday, August 30.9 1959, 9~20 aom, MINUTES ----PRESIDENT STEVE MORRIS called the Third R~gular meeting· of the Californi°:. Association of Jeep Clubs to order i n Biff's Restaurant, Seasi de , California, at 9:20 o'clock, acm., Sunday, August 30, 1959. All officers, with the exception of Vice Presj_dent Forrest Sheppa were present. l:,.911 was1 caJled. o~1 ?ele1;;ates, w_~th. the ,f"O"> ~'-'·,Yt.. .,c .. ·:-·•·, .. :; <L..,ft: ... , . .,,. .:.. - · • --"-~ <,_,.,,_t/.. c.f>, /((!}!,c (,,l. ,. Chuckwalla · Jeep Club ·' ... -,.. v,,.~/ -Desert Foxes '.' El Dorado Jeepherders Monterey 4-Wheel Drive Club Hillhoppers . // -,:. ~rt·,.. ·" <. *Hilltoppers J LERC 4-Wheel drive club Sacramento Jeepers Tulare County 4--wheel dri ve club ··-T~adj i · '----":' . . being present~ Don Elmore Dennis M. Yates Harold Krabbenhoft Bill Souders Ida Pope Clarence Weiss Ed Comes Wi.lliam R. Powell Bud Hammer s Geo F. Weiss (* -New clubs whose membership applications were approved at the Monterey meeting.) The Hemet Cavalcaders, Orange County 4-Wheelers and t ~e Sidewi nders Jeep Cruise did not have delegates present. A number of guests and 1risitors were present, in luding representatives of the Four Whe.el drive club of F'resno. MOTION made and seconded that the minutes be corrected of the previous meeting, to have the number One point under the Area Closures Committee repor t read~ 11It is recommended that a letter of information covering t:he pending problems of area closure on Government land be drafted and sent ·to all owners of 4WD Vehicles, informing them of the State organization and the action being proposea and taken by the State Association'': to further correct ·the minutes to show that the Hemet Cavalcaders did not have a delegate present at the Bakersfield meeting; and that the minutes of the Bakersfield meeting be accepted, as corrected. Motion carried. Correspondence received fromt he Four Wheel D~ive Club of Fresno was read. The applications for membership received from the Hilltoppers Jeep Club of Manhattan Beach and the Hadii jeep Club of Los Angeles were read. MOTION made, seconded and carried that the Hilltoppers Jeep Club be '----'accepted as members of the Astrnciation. Unanimous acceptance was indicated by the roll call·vote. ' :... 1 -

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MOTION made , seconded and carried that the Hadii Jeep Club be accepted as members of the Association. Unanimous acceptance was indicat~d by the roll call vote. Treasurer Bill Morrison reported on the bills which had been paid since the last meeting and the dues received from member clubs since the last meeting. He reported that exclusive of several bills which would be paid 9t the Monterey meeting, the treasury had a balance of $5e1.19, ~ MOTION made, seconded and carried that the➔ Treasurer v-3 -:ne,rrort he accepted. Committee reports were then called for by President Morris, and the follow-ing is in general the report of the committees~ MEMBERSHIP COJ\flMITTEE~ Don Elmore, Chairman pro tern in the absence of Forrest Sheppa reported he had not much report. President Morris repartee he had handed material to the committee for their help. A discussion on membership problems followed, and a number of points were pai:;sed onto the committee for their considEiration. LEG~SLATIVE COMMITTEE~ (Bud Hammers:1 Chairman) Mr.Hammers sug-gests that the Association can help member clubs incorporate by havi ng incorporation forms available to the clubs from the Secretary and that we can also give information and help on copy~ighting emblems . Mr. Hammers indicates procedures should be worked out and circularized among member clubs dealing with entering and traveling in restricted areas. It was poj_nted out that should member clubs be asked to write their Congressmen and Senators in support of or opposing legislative matters, -.._/,"-..../ the matter should first be brought t o the Association vs attention for approval or disapproval. , The secretary raised the question~ Should the roster of membership be available to outsiders, and on what basis? The secretary expressed the feeling the membership could be cli.sclosed to no one without ~,pecific and express authority of the Association. Disoussion ensued on the matter. 'rhe foll-owing motions were presented by the Legislative Cammi ttee ~ MOTION MADE, sE3conded and carried tha.t THE STATE ASSOCIATION MAY NOT GIVE OUT NAMES OF INDIVIDUALS OF MEMBER CLUBS, IN THAT SUCH LISTS ARE THE PROPERTY ONLY OF THE INDIVIDUAL CLUB;; that upon receiving such a request, the State Secretary will forward the request to the member club or clubs for disposition.· MOTION made, seconded and carried that the STATE ASSOCIATION MAY RELEASE NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF MEMBER CLUBS UPON 1JJRITTEN REQUEST TO THE SECRETARY. At his discretion the Secretar y may release the names of the · member clubs where such release would assist the Association in Publicity, Membership or in other simj_lar manner. PUBLICITY COMMIT1'EE~ (Ed Comes, Chairman)/\)pMr, Comes reports he is now compiling a list of magazines and newspaperslthat publicity can be sent to, and askes all clubs for information on loc11 activities in indivi-dual areas so that it can he disseminated statewide. Mr. Comes also asks that club secretaries advis0 him of their ]ocal papers so he may for ward publicity to them. · Relating to activities by local clubs, Bill Souders showed to the '----",,J grou:p a plaque received from the Seaside Parade in recognition for their services as para~e marshalls. The Tulare club reports they will be para~e -· 2 -

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....__,, Peed presen-to. They defined Definition be presented to th~ Association for furth~~ action. Mrs. ted certain questions she felt an~wers shouid be obtained i~cluded: Is there no time limit in the ~osterity period i n the bill? Why is there no provision for enforcement? of the. ao day default provision~ As the bill now ~xiSts; the commitbee suggests opposition to. the B:Lll. MOTION made , second~d and caffi~d that the Legisiative Bommittee be authorized to proceed. with such action as they de~~ hecessary ~0d proper as to the Wilderness Bill, 3 ... 1123 o •. ·" · .•. - · Discussion was had to the ·fact the Association has· no permanent mailing address ahd that th~te is a need for a mailing address to which matetial may be sent. It was pointed out they Asso~ ciation should be on some mailing lists for receiving i nforma tion.on various subiects of interest to the members , and with oat some per manen· address to ~eceive it9 it could not be pr ope rly disseminated. In view o.f the fact the Legislative Commitee had no definite answer on the sub.iect, President Morri s asked the Legislative Committee to further consider the sub~ect and come up with a definit e proposal for vote at the next meeting. MOTION made9 seconded and carried that the TreasurerYs Report be accepted~ MOTION MADEJI seconded and carried that the bi.lls be paid. MOTION MADEP seconded and carried that the minutes ac• ..... read of the previous meeting be approved. PUBLICITY COMMITTEE~ Ed Comes, Chairmanj) reported that work on publicity has gone forward and that publicity releases have been made. Mr. Comes .also reported on the proposed 49ver1s trip in Death Valley on November 7 and a, and invited participation. AREA CLOSURES COMMITTEE~ William Powell> Chairman, read and discussed the letter prepared by the Committee for forwar ding to the Chief of Forestry in Washington on behalf of the California Association of Jeep Clubs and signed by the President relating to Area Closure policies of the Forest Services and making certa~n proposals for correct i ng some of the faults of the present procedures. The letter was dated 15 October 1.9 59. Mr. Powell suggested that we could btrnt now sit back and see what happens and wait for the Forest Service to take furth~r action. Discussion Wijs had relating to certain closures in the South, particularly in the Los Podres National F'orest by ranchers on Governmeni land. It was reported the road from Soda Springs to French Meadows in the Tahoe National Forest was all but obliterated by logging operations in that area~ and that Jack Ruthevin from Placerville would futther investigate. Some information was given relative to a closed area in a - 3 -

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, .. : ?resno bombin-range, but the information was s ltchy and further investigation would be made . Repor t was macio an the pr oposal to get out an information lntter to all 4WD drive vehicle owners, and particularly as to how ~o finance such a program. _A sugge stibri was made that Forest Service facilities might be available for printi ng the l\etters and to ha!e the Ass ociation ol" clubEl distri'tute the letters. Further work will . be done on the proposal. · It was r eported t hat Senator Engle was fi~hting the acquisition of further bombing range land by the Navy. · · -none . i President Morris t hen called for any old ~usiness. I There was Under New businessp President Movris appo "nted a ,Special Committee on Dr. Tom Dooley, relating t o a propo al. to give some aid to his work . in the Far East. Appointed ~;o the clommi ttee were Wil11am Powell, Cha1rman; Ed Callahan; George . . Geor ge Campbell, El Dorado J eepherders, WfS appofuted to r eplace Ken Collins on the Area Closures Committee. The Secretary was inst r ucted to including[ in the next mailing to clubs a new list of member clubsp, their addrerses, Committees and their mai l i ng addresses. 1 MOTION made, seconded and carried that thb Secretary be instructed to f orm1)late an informational booklet on procedures for formation and i ncorporation of a ieep club for dissemination t1o interested persons or groups. · President Morris appointed the Nominating! Committee pursuant' to the By-l aws to consist of~ A. V. Neely, Cha.irlman; Bud Hammers, Louis Pope . A letter was read from t he Deser t Foxes, .phuckwallas and Orange Cou~ty 4-wheelers inviting the Assoti~ti on t o hol d its December meeting at Knotts Berry Farm and promising a good time fbr all who could attend on December 12th and 13th. I · MOTION made , seconded and carried to accept the invitation of the Desert Foxes, Chuckwallas and Orange Count y 4-wheelers to meeting at Knotts Berry Farm December 12th and 13th. MOTION made, seconded and carried t hat th, Cal~ornia Association of Jeep Clubs extends its gratitude and thanks t ~ Dana Motors, Ken , Collins and Diener Motors for their hospitality t n providing the _ buffet supper on Saturday evening, and the breakfast on Sunday, and also to Ken Moyer, Willys California Region reprmsentative, and for pi eking up the tab therefor; and t hanks to be ex'· ended to the Sacrarr.e nto Jeepers for their hospitality during the meeting in Sacramento. Forrest Sheppa reported on the Co~orado J ep trip, and disseminated information on a new carburetor for high altitud: work. President Morris adiourned the me~ting at 12:00 noon. - 4 -

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....___ CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF JEEP CLUBS NOTICE OF MEETING DATE CHANGE -----------r--·----Due to unforeseen circumstances it has been found to be /mpossible to have the next meeting on October 17th and 18th. This has been due not only to mechanical difficulties of getting a meeting place set up, but also that there are certain matters for Association attention that will not be ready for presentation at that time. After consultation with the Officers of the Associa-tion, we have decided to postpone,the meeting for one weekj so that the regular meeting of the Association will be held in SacramErnto on Sat'!J,irda y and Sunday, October 24th and 25th. A regularimeeting notice along with the agenda for the meeting will be sent to all clubs by the Secretary. REMEMBER: Set aside OCTOBER 24th & 25th for t1.e meeting. Steve !Morris, President, Califqrnia Association of Jeep Clu·bs •

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CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF JEEP CLUBS MEETI NG AGENDA The Sacramento Jeepers and El Dorado Jeepherders invite all clubs~to attend the regular meeting of the Association to be held Sat4r¢av, October 24th, and Sunday, October 25th, at the Sacramento rnri fh Sacramento. Saturday, October 24, 1?59; / 7~00 p.m. Registration.✓ 7:30 p.m. Call to order. Introductions. Floor opened for· new. business and discussion of Association problems. This is to be brief and intended for bringing up subjects which will usually be referred to standing committees. After this discussion the committees will meet as follows~ 1. Membership (Ed Callahan, Chairman) (a) Membership drive. 2. Legislative Committee, (Bud Hammers, Chairman) (a) Further discussion on Wilderness Bill. 3. Publicity Committee. ( Ed Comes, Chairman) ---------(a) Inter.-;.,sociation news bulletin. l ,,...------ C 4. ·Area Closures Committee. (William Powell, Chairman) (a) Presentation of suggested formal proposal to be made to U. S. Forest Service. '-....,../ / (b) Education program. (c) Posted Bombing ranges i n Southern California. 10~00 p.m. It is conceded all these subjects are of an extremely weighty and knotty variety; and at about this time these meetings will be wound up in order to engage in libations both liquid and solid in the form of Cocktails and a Buffet Supper through the courtesy of the following very fine dealers in the Sacramento and Placerville areas. They invite all their customers and friends to attend. DANA MOTORS, 2444 Marconi Avenue, Sacramento, Calif. !\EN COLLINS 232 Main Street, Placerville, Calif. DIENER MOTORS, Roseville, Calif~ Representatives of these Jeep agencies will be on hand just in case anybody might want to talk about new jeeps, fish, the weather, fur-nishing guide service for deer hunting, ducks or women. - 1 -

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'---' CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF JEEP CLUBS MEETING AGENDA Sunday, October 12_, 195G; .Sacr amento Inn, Sacramento. 8~30 a .m. Ham· and Egg Breakfast guaranteed to make you~ fac·e the ·day with courage, especially since it is courtesy of Dana Motors, Ken_ Collins and Diener Motors, Jeep dealers in the Sacramento area. . •✓ 9~30 a.m. Meeting called to order./ Reading of the Minutes. Correspondence. Applications for membership.✓ Treasurervs Report. I Committee Reports~ 1. Membership Committee • ./. 2. Legislative Committee. 3. Publicity Committee. ✓ ./ 4. Area Closures Committee. v Old Business. New Business. Appointment of a nominating committee. '-.,../ Consideration of the meeting· place for December meeting. _,,, 12 ~ 00 nonn -Adjournment. "-....../ .._/ Delegates are Teminded they must have their delegate credential form properly filled out by their club and they must be filed with the Secretary before you are entitled to vote at this meeting. REMEMBER THAT YOU MUST ARRANGE YOUR OWN ACCOMMODATIONS, especially sleeping arrangements. For those who want motel ·or hotel rooms reserved, call or write Steve-Morris, 251 Sandberg Drive, Sacramento, phone GL 5-8465; or Bill Powell, 5264 Minerva Ave, Sacramento, phone GL 5-9433. If you fly up, call either Steve or Bill and they will arrange for transpor.tation from the ai-rport to the Sacramento Inn for you. If you are driving,· this map may be helpful on how to find the Sacramento Inn~ ---------...-; _ ,1 Turn off at ARDEN WAY 1 ·· ~-. 4 ...... =~-To San Francisco ·: :· - - ·-- --...._o~.P--- ··-----·-·--···•:. _____ · .f • Free,ay to ·;;;_~/ / Tsaci<imeiito ; ,r ·-..... -, f ,,,,__ _ _..:: -:- · I f .__., /-1{_· . -= ... /-I / )''·.· -· i • ,-f • ..,....( .• .,"f I J 'f-:-To /Stockton I ' • . I . . ,Roseville. ,\ · ,n · Inn , !..,;---------=----____ ...__ ~=----i ' I I l I \ I SEARS-ROEBUCK STORE ·-----------·---' If you get lost, call Steve or Bill for guide service--------------------- 2 -

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( "----., -California Association of Je-ep Clubs Fourth Regular Meeting. Sacramento Inn» Sacramento, California. Sunday, October 25, 1959 MINUTES i'h . .c.;SIDENT STEVE MORRIS called the Fourth Regular meetin·g -:of ... -the C-ali..: fornia Association of Jeep Clubs to order in the Sacramento Inn, S8cramento, California, at 9:40 o'clock, a.m., Sunday, October 25, 1Q59. The Pledge of Allegiance was given by the assemblage. _r2asurer William Morrison was the only officer absento In such matters as he could1 A. V. Neely acted in his behalf. r~oll was called of the delegates, with the foll owing being present ~nd credentialed~ Chuckwalla Jeep Club Desert Foxes Mo:--,terey 4-Wheel Drive Club Pi.11 toppers LE?.C 4-Wheel drive club· S:1cramento Jeepers 7ulare County 4-wheel drive club Had ii . Don Elmore Ed Callahan Bill Souders Garland Peed Ed Comes William R. Powell Bud Hammers Leo Weiss Jeep clubs without a delegate present were El Dorado Jeepherders, l~Gmet Cavalcaders, Hillhoppers, Orange County 4-wheelers, Sidewind~rs Jeep Cruise. A number of visitors and guests partook of the bountiful breakfast provided by the gener osity of the Jeep dealers in the Sacramento and s11rrounding area. including Dana Motors, Sacramento; Ken Collins, Placerville: and Diener Motorsg Roseville. • Felt from Willys Corporation was present at the meeting as an observer. The minutes of the Seaside meeting were read. ~nere was no corr~spondence • . , . re were no new applications for membership. A. V. Neely acted pro-tern for Treasurer William Morrison in giving the rPD□rt of the breasurer. The treasury was indicat ed to have a bal~nce of'.$565.61., \ Committee reports were then called for by President Morris,· and the _ollowing is i n general the report of the committees: I ' . MEMBERSHIP COMMI'l'TEE: Ed Ca1lahan,, Chairman, asked Mrs. Sheppa, who acted as Secretary oTthe committee,. to read their minutes to the r.1eet ingu The committee recommended that the By-laws be amended to

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'-.J-------_,/ '--...-, pr ovide for four Association m~etings in 1960j with the meetings divided between the South, North, Central and Coast sections. It was also their _recommendation that that the By-laws be amended to provide for proxy voting on the part of delegates. The membership committee reported they favored the proposal of having the December meeting at Knott's Berry Farm. Discussion was had by t he delegates relating to membership matters~ Bill Souders reported on the situation in Monterey and Carmel as to possible membership recruiting. Forrest Sheppa reported on membership a cti vi ties.• _,. President Morris then called for consideration of tre Members-hip Committee proposals. ·., -:· .. _,._,_ · 1. To have four meetings in 1960 and three meetings of the Association in the ~ears thereafter. MOTION made• seconded and carried that th~ Sectetary be instructed to prepare an a~endment to the By~l aws to amehd Article VIa Section 1, to provide for four (4) Association meetings in 1960 and for three meetings in the years thereafter; effecti ve February 1, 1960. 2. That proxy voting by the delegates be allowed. Considerable discussion ensued on this proposal. MOTION made, seconded and carried by a 6 - 2 vote, that the Secre-tary be instructed to prepare an amendment to the By-laws to allow proxy voting by amending Article V of the By-laws A motion was made to amend the above motion to provide that any one club would be entitled to hold no more than one proxy vote at a meeting. T'rrG"--mot-io-n---died --f.or--·--l:a-c-k--0-f-a-se--c-ond-. /)'\.,>tl~N :c; •:-'c.·e-,.1-'> 1~ ;'.} •f-CA,.-, r-., ,'::: i) Cc· l!.1.! l~ ,~ C ;-(:?, 1> I,, I ( '!, I 5,, /Y11? ,;.·,-1,v0 ) 3. That Association meetings be spread out over the state on a division of South, NorthP Central and Coast. MOTION made, seconded and carried that it be the POLICY of the Association that meetings should be spread out in ,,arious areas of the State on a division of $outh, North, Central and Coast. Mr. Callahan then brought up the matter of offering some t ype of associate memberships or individual membership to those wl10 were unwilling or unable to join·existing or new clubs. Discussion was had both for and against the matter, and since no definite proposal was advanced for carrying out the proposal, President Morris re-referred the matter t o the Membership committee for a definite written proposal for re-presentation to another meeting. The Fresno closure problems underwent further dissection an4 analysis for the information of those present. LEGISLATIVE COMMI'rTEE: Bud Hammers, Chairman, reported the report on i ncorporations procedures and $Gthods had been presented officially to the club by Mrs. Peed . The Wilderness Area hill was discussed. It was suggested that certain questions be-prei,ented to Senator Murray,, a sponso:r. of the bill, in relation to certain portions of·the bill and that the answers - 2 -

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The association is interested in all problems involving Jeeps and local clubs, and it is suggested any problems which might affect ieeps and ieepers on a statewide basis be brought befare the association for dis-'-...../ --cuss ion and action. --.__/ MOTION, made, seconded and carried that Treasurer Bill Morrison be authorized to purchase Association decals as needed up to 500 decals u~der the same purchase and sale provisions as have heretofore been.folrowed., MOTION made , seconded and carried that a letter of appre'ci"ation ·be sent to the Monterey Jeep Club ahd to Biff's Restaurant for their attent~orrr and courtesies to the Association during their meeting and for the fine fish fry on the beach. Under new business, the letter from the Fresno Jeep Club dated August 4th relating to the Area Closure problem was brought up. Mr. LeRoy Wills of Fresno was asked to discuss the matters in his letter, and whether or not he still wished the action asked for in the letter. MOTION made , seconded and carried that the letter of August 4th from the Fresno Jeep Club be referred to the Area Closures Committee for further action. Discusston was had as MOTION made , seconded Sacramento. MOTION MADE~ seconded October 17th & 18th, 1959. \ / MOTION made , seconded President Morris then to the next meeting place. and carried that the next meeting be held in and carried that the next meeting be held on am carried to ad i ourn. adiourned the meeting at 12:45 o9clock, p.m. -I+ -

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COPY COPY FOUR WHEEL DRIVE' CLUB OF MONTEREY PENINSULA BOX 3 64',-SEASIDE, CALIF'ORNIA JULY 14, 1959 CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF JEEP CLUBS, BOX 135, PLACERVILLg Dear Jeepers, The members of the Monterev Peninsul2. ,Jeep Cl ub ar e honor ed ahd delighted to host the aliforr_:i~ .ss cia ion of Jeep Clubs August 2?th an 30th. We are planni ng a fish frv on tr:.e e.s.c .. S2-· rH2' e .' around 6 P .M., hopi ng the Sa lrday business ... ee-:..r.,:,-a .. · e arranged around i t . Headquarters for tne · , eeker: · r..1:'.. l '::e 2iff i s Restaurant, located on Plava and Del~onte, in Seas:' . Bring your s leeping bags and have a n\ght o~ the· e.s.c~! Breakfast will be ser ved there before your Sunday business meeting at Biff9s. For those who wish mor e comforts, contact me for Motel r eser vat i ons. Please t r y to give me two weeks notice as to how many to expect for the weekend , as motels wi l l be crowded at that t ime on the Peni nsula. Sincerely, Heiny Lamm, Pres. / s/ Clara L. Peterson Clara Peterson, Secretar y Phone~ EXport 4-0608 (All ieep cl ubs are remi nded their member s attendi ng thi s meeti ng must make their own motel or hotel reservations, s o take care of this as soon as possible. Communicate with Mr. Lamm personall v as to your desives for accommo--dati ons. The agendas for the meetings will be built ar ound the t i mes indicated her ei n and wil l be forwarded at a later time. FOR THOSE WHO WANT MOTEL RESERVATIONS, DON9T WAIT--DO IT NOW!!ll! )

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'-..___,,, CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF JEEP CLUBS PUBLICITY BULLETIN Main topic of discussion at the recent Bakersfield meeting of ·the California Association of Jeep Clubs was the Area Closure policy of the National Forest Service~ Large areas of Califorhia National Forests have been closed to Jeep travel, resulting in prbtests against such restrictions~ When closute. of 20,000 acres of El Dorado National Forest was con-templated one member of the El Dorado Je~ph~rdets wrote a long letter to Se~ator Clair Engle appealin~ for information and aid. Senator Engle became interested and a large volume of correspondence passed between Senator Engle9s office➔ the National Forest Service and the El Dorado Jeepherders, bringing forth the following· facts~ _ 1. There has been no direct order from Washington regarding closed areas other than PRESERVE .AND PROTECT. -2. The methods and measures required to PRESERVE AND PROTECT are left to the discretion of the Head R·anger in charge of the area) subject to approval of the Regional Forester in San Fran·ciscd, The forest service felt that by arranging to speak at meetings of Jeep Clubs~ Rod and Gun Clubs a~d other interested gro~ps, their plan to PRESERVE AND PROTECT-by closing these large areas could be put into force. Through cooperation of the El Dotado Jeepherders and the Sacramento Jeepsters, the two largest Jeep clubs using the El Dorado National Forest, arranged a meeting with forest service officials in Placerville to discuss "-._../the situation. The meeting was held and a cooperative trip into the area was arranged, and included Forest Service officials, officers and members of the two Jeen Clubs concerned, and officers of the Calif. Assoc . of Jeep Clubs. For the first time-in California, the facts behi:1.d the Forest Service closures were discussed, on the scene , in a c -operati e an constructive manner. The two major objections by the Forst Ser•·ice are: Jeeps cutting through the marshy meadows, destroying grass a n · l top soi_ needed for stock and animal feed and Jeeps cutting up natural or seeded .. illsides with resultant erosion by spring rains and runoff from winter sn~~s. Photographs were taken of sor.i.e of the meadow areas on whicn camage had occurred for reference. This type of co-operation could be of great benefit to all California Jeep owners. The Calif. Assoc. of Jeep Clubs does not feel this destruction is deliberate, but rather the result of Jeep drivers not being aware of the special consideration deserved by meadows and grassy slopes. The officers and delegates of the Calif. Assoc. of Jeep Clubs unani-mously approved a motion to embark on a program of Jeep Clubs education :n co-operation with the National Forest Service. This program is to use any and all means available, posters, news , magazine articles and special Assoc. Bulletins and emblems. The Assoc. f eels that this information is important not only to Jeep owners and Clubs; but to all drivers of vehicles entering into our National Forests. No one, enjoying the outdoor life, would like to be considered as willfully and wantonly contributing to the destruction of this portion of our national heritage. '-.._.,.,,

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'-_./ NOTE: Ed Comes, the Cat we sent as a delegate to the Jeep Association meet:ing in '.l'ulare last month, has f:inally licked the butter off his paws and returned with the info; which he will present at the next meeting. Don t t miss this thrilling episode. TRAVELS IN OU '.f'ER LOS ANGELES A voice comes over the phone and says 11Hey Dad, could you explain the Jeep · Association to Mrs. Peed of the Hill toppers11; 11Sure I could says I and all _the little Hill toppers tooo 11Here 1s her number" says this Cat and when I calls this,· Chick, she ::nvites me to do just that at the next Hilltopper session in Inglewoo,~... I went. Oscar and Cleo Wright, he being the C'l.t on the phone, and I met Mrs. Peed; Hr . Nixon the Club Prexy, and a·:1.l the other nice Jeepers that i,r. Dias ( thej.r Public Relations man) writes about. After some business was conducted the Prexy cives me the nod and says to numerous and sundry, 11'.l.'his here is l'ir . Comes, he 111 make with the wor ds about t:1e California Assoc:~ation of Jeep Clubs11• With this for a Cue, I did, After much talk, many questions, most of which were answerable, the Hilltoppers decided they dug this the most and that a few of them would drag their pads to the next associatiation sessi on in Bakersfield, intent 11JOil'J11, Refreshments were served and movies of a cool jaunt through Piru Canyon were shovm. This trip would be a real blast for our combo. More discussion about anti-jeep feeling in California and how best to overcome same, led to invites for the Hilltoppers to attend our next session, They accept. And so like all hip meets, an end must come, Bon SoirJ Buenos Noches, Good Ni te and all that as the 11Hsp11 drag1:,ed off into the night •••.•••••••

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...._,, NOTE: Ed Comes, the Cat we sent as a delegate t o t he rreep Association meeting i n '.L'ulare las t month, has finally licked the butter off his paws and r eturned with the info; wr.ii ch he will present at t he next meeting. Don rt miss this thrilling episode. TRAVELS IN OU '.[·ER LOS ANGELES A voice comes over the phone and says 11Hey Dad, could you expl ain the Jeep · Association to Mrs. Peed of the Hill topper s11; 11Sure I could says I and al l ,the little Hill toppers tooo 11Here 1s her number11 says thi s Cat and when I calls thisr-Chick, she ·:nvites me t o do j\! that at the next Hilltopper session in Inglewoo•lr. I went. Oscar and Cleo Wright, he being the C1.t on the phone, and I met Mrs . Peed, 1-'Ir. Nixon t he Club Prexy, and a·:1.l the other nice Jeepers that l.,r . Dias ( thefr Public Relations man) writes about. After some business was conducted the Prexy eives me t he nod and says to numerous and sundry, 11 'l'his here is l'Ir. Comes, he 111 make with the words about t:1e California Assoc:~ation of Jeep Clubs". With this for a Cue, I dicl . After much talk, many questions, most of whj_ch were answerable, the Hilltoppers decided they dug this the mos t and that a few of them woul d drag their pads to the next associati ation sessi on i n Bakersfield, intent 11JOIN11• Refreshments wer e served and movies of a cool jaunt through Piru Canyon were sho1rm. Thi s trip would be a real blast for our combo0 More discussion about anti-jeep feeling in California and how best to overcome same , led to i.nvi tes for the Hill toppers to attend our next session. They accept. And so like all hip meets, an end must come , Bon Soir, Buenos Naches, Good Ni te and all that as the 11Hsp11 drage;ed off into the night~ ......... . C?'C<c-2/.r .. 7o· /~ c./ ,,{~~ c/ /-/<j'/ /o, ,Y t=> ~ r a,_], C ,J,~ t') %c-~ 2 er/~ L-,--~ / //f E - 4 / z,,-c// __ ;r._ef_Q)_;,_/{--_..r_· __ J. yo,,.. /'h ~r>AP>--£, / I / ~

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1\. ea C1osllr e,e .Jerort 2 4 n ct o l1 . r 1 :l 5 0 . ,.:: 0 t l n f dac r..t1!!fl 11 I Iun Committee tiernbers we.r.e asl(ed f or r,port s on closed u.reas i n t be sot1th.: Blll :::3ounders -i'.ionterey clu.b, repo.ctea postlog being 6one l n the Los Padres Nationa l ~crest by ranchers on goverme n t lan6. Hi s club ~1111 .investigate for more ln:forn!,1t.ion. 1-le nry I·eter s o n - J,.:o nterey c 1uh, reporteo tl1e t the county roud from s oau S)"'rj fJ{'.':.. to f 1·c:;ch me[ld0v,1s l,:...,cJ been com. 1 ete(i o'i)l etera.t·-6 by 1 o-? i n ~· <.:o ncerns. Jr•.ck :f'rorr. rl.,c etvj l1e wl 1.1 lnvcstll:'-1t , . No further rerorte . 1rhe comn l t te. 6lsc n:::;,~(~c'; ways v · l: ... '.: ct!!n .:.r !- .L,i r r~:·.:::tl rn lett .r t o a11 4.'.lJ ov_iners. 1.:hc f J1 o " .. iu" } L.:.n \1_ !'ro_n0sfl .: 'i'hat a ·1 L t J:f ::. l c' cc.:.1e:n: l!i' c_;,1 LL ie :) t::. Lr,ec... ( ...,lck :·e l t 1: .i..11.vs r e r_.oe ntu.tjve off~reo t::; o·.; tu.ln) IJ.'l1<1t o,•rn dispatch nse of t hclr owners list. t his c.:0rnrn.i ttce) u le t t e r t o ::.;, 1 l d e:.,: .. l. e :i.' :3 re o 1 ·t<=; s t 1 rh t i 1 e ( kr:ry ·,:b.111 ,.Jc.l.(.; o. , f :ferea t,) t c.k 8 'ha t tt·e h n °estr;,7 ...iervlee be cJnt8.e: t ec. t u c1a. i f J t lt..,lr osltl r: on -~re use uf t11 ,lr e(Julr-me.r,t ~.-1 c'i f inr .. nc.;es to r-r oa uce t l ls letter. , .. ~fll1lpmerit an d .fii:,ur;ces v-.rere me.ntl-:>rd:;C i),j f o.cest n .... nrer , 00' l1 Ot; a s urve,v tri~"• ( .i .{lr,le,y of:forcn Lo Cu!:t.:::.ct tr: :::jr,,st ser. 'l'ho.t .i.f ::1r.:1d when tJ1e cea.l.ers lls t s ,.u1t, e,'.t.ipr.1er,t D.t1C :fl n;;j.i1Ct;S ,.1re o b t a.in00 v~J1 unteer hel r· fr0rn t ti , l ocll v t uu:...·1 c l u·~,l:.. be u.set: for t·1c a<'-6 ·o:~i:i. IJ' c.i.l.ln 1.,,e,ili'1' ' .i 1' t1w·:'t' l ntt~r ,_. 1.1.'hat t l1•' Heme t cJu_lJ, tLo ,,.tldp;n; Ju.1:iborL,: , t,.. _mriners 0.11 a .J.U7 (,t:hnr ul 1J~J ~".it 1 t)i./D8rt~ 1 · i:: L ::ie 0b t Gln aaaitl~t~l lists. I ft t . / icJ.tJ .a1 <.3 g O ·.u 6 " H (.; ~ I 1 t ::. ; (' Q !, v

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I..__/ Area Closur e Cor.i!~i.i.ttee. ~iep0:rt 2 4. , 1 o t o L1 er l 9 5 0 ,. u o t l n g -·ac r,1,1:!(1 n l:o Jun Com□lttee members wer e asked for reports on closed areas ln t he south~ 13111 ::iotrnders -l.ionterey clu.b, reJ_o.ctea posting being 6one l n tl1e .Los Paores National J1orest tJ;/ ranchers on goverme nt lane. Hls clt1b ~'ill .i nvest.igate for more in:forn?<1t.ion . Be nry Peterson - J,:onterey c1t1b, r e porte,i tt, .t the c llnty roud from soau s !,rj rir'.":.. t( f1·~,ricl1 m0:1d0ws 1,:.-<i hoen c0rnp1e te6 011l etero.t:.;u by 1 io-~;·it1f;' uc n cer 1s. .2n ck: f'rorr. Tl _,celtv.i J l e :·•11 ll invc.:::ti i<.1.:e-. ~o f urther rR r ort~. 'i'be corn11l t te. 6iscns i'L~c3 wa,vs v fi · ._.,_; ctin-~ ,_1 _i ii r --cr.;:::.th1n . e t ter t o al 1 4.V.l..J o v.'ners. 1'hc f J J .,-1~- )lc..!.i w ___ '.Yr'O_r,osn .: '.i.' 1at a l Lt Jf ,~11 c"e,:.1eT~i 111° c_~ l:f.'. Je o:1tc. i.r;, · • (..,lck :·e1 t ·.J.i.11.vs r e · r .s enta,t.ive of·"'.;reo t::.: -:,·,)t &l n ) Tl1.:.1.t a comr.1.i. tt0e a lsp~tcb nse of tl1cl-r owners 11st. t :his c;.Jr11wl ttoe) letter t o ~11. Lt.Jc...le:c,3 re tiestln1< t i1e ( .ua -r.v ·.11.:,,h l -..Jc.t · o . oi'f c r eci t,) h~k0 rbat t:r.e ~\)restr,? 0e rvlc;e cie cJ nt~ct e ' t1J cl a:"i(ir t\1:ir ~osltl n on "ti"1P. use o-C tl-;eir eqt1l(1me r·•t '.rJ 6 fin<-:n ·es to ~-roauce tJ-k lt; ter. -.'~q11lpment m1a .Cit.iUJ':c;es were ITJenti vnf,c o; fo.cest r1.,.,n.:,er . ..i.::i-int "0' n on a su.rve? tri;1• ( . 11uco ,Uriley of:fer\:; to cu::L1c ~ t,~--::'Jr ,st ser. 'l'ho,t .i.f dr.Jd when t he t'; lls t s i.LlH ; e1'.t .if1uerit a nc1;S ure ea V~)1un t0er h - l p fJ"vrn the li:1<'dv\.t1nu·1 c l u:-,r~ bo trn()C: for t 'rn a:"icircLi~i.·w t'i.7 11 1. • i.r1<• :;1' t lw:' t' 1(-;ttcr.t . 'lhi:i.t tl1,' Hemet clnl>, t l,o ,, t, t1fl.rtJ ,7u1:1bor .:,, t., •,1_.&l0:,n Uti•·u - u:.1ners a n a ,.1n~1 1.1tr.or cl tJ~) ,., .i. t 11 u~m0r~1 l .:.r· L 0, , 1ik.: .c0d ~ v 0') t aln dtt d .t tl~) L 1 1 L tG . ,t: . It I I I /

Page 37

CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF JEEP CLUBS ROSTER OF COMMITTEES PUBLICITY: Ed Comes, Chairman, 414 Niagara, Burbank, Cal. Harold Krabbenhoft, Placerville. Richard Thomas, Tulare. Clay Larson. MEMBERSHIP: Bd Callahan, Chairman, 342 Redondo Avenue, Long Beach, Cal. Forrest Sheppa, Tulare . Louis Pope, Hayward. Don Elmor e , West Covina . . LEGISL/\TIVE~ Bud Hammers, Chairman, 15972 Avenue 264 , Visalia, Cal. A. V. Neely, Lynwood. Patricia K. Peed, Pacific Palisades. Montri,o Powell, Sacramento. . AREA CLOSURES: William Powell, Chairman, 5264 Minerva Ave, Sacramento lA, Cal. Berg Ashley, H8met . George Campbell, Placerville. Loren Hagler, Santa Ana . Richard Thomas , Tulare . SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON DR. TOM DOOLEY: --------William Powell, Chairman, 5264 Minerva Ave, Sacramento 16, Cal. -Ed Callahan, Long Beach George Smith , Placerville. 1959 NOMINATING COMMITTEE: A. V. Neely, Chairman, 3334 TenayaiAve, Lynwood, Cal. Bud Hammers, Visalia. Louis Pop~, Hayward.

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...._,, CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF JEEP CLUBS MEETING AGENDA The Long Beach Desert Foxes, Chuckwall as Jeep Club and Four-Wheelers of Orange County invite all clubs to attend the regular meeting of the Association to be held Saturday, December· 12th, and Sunday, De'cember 13th, 1959, at Knott's Berry Farm in Buena Park, California. · SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1959: 7:30 p.m. Registration Call to or der Introductions . ............ Floor opened for new business and discussion of Association problems. Committee meetings: 1. Membership (Ed Callahan, Chairman. ) 2. Legislative (Bud Hammers, Chairman) 3. Publicity (Ed Comes, Chairman) 4. Area Closures (William Powell, Chairman) 5. Nominating Committee (A. V. Neely, Chairman ) 6. Special Committee on Dr . Tom Dooley. (William Powell, Chairman ) COFFEE WILL BE SERVED. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13th, 1~59 : 8:30 a.m. Meeting callerl to order. Pledge of Allegiance. Reading of the Minutes. Correspondence. Applications for Membershi p . Treasurer' s Rep or t . Committee Reports,~ 1 . Membershi p Committee. 2. tegislative Committee. 3 . Publicity Committee. 4. Area Closures Committee . 5. Special Committee on Dr. Da _ Dooley. Old Business. New Business. 11 :00 a.m. Adiour nment . Upon adjournment, there will be a half hour respite before servi ng of dinner, courtesy of the three host @lijbs , along with Jeep dealers. TRANSPORTATION: For taxi ser vice f rom Internati onal Airport, contact Bill Morrison , 1711 Swanee Lane , West Covina , phone Edgewood 7-66G5 . ACCOMODATIONS: Accommodations available at nearlby motels. Either make you: own reservations, or ask Ed Callahan, 342 Redondo ve , Long Beach, to arrange for you . All clubs are asked to if possible notify Ed Callahan as to the numbe r of people he should expect from your club for dinner '------'" planning , etc. DON'T FORGET YOUR DELEGATE CREDENTIAL FORM.------

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'-.__.,, • CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF JEEP •LUBS, INCo December 13, 1959 To: California Association of Jeep Clubs, Inc. From: A. V~ Neely, Chairman, Nominating Committeeo Subject: Recommendation for 1960 Officerso Pursuant to Article III, Section 9, (a), of the By-laws, having been regularly appointed by the President, your Nominating Committee recommends and nominate the following persons to hold the following offices for the 1960 term~ President~ Vice President: TreaBurer: Secretary: Steve Morris, Sacramento. Forrest Sheppa, Tulare. William Morrison, West Covinao Harold Krabbenhoft, Placerville. Respectfully submitted, (signed) Ao Vo Neely, Chairman

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CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF JEEP CLUBS NOTICE OF PROPOSED AMENDMENT OF THE BY-LAWS All member clubs of the California Association of Jeep Clubs, Inc., are notified that in accordance with Arti,cle IX of the By-laws, the follow-ing amendments to the By-laws were pr oposed at the Association" in Sacramento on October 25th, 1959, f or submission to me~her clubs,. and the Secretary was instructed t o draft the proposed amendments. Discussion was had on the amendments drafted by the Secretary at the. Buena Park meeting on December 13th, and as a result of a correction of the minutes of the Sacramento meeting, the f ollowing amendments are proposed for approval or rejection at the ~nnual meeting to be held in Februaryo These amendments should be discussed by the member clubs and your delegates instructed as t o how to vote on these amendments~ PROPOSAL NUMBER ONE~ Amend Articl e VI, Section 1, of the By-laws to strike all of the existing Section 1, and to substitute therefor a new Section 1, reading as follows~ 11Section 1. After the February, 1960, annual meeting of the Association, the officers and delegates shall meet·:t.n regular session three times during each year, one of such meetings to be held in February of ea ch year, t o be known as the Annual ., · Meeting. u PROPOSAL NUMBER TWO~ Amend Article V of the By-laws by adding SectionT, to read as f ollows ~ i;section 3. A delegate may hold and vot e at meetings a proxy vote on behalf of one other member club not i n attendance at the meeting, provided the dele-gate shall have filed with the Secretary a proper-l y cr edentialed pr uxy form previ ously issued by t he Secr et ary.,: ):<>:< ( The proxy form referred t o above would fol low the form below)~,:,)!< PROXY FORM , delegate representing the ____ -,,,---~--,,,---:-----(~N-a_m_e_)~------(Name of delegate's club~ is hereby duly qualified and authorized to represent our club and is entitled to vote on all matters affecting Association affairs on our behalf as proxy. (Name of club) President. Secretary.

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Californi a Association cf Jeep Clubz Fifth Regular Meeting Knott9s Berry Farm, Buena Park, California Sunday, December 13, 19590 MINUTES PRESIDENT STEVE MORRIS called the Fifth Regular Meeting of the California Association of Jeep Clubs, Inc., to order at Knott9s Berry Farm, Buena Park, California, to order at 9~00 o9clock, a.~., Sunday, December 13, 1959. It was noted thereupon that the eminent Secretary of the Association was absent, but he was known to have been in the vininity of Buena Park on the previous evening~ It was also remembered by certain persons present that the Sacramento delegation had been charged with the responsibility of awakening the Secretary in order that he might also attend the meeting. To allevi ate the quandry in which the president found himself, he appointed an Awakening Committee to attend upon the Secretary and invite his arising and shining and immediate attendance upon the meeting. Since the Secretary is charged with the preparati on of the minutes , the secretary hereby notes for the record that because of defective plumbing in the quarters furnished for his benefit, the shower facilities ran over, flooding the bathroom and '-.__,,/ part of the sleeping quarters in his room, and worst of all, he missed most --of his breakfast--While awaiting the appearance of the Secretary, President Morris suggested that the hat be passed to buy an alarm clock for the Secretary. The balance of the amount necessary for the alarm clock was to be turned over to the Treasurer to pay for coffee, etc., for the meeting. Films wer e shown by the Sacramento Jeepers. On the appearance of the Secretary at 9~40 a.~., roll was called of the delegates, with the following being present and credentialed~ Chuckwalla Jeep Club Desert Foxes El Dorado Jeepherders Hadji -Hemet Jeep Club -Hiilhoppers Monterey 4-wheel drive club ·Orange County Four Wheelers Sacramento Jeepers ·Tulare County 4-wheel Drive Club Hill toppers Don Elmore Paul Keeler Harold Krabbenhoft Leo R. Weiss Harry So Buschert Louis Pope -Bill Souders Orrin Nordin Bill Powell M. J. Hammers Emil Nixon Jeep clubs without a delegate present were the LERC 4-wheel Drive Club, and Sidewinders Jeep Cruise. -✓ The minutes of the Sacramento meeting were read, and discussion ensued ·' - 1 -

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.....__,, regarding action taken t o pr ovide that any one club would be entitled t o hold no more than one pr oxy vote at a meetingo It was the Secretary9s retollection and his notes of the previous meeti ng that the motion was not seconded and therefore diedo Other present who attended the meeting felt that the moti on had been seconded and carriedo To resolve the issue thefollowing motion was made~ MOTION MADE, seconded and carried, that the minutes o.f ·-'the-previous meeting be amended t o read that ;iA motion was made, seconded and carried . . t o amend the motion regarding amending the By-laws to allow proxy voting to provide that ,any one club would be entitled to hold no more than one proxy vote at a meetingo MOTION MADE, seconded and carried that the minutes as corrected be approvedo There was no correspondenceo Treasurer William Morrison reported on the ccndi t i on of the treasury hefore current bills wer e paid, which revealed a balance of $5060980 A number of bill s payable were read, whi ch resulted in the f ollowing motion~ MOTION MADE; seconded and carried , that the bills be paido MOTION MADE, seconded and carried, that the Treasurer ' s Report be acc-eptedo Committee reports wer e then called f or by President Morris , a nd the f ollowing•in general is the report 0f the committees~ LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE~ Bud Hammers , Chairman, reported no answer had yet been received from Senator Murray regar ding the Wilderness Billo Mrso Garland Peed r eported further on the l etter t o Senator Murrayo Unti l further information c0uld be eli cited, further report could not be madeo MEMBERSHIP·COMMITTEE~ Ed Callahan, Chairman, asked Sylvia Neely, acting as Secretary for the committee t o give the report of actions of the committeeo She r eported the committee recommended the following actions~ (1) That the Publicity Committee write articles for release to clubs and newspapers regarding the Association and how to joino , (2) That a Statewide Jeep Rally be held over Memorial Day Holiday_ for all Jeep Owners, which would be intended t o show outside clubs the advantages of the State Association and encourage joiningo The Possibility of holding the rally in a ghost town was discussed, with one possibility being Aurora, Nevada . MOTION MADE, seconded and carried, that the .ssociation conduct a State Jeep Rallyo - . 2 -

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..__, '-.../ -._/ (3) Associ ate membe rshi p discussi ono Pursuant t o the direction at the last meeting, a report was read t o the meeti ng rel2ting t o proposed associ at e membership i n the Associ ation o Considerabl e dis-cussi on ensued on the itemo MOTION MADE, s econded and carri ed to tabl e thi s pr oposal until after the St at e Jeep Rally f or further consider at i on. PUBLICITY COMMITTEE~ Ed Comes, Chairman, r eported t}J.e,,..cgmmittee is wor king.; and t o f urther expedite the wor k of the committee, i s formi ng a sub- commi t tee of souther n Califor ni a member s t o work on publicity and promotion for the Association. Mr. Comes reported he i s now wor king on a bi-weekl y newssheet f or the St ate Association t o be sent t o all clubso AREA CLOSURES COMMITTEE~ Bill Powell, Chairman, reported he had an acknowledgement reply from the For est Service r el ating t o the Asso-ci at i on l etter sent t o the Forest Ser vice on area cl osure problems and our pr oposalo The l etter i ndicat ed the matter was now under considera-t i on and that f urther correspondence woul d ensue. Mr . Powell reported the pr oblem br ought up at the Sacramento meeting relating t o t he oblit eration of the Soda Springs-French Meadows road wa s actually a resul t of t he rebuilding of the road by private i nt erests and t he forest ser vice, and that t he pr oblem was now pretty well clear ed up . A number of large maps showi ng restricted areas were br ought t o the committee by Mrs. Peed, and Mr. Powell reported he 1t1as work:Lng on a way in whi ch these m:ight be put t ogeii'Br and disseminat ed to the clubs • I t was repor t ed that the Boar d of Supervisors of Placer County had by or di nance declared that all loggi ng roads b ilt by privat e i nt erests i n the f or ests of that county were public roads. As t o t he information l etter discussed at the Sacramento meeting, not much more pr ogress was noted, but the committee woul d cont inue to work oni t . Suggestion was made that now that the Forest Service pr oblem was in the mi ll~ the Associ at i on could well begin wor k on the Cafilorni a Cattleman9s Association r el ating t o closures on private lands. Mr . Powel l reported he had thi s in mi nd and ha s done some preli mi nary wor k . TOM DOOLEY COIVIlVIITTEE~ Bil l Powell, Chai rman , reported that Tom Dooley has been r ecei vi ng a l ar ge number of gifts for the continuation of hi s MEDICO organization wor k , that the jeeps the organization had had been replaced, but that mor e were needed. --r. Powell r eported lhris pr oposal was t o gi ve MEDICO a new_J~ep~ and outlined h?w the_Clubs · could shar e i n the purchase and giving of the Jeep" Discussi on ensued . President Morri s requested t he conmittee to make up a bullet i n ~o mail t o all clubs with the request that t he clubs study and answer by mail t o the committee. - 3 J.

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Under Old Business the Secretary reported that all clubs had been mail the l atest forms and pamphletso He also reported the Association now had a pamphlet on a simplified procedure for the incorporation of a jeep club and that it was available for general disseminationo The Secretary reported that the amendments t o the By-laws cannot be voted on at this meeting since the required forty-five dayvs notifi~ cation required by the by~laws had not been giveno The provoserl.s were . discussed, and the second proposal was to be rewritten to conform to the amendment to the Sacramento minutes and both proposals to be mailed to the clubs with the request the Clubs study them and vote on them at the February meetingo NEW BUSINESS~ Emil Nixon reported on the annual motorcycle run held each year, and reported their club had been requested to help on it, and asked that other clubs come out to help, and that a letter addressed to 1501 Walnut, Manhattan Beach, would bring further information on this subjecto He also raised the question of whether there should be official State Association participation, or whether the hel p should be strictly on an individual club basiso MOTION MADE, seconded and carried, that there be no official State Association representation by the California Association on the motorcycle run, but that it be by individual clubs only, and that the Motorcycle Association be notified that participation would be only on an individual club basiso NOMINATING COMMITTEE~ Ao Vo Neely reported as Chairman of the Nominating Committee that the Nominating Committee would recommend and nominate the 1950 officers to succeed themselves at the Annual Meeting in Februaryo MOTION MADE, seconded and carried that the Annual Meeting be held at Tulare, in February, 19600 MOTION MADE, seconded and carried that the President appoint an arrangements committee_for the Tulare Meetingo President Morris promptly appoint ed Bill Powell Chair~~n , with ' Forrest Sheppa and Ao Vo Neely as members of the Tulare ' nnual Meeting Arrangements Committeeo The Jeep dealers of the Buena Park and surrounding area who contributed both timewise and financially to the success of the meeting were introducedo The drawing for the door prizes was held, with the lucky winners being Bill Hardy, Desert Foxes; Sherry Ladberry, Desert Foxes~ Peggy Smith, Chuckwallas; Dotty Brill, Orange County 4-wheelers, George Martin, Chuckwallas? Jack McDonald , Los Angel es Jeep Dealer; Lou Davenboy, Chuckwallas~ Pat Squires, Culver City~ and Paul Keelero - 4 -

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'--..__,/ "-...../. The Secr et ary suggested that since he already had a Travel-al arm clock and promised t o get his wife to pack it in his luggage when attending meetings, it was suggested the money collected to buy the alarm clock be turned over t o the Host Clubs t o help defray the expenses of this meeti ng o Thanks were given to the host clubs, the Long Beach Desert·Foxes, Chuck-wallas Jeep Club and the Four-Wheel ers of Or ange County rer"trh-e splendid arrangments they made f or the meeti ng, and the round of applause suggested unanimous approval. President Morris then adjourned the meeting at 12~00 o7clock, noono - 5 -

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"'-<./ CALIFORNL • • \SSOCIATION OF JEEP, cums FIRST i.NNUAL MEETING Tagus Ranch Lodge 'fulare1 California Saturday, February 27th, 1960 MINUTES President Steve Morris called the First General Jession of the Annual Meeting of the California Association of Jeep Clubs to order in the Tagus Lodge Dining Room, 1ulare, California at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, February 27thi~ 1960. Following a dinner of approximately 112 members and their guests at the Tagus Lodge, the meeting was opened with an introduction of a proposed new member club, the Hill 1n Gully Riders of Riverside, California. A motion was made and seconded to accept the Hill 1n Gully Riders into the membership of the California J.ssociation of Jeep Clubs. The motion was carried. President Steve ]\,_orris appointed Loren Hagler, Frank Barber, Bernie Domries to assist the Election Committee during the voting for officers of the lssociation. Secretary Harold Krabbenhoft requested all Delegates to present their credentials. · Roll was called of the delegates and the following were present: \ Chuckawalla Jeep Club 1,,Desert Foxes '1JE1 Dorado Jeepherders ~Four ~Theel Drive Club of Monterey Peninsula '>Hadji Hemet Jeep Club I\ Hillhoppers Jeep Club ~Hilltoppers Jeep Club ~Hill 1n Gully Riders ~ LERC 4•-Wheel Drive Club ' Orange County 4-vvheelers ~Sacramento Jeepers 1Tulare County 4-Wheel Drive Club Don Elmore Frank Seifert Jack Rut hevin Dick Carlos Leo Weiss Harry Buschert Louis Pope Garland Peed Bill Mink Oscar B0 Wright Loren Hagler William Powell Eldon Sheppa Only one Club didnot have a delegate present and that was the Sidewinder Jeep Cruise of Indio. Nominations were opened for the office of President. Steve Morris wa.s nominated. A motion was made and seconded t o close nominations for Pr·0sid,=mt and it was carried.

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-I '--' ........__,,. ......._,, ~ California Association of Jeep Clubs,Inc. Sixth Regular Meeting Tagus Ranch Lodge, Tulare, California Saturday, April 30th, 1960 MINUTES President Steve Morris called the First General Session of tile ·-'S:bcth Regular Meeting of the California Association of Jeep Clubs to order in the Tagus R.:1.nch Lodge Dining Room, Tulare, California at approximc.tely 7 :JO P .H.Saturday Evening, April 30th, 1960. Following the dinner of approximately 63 members o.nd their guests at the Te.gus Ranch Lodge, the meeting was opened with a suggestion from Mr. Jay Baker, Chairman of the Area Closures Committee, that the California Association of Jeep Clubs request one day of the Sacramento Fair, held August 31st to September 11th, 1960, to be designated as State Jeepers• Day~ Mr. Baker requested that the relegates select the best day for the Hember Clubs to attend the State Fair and indicate their preference at the Regular Business Meeting, Sunday, Hay 1st, 1960. President Morris called on Emil Nixon of the Hilltoppers Jeep Club to introduce Mr. Jesse Covington, California Connnander of the National Jeep Rescue nnd Search Association. v~. Covington is also a member of the Inyo County Sheriff Office, outlined the organization and objectives of the Nationo.l. Jeep Rescue & Search Group, he also stated they preferred Clubs joining as units rather than individual members from the Clubs. A couree of training given by the County Sheriff's Office in which the Club is located will be required. Members after completing this training are Deputy Sheriffs and on call in any emergency. The Civilian Defense may also use the group. A committee consisting of 11Cap11 Randel, Eldon Sheppa, Ed Comes and Pat Peed was appointed by Steve Morris to obtain further detnils on the National Jeep Rescue and Search Association and to discuss with Mr. Covington any questions our members may desire further cTarifi d. The following Connnittees were appointed by President Steve Morris. A By-Laws Committee: Will iam Harrison, Dick Thomas, Forrest Sheppa., Dick Carlos, Harold Krabbenhoft and Louis Pope . A Communications Committee: Garland Peed, Emil Hixon and Sandy Hilton Guests introduced were l'ftr, and ¥.i:rs. Glen 1-cEachern of the newly formed Joaquin Jeepers. A.V. (rev.) Neeley was missed very much and the dinner did not have the sparkle of his stori e s and repartee. Frank Seifert of the Desert Foxes stepped the entire dinner with his piano playing. The Tagus Lodge Employees enjoyed it as much as any of the Jeepers, even the Chef came out of the kitchen to listen to this as a regular part of the Saturday Evening Session, it seems to get everyone in the mood for dancing and music • Committee Meetings were held and the dancers kept the Tagus Ranch Lodge lights burning until the early hours of Sunday Morning. It was a good Dinner-Dance.

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-2-The By-Law Amendrrent t o reduce t he number of the Association meetings held each year to three, t.:i.bled during t he February 28th, 1960 meeting to this meeting, was placed before the fulegates . After a discussion and a poll taken of the Delegates, Mr. Harold Kr.:i.bbcnhoft called a point of order. Krabbenhoft pointed out that the By-Laws· r equir-ed, Ar ticle L~, Section 1., that to emend the Constitution or By-Laws a quorum of 75;; of the member clubs must be present and voting and sinct9 there were onl y t en (10) Clubs r epresented, no action could be taken o.t this time. President Steve Morris then ruled the pol l out of order. .. Kro.bbonhoft made a motion, seconded by Don Elmore, that this--arnendmont to the By-Laws be t abled until the February 1961 Meeting8 A poll of the Del egates uno.nimously approved this motion~ The Secretar y ther efore will r ewrite Proposal Humber One and mail it to all member clubs so that it shnll be available to member clubs for discussion 45 days before tho February 1961 Meeting. President Steve M"orris called ior tho Committee r eports and the following i s a gener al r eport of tho Committees. Legi sl ative Committee: Bud Ifammers, Chairman, stated that the 1egislativ Committee h.:td received a revised Wilderness Bill dat ed February 9th, 1960 and he could not make a full r ecommendation at this t ime since more study is needed. Certo.r 1 revisi ons wer e included in the Bill th2.t wer e very good and made a better bill out of it. Other revisions needed further 8.A.1)lan;ition. A letter will be 1vritten to Senator ~fomphrey requesting cl.:>.rification of cert ain parts of the r evised bill0 Membershi p Committee: Ed Callo.han, Chairman, introduced Er. Glen MiCEachern of the Joaquin Jeepers who expect to join the Association very soon. He t hen reported a meeting with the San Diego Ridgerunnerso As a result of questions asked, a conference had been held with the By-Laws Corrrrnittee consisting of Bill Morrison, Dick Thomas, Forrest Ste9pa, Dick Carlos 311d Hal Krabbenhofto Assist~ncc has been given to the formation o:f neH cl ubs in the Dovmey and Norwalk Area. A new Club had been formed in Kines Gountyo Harol d Krabbonhof_;t stated that since i t was opening day for trout fishing sever al groups includ-ing the Tahoe Group which consisted of Approxirr1D.t cly 50 Jeeps did not o.ttend the Meeting. Hr. Cal l ahan stnted that a sample copy of the brochur e has been worked out and cost est imo.tes of printing copies is being obtained. Publicity Committee: Ed Comes, Chairman, r eported that the public~tio. of tho newspaper had many problems and he ncodod suggestions such as: Ho t o en ~r gc the paper to ±ncludc jeep trips, small maps which could be printta on a tc<'>r -out page~ Technical articl es on how to make Jeep accessories , r~dio informa-t i on ct ceter a o.ncl ho r equested articles from each Club h"'ving newsworthiness

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-3-for the whole state organi~ation. The Lockheed Employees Recreational Center is sponsoring the Stat e Newspaper, al l the mimeographing,. collating is being done by the Lockheed Group at thi s time o.nd they ar e meeting these expenses. Mr. Comes wanted answers to the following questions from t he Delegat es: 1. Did they want a newspaper such as the mirric:ogr aph form at _ the present time? 2. How often should the paper be published? How many c·Clpfos-?-A motion was made by Harold Krabbenhoft and seconded by Merritt Ladbury that the Publicity Committee continue with the publication of the newspaper in its pr esent form and thcl.t tho newspaper have six (6) issues per yecT0 A poll of the Delegates Ccl.rried this motion unanimouslyo A motion by Ed Comes 1:'.nd seconded by Loren Hagl er that 350 copies of each issue be published. This motion was carried unariimously by c. poll of the Delegates. It was also agreed that the Stnto Newspaper would be distributed at each meet ... ing. All news i tems from each Club be.: forwarded to l1r9 Ed Comes, 1-D.4 Niagarn Street, Burbarik, California at least fifteen days before the date of thu next meeting. Discussion on the name of the Newspaper resulted in a proposal that we hold a contest for the Nruno of tho California AssociJ.tion of Joop Clubs Newspaper each Club submit a name for tho N0wspapcr Q Do legates were instructed to bring the Name for the Newspaper at the Next Meeting, June 25th and 26th,1960,, Aroa Closures Committee: Jay Bn.ker, Cho.irman, stated th2t Forest Ranger Zei gl er had not answered the erosion qu stion as yet because there was still snow at tho hiGh l evels wher e the t ests had been However, when the snow melts ho will give a definite reply. Mr. Baker has sent forms to w ch member club J.nd would appreciate very much Arca Closures o..nd conditions in the; No.tional and State P2..rks in each Clubs pnrticular area. An overall state map i s desired so that Clubs going from one area to another mo.y be briefed or brought up to on any restrictions for the vn.rious areo.s. N'.1tt Ryan of tho Emi grant Springs ~1o.nger Sto.tion in fuath Valley w.::i.s most cooperative and any Jeep Clubs desiring Jeep trips and r outes in the fuath Valley A:roo. should contact Hr. Rynn before going into Death Valley e Dick Carlos Hantcd to lmow i f i nformation u:-i s ;:,.vailablc from the MilitLl.!'Y , esorvations on Erosion tests made by Joops ru1d three-quarter ton trucks. Ho thought i t quite possible that the militar y f acilities may have r eports of what could and what r eally docs happen on erosion. Beverly T-.Tciss brought out o.n incident of per sons misr presenting themselves as belonging to clubs which are mer.ibers of tho Su:i.te Association and asked if tho State could issue o. cc.rd or identification to rtcmbors. It wns suggested that State Decals nnd Insignias be romovcd from Jeeps prior to their transfer of ownership when sold. Mr. S:mdy . il ton of the S;:,.crcllllcnto Jeepers also agr eed that an i dentification ccTd for members of the State Association would be a protection and he suggest ed that Irr. Ed C:-illclw.n, Chairman of the Member-ship Committee , a cost estimate of such .J. card for each mcmbe:ro The Chair concurrede

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'-.., -4-\ State Rally Committee: Forrest Sheppa, Chairman, announced that his Committee had settled on the Dia~-Coalingc'.. Ranch for the Memorial Day Joep Rally, ho stated at this time ther e was plenty of water and very litt l e dust; and t hat the Tulare and Hanford Clubs would mnil postcards givine dir ections and high-ways to tho Ranch Entrance. Harold Kr abbenhoft announced that tho El furado Jeepher der s planned a trip . into the Aurora-B odie Arca over Memorial Day and could not atton•ii;-·-During the following discussion the short time to Memorial Day was mentioned ns a publicity handicap and it was suggostc::d that tho trip to Coalinga bu on a voluntc'.X'y and non-official basis. A motion was by Ed Comes and seconded by Beverly Weiss that an Officio.l State Jeep Rally centr ally located and with six or seven months of preparation by the present Corrrrnittee be planned f or 1961 and the Corrrrnittce present a final-ized pl@ in October 1960. This motion was c.:trried tmo.nimously by a poll of the Del egates. By-Laws Committee : William Morrison, Chairman, suggested that after a confer-ence with tho Membership Committee, it was agreed that a copy of the latest By-Laws be mailed to the San Diogo Ridgorunner s r equesting them t o write any questions they may have or wish clarified regarding the By-Laws for t he California Association of Jeep Clubs, Inc. Comnn.mications Connnitteo: Garland Pead, Chai rman , r ecommended that a CT1annel on the Citizen Radio Band be selected for Association Comrrru..'flication 2nd stated that a questi onaire would be prepared and sont to each Club requesting them to list any member s using 2-waY citizens band r adio and the channels used. State Jeepers' Day: Jay Baker stated the consensus of opim.on was that we have our Meeting nt Sacramento on Jeepers I fo.y, September 3rd, Lrth, or 5th, 1960. Thi s is tho Labor Day Weekend. A l otter to tho State Fair Committee will be forwarded to t hem nsking tho.tone of these days, pref erably Sunday, September 4th, be designated as Jeep8rs1 fuy at the So.cramento Stat e Fnir~ He stated the Sacramento Jeep Club 1-rould arrange all det .:lilse · A motion was m.:ide by Loren Hagler 211d seconded by m1rold Krabbenhoft that Y~. Baker nnd the Sacramento Jeepers cow.municnte with tho State Fnir Committee requesting one day as Jeepers' D::ty. Motion c.:trricd unanimously. National Jeop ilescue .:md Search Association : Hr. Covington stated that the Captain of the Tulare County Shori~f's Office h a d conf erred with him nnd that details of the requirements for members t o join the :tfational J op Rescue and Search Association would be outlined to the Tulare Club. He would send further information and a write-up for tho State Newspaper to Jvir. Ed Comes., Prosidont Steve Yorris r equested all Committee Chairm.:tn proparo preliminary '-::::::../ budgets for necessary expenses this coming yuar and to submit their budgets to Mr. William iiorrison, Tr eG.surer, at the June 1960 meeting.

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'-' '----' -5-Mr, Louis Buschert of tho Hemet Jeep Club go.vo a r eport on Jeep Activities in tho Southwestern part of the No.tion, He announced a new run sponsored by the Indio Sidewinders from Indio to tho Oracopi Nountains. He stated that he entered two j eeps in tho Truth or Consequoncos Jeep terby. That it wo..s a gruelling drive and that only younger men should enter this race - he felt age and experience were not the major pre-requisites for this run, Mr~ Buschert suggested that the State Association h.:1ve some representation and'· enc-ourage participation of Jeepers in the various Runs, such as the Las Cruces and the International Jeep Derby at Truth or Consequences. A discussion of general information which the State Association-eould dissem-inate to its members followed. Mr, Krabbenhoft suggested trip maps that mny have details of fishing areas and other recreational activities be published. He offered to furnish two maps for a starter and suggested that such information be coordinated thru ~fro Jay Baker. Mr. Forrest Sheppa attended the Forestry Officials meetings held by the Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce as the State Association Representative. Twelve meetings were being held in different room simulto.neously and he could not attend o.11 of them. The two meetings he did o..ttend were discussions of the Natural Resources. Mr~• William Morrison and Mr. Ed C<'.1.llnhan will represent the Co.lifornia Association of Jeep Clubs at the Indio Sidewinders ::tun. President Steve Morris announced the next meeting would be in Tul2re at the To.gus Ranch Lodge, June 25th and 26th, 1960., Door prizes won by Bernice Buttell, Jesse Covington nnd Jennne Seifert~ Meeting adjourned at approximately 12 :15 P, M.

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'---' _,,.., California Association of Jeep Clubs,Inc. Sixth Regular Meeting Tagus Ranch Lodge Tulare, California Sunday, May 1st, 1960. MINUTES President Steve Morris called the Sixth Reg,-ular Business Meeting .. of-. . .t,he California. Association of Jeep Clubs, Inc., held at Tagus Ranch Lodge, Tulare, California to order at approximately 9:00 A.H. Sunday, May lst,1960. The Pledge of Aller;iance was given by the Assemblage. All officers of the Association were present. Roll was call ed of the Delegates, with the following being present and credentialed: \ Chuckawalla Jeep Club 1. Desert Foxes El Dorado Jeepherder s 1 Four-Wheel Drive Club of Monterey Peninsula ~ Hemet Jeep Club " Hill toppers Jeep Club Maverick Jeep Club of Burbank Orange County Four-Wheelers Sacramento Jeepers Tulare County Four-Wheelers Don Elmore Merritt Ladbury Harold Krabbenhoft Lowell Austin Harry Buschert Beverly Weiss Ed Comes Loren Hagler Jay Baker Charles Hefford Jeep Clubs without e. Tolegate present wer e the Hadji, Hillhoppers, Hill 'n Gully$ and the Sidewinders Jeep Cruise. The minutes of the first Annual Meeting 1vere read by the Secretary. Correction made on the last paragraph of Page 3 11Hubert11 instead of Herbert Humphrey as written~ A motion was made by Lowell Austin ·and seconded by Beverly Weiss to accept the minutes as read and cor1·ected. Motion carried. Treasurer Bill Morrison reported a bank balance of $822.25 and 666.oo cash on hand not yet deposited or a total of ~~888. 25. A bill for stencils, paper, and envelopes and stamps submitted by the Secretary was the only unpaid bilL A motion by Merritt Ladbury and seconded by Charles Mefford that the bill be paid. This motion was carried. A motion by Beverly 1,ieiss and seconded by Loren Hagler that the Treasurer1s report be accepted was carried and approved by the Delegates. President Steve Horris acknowl edged receipt of' a letter from the wckheed Empl~yoes Rocroational Center Four-1theel Drive Club stating that this Club had changed their name to the Mavericks Jeep Club of Burbank. Mr. Ed Callahan announced that a communication had been r eceived from the Westminister Chamber of Commerce expressing their thanks and appreciation to the various Jeep Clubs participating in the Parade and Beauty Contest at Westminister Fotmder1s Day. ,

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'--../ -._/ SATURDAY DOINGS: CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF JEEP CLUBS SEVENTH REGULAR MEETING AGENDA June 25th nnd 26th,1960 ', · California June 25th, 1960. All day long: When you arrive in Tulare, register at the Tulare Jeep Dealer~ He Will provide directions and reservations for affairs. 6:00 p.m. - Dinner at Tagus Ranch 7 :30 p~me -Brief open session followed by Committee l•'.:eetings 9:00 p.m. - Dancing sm~DAY DOINGS: 9:00 a.m. 12:00 noon -REMINDER: June 26th, 1960 Meeting called to order. Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call of Delegates Reading of the Minutes Treasurers Report Correspondence Committee Reports Legisl.:1ti ve Commit tee Membership Committee Publicity Committee Area Closures Committee State Rnlly Committee By-L.:,.ws Commi t t ee Communications Committee Jeepers' Day at State F.rir Official Budget s New Business Adjournment DELEGATES, Bring your Club1s proposed nmne for the California Assocint i o of Jeep Clubs ··Jewsp2.per.

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'-----'--" California Association of Jeep Glubs Seventh :1egular Meeting Tagus Ranch Lodge, Tulare, California Saturday, June 25th, 1960 MINUTES President Steve Hor"'.".'is called the First Gener al Ses~ion of the~ s·~venth Regular Meeting of the Cali fo:tnia Association of Jeep Clubs to order in the Tagus Ranch L()dg£-? Dining Room, Tula!'€., ealifornia, at approximat8ly 7 :30 P .M. Saturday Evening, .June 25th_, 1960" Followi..11g the din .. 11er of approximatel y 27 members and their guests at the Tagus rl.anch Lodge , the meetinc was opened with an introduction of the Joaquin Jeepers Del egation and presentation of their application for membership in the California Association of Jeep Clubs, Inc, A motion was made by A. V. Neel ey and seconded by Ed Callahan that the Joaquin J·eepers of Stockton, California be ~ccepted as members in the California Associa-tion of Jeep Clubso The motion was carried unanimouslye Attenti on was called to the various signs and posters in the Dining Room. Presi~nt Morris suggested all delegates consider and prepare to vote on the Area Closures Program outlined on the signs and posters by Jay Baker, Chairman of the Area Closures Committee~ Also, members and delegates arrange to attend the Area Closures Committee Meeting wher e the program would be outlined in detail for presentation at the Business Beting on Sunday, June 26th, 1960. The Committee Meeting Tables were designated by President r rris and sessions of the various Committees began at approximately 9:00 P.M. At approximately 9:30 P.M. a special meeting of the delegates present was called by President Steve Morris to consider a problem re uiring immediate attention that had arisen because of the small number of embers and guests at the dinner. Because of the larger number present at previous meeting, the Tague Ranch Lodge Management and the Associatio1 Officers had estimated a higher attendance and had prepar ed for a minimum of 75 dinners. After a discussion between the Restaurant Manager and the Association President and Vice President, i t was aereed that the Association would pay for So dinners total, thus leaving 23 dinners to be paid from the Association funds. It was also agreed that these 23 steaks would be served to the members the following morning for breakfast at no cost, on a fir st come basis. The special meeting was called to approve this arrangemento After a short dis-cussion the delegates agreed that t he association had a moral and that the arrangement pr oposed was fair to both the association ai.. t.:.e r estaurant. A motion was made by Jerry Eonger to approve this agr .ent and to pay for tl o 23 dinners out of the treasury funds, secondeci · y Bernice Buttell and unanimously appr oved by the del egates. Further disc1wsion among the delegates as to future action to .. eve t a repetition of this jncident r esulted in the following opera ti .. s rules:

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-2-Saturday Evening 6-25-60 lo At any future meeting the association officers or members appointed will arrange dinners or other accomodati0ns for delegates, members and guests of the Association by Reser-vations only. 2. Reservations must be arranged with the association o!fi~e~~ or member appointed for the meeting and should be made through the individual Club Secretaries, if possible. Turing the discussion a motion was made by Garland Peed of the Hilltoppers that the custom of varying the meeting place be resumed. He stated that during the previous year (1959) that this custom had resulted in a wide acquaintanceship among the various clubs where tho~e members attending met the whole membership of the host Club or Clubs rather than a few members who regularly attended the meetings. And also resulted in a personal acquaintanceship of the local members with the Officers and ailns of the association. Because of the nature of this special mectine this motion was tabled until the next general meeting at Sacrrunento Hhcn it could be discussed. I J

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MINUTES California Association of Jeep Clubs Seventh Regular Meeting Tagus Ranch Lodge, Tulare, California• Sunday, June 26th, 1960 President Steve Morris called the Seventh Regular Business Meeting of the California Association of Jeep Clubs, Inc., held at Tagus Ranch Lodge, Tulare, California, to order at approximat ely 9:00 A .Ivi. Sunday, June 26th, 1960e The Pledge of Allegiance was given by the Assemblage9 All Officers with the exception of William (Bill) Morrison, Treasurer, wore present. Mr. A.V. Neeley of tho Chuckawallas served as Acting Treasurer~ Roll was called of tho Dc]eg~tes, with the Iollowing being present and credentialed: Chuckawalla Jeep Club Desort Foxes Hillhoppors Hill toppers / Jl1a.vericks Jeep Club of Burbanl<: Orange County 4-Whoelers Sacramento Jeepers Tulare County F·our-t,Jheolers Joaquin Jeepers A.V. Nool oy Ed Callahan Louis Pope Joo Diaz Bernice Buttcll Loren Hagler Jay Be.kor Jerry Monger 11Corky11 Canale Member Jeep Clubs without a Delegate present were El Dorado Jeopherdcrs, Fou.r-tmeel Drive Club of Monter ey, Hemet Jeep Club, Hadjii, Hill 1n Gull y Riders,, Sidewinders Jeep Cruise of Indio c A motion was made by A. V. Neeley and seconded by Bernie a ell t hat we forego tho r eading of tho minut es by the Secretary and to accept the minutes as written since most of the Del egates had r ead their copies of tho minutes of the last meeting., Thi s moti on was ca.ITied unanimously by tho Delegates. In r eply to President Steve }iorris I que;sti on of Budget for the year, the Secretary reported a cost averaging approximately ~~12 .oo per meeting for stamps, mimeograph stencils.'/ telephone calls and other operational items. It was suggested that sufficient funds be set aside to meet this cost for the rest of the term, to be r,aid each meeting as needed. President Steve Morris directed the Treasurer t o allocate these funds for this and the remaining meetings . After approval of this item was made, he requested the :individual committees to present their budget for the r est of the year during their committee reportso A.V. Neel ey, Act i ng Treasurer in William Morrison's absence: reported a balance in the Treasury of ~~918 .. 75 with existing unpaid bills amounting t o ~~h6 ,,00o

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'--./ A motion was made by Jerry Monger and seconded by Bernice Buttell that t-he Treasurer's report be accepted as read and that all present bills be paido This motion was carriedo President Morris called on Vice President Forrest Sheppa to report on a letter which Mr .. Sheppa had received from Ouray, Colorado announcing .a, Jeep Trip during the Colorado Centennial Celebration on Septepmer 7th to September 18th, ]9600 Mr~ Sheppa reported that he has been on ·tnis trip and that it is one of good jeeping, scenic beauty and interesting subjects for photographers such as Ghost towns and Wilderness .11:!'eav It compares favorably·with any trip he has t aken on a Jeep Runo The trip includes Telluride, Silverton, and Lake Cityo It is all at high altitudeso Anyone interested in making this trip is requested to contact Hr. Forrest Sheppa since the group from the State Association Clubs will be under his supervision. It is suggested that any member making this trip be sure of the Jeep's operation at al titudes of 8,000 t o 10, 000 feet¥ President Morris called for the Committee ,1eports and the following is a general report of the Committees: Legislative Committee : Bud Hammers, Chairman, stated that the revised Wilderness Bill, Sll23, which had been received from Senator Hubert Humphreys did not contain sufficient changes nor did we have replies to our questions from ~~mator Humphrey0 However, a new bill on _the Wilderness Area is being authored by Senator Joseph c. 01Mahoney (D) of Wyoming and it is requested that the Secretary of the Association request information from Senator 0'}1ahoney as to when we may receive a copy of the Bill for study. Mr. Hammers further stated that the Sierr~ Club attitude towards motori~ed vehicles is changing and the general. philosophy of the Si erra Club appears to be that the Four-Wheel Drive Vehicles are a valuable part of the present day Wilderness Area Program~ Mr. Hammers stated that as all of his Committee letters 1rnuld be sent out by the Association Secretary, no budget requirements ·· uld be needed at this time, President Norris congratulated Hro Hammers" d his committe on their work on the Wilderness Bi11, S1123, sine the conse:i.sus of opinion for this Bill's adoption has changed to one of criticism an' a fe-ling that it would create and foster Bureaucratic types of administration of the Wilderness Area0 This was the California Association of Jeep Clubs major concern in its letter t o Senat".:lrs and Congressmen of this Stat<> and others~, Membership Committee: Ed Call1-'.1an, Chairman, reported ·i:._ at a r:1eeting had been held with the Ridgerunne·,:-s of San Diego and he ir1vited them to attend one of the State Association :,1eetings and to pa:cticipate in 3.r.Y discussions which they desir ed~ He also stated that he has been w,:-:.:king with the organ-iz.ation of t wo no:v clubs in Redondo Beach and Long Bea.::;--." Under budget ite'.T1s , Mr. Callahan stated that he had receiveci a price of 1~180 70 per thouca·.1d for membership cards. After a brief di1:ct1.ssion as to whether a motion should include the above price or whether it should just state one thousand ( 100) cards., YD'.' 6 Callahan made a motion to purchase 1000 membership cards, this was seconded by Loren Hagler~ Ti1.e motion was carried unanimously,, The membership cards are to have printed 196 _, and

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-3-each year the membership card will be validated by a stamp until the cards wear out. Jay Baker sugeested that drop-outs of various clubs have the cards r evoked. The Association will issue one card per membership and one additional card may be purchasede A motion was made by A. V. Neeley and seconded by Loui s ?ope t1lat· t1'le additional card per membership be J.ssued at a ch1cge of 25¢ each. This motion was carried. Y~. Callahan requested a membership Committee budget t o cover the JTBniber-ship cards, mailing and general incidentals of '.1~25. 00 0 A motion by Jerry Monger and seconded by Joe Diaz that :;;25r,00 be al located to the membership chairman t o cover these costso This motion was carried,. No report on the Membership Brochure to be sent to prospective members was available due to the absence of Mr. Harold Krabbenhoft, A RECESS OF TEN MINUTES WAS CALLED. President Steve Horris was requested t o clarify the I1embership in the State Association in reference to the individual Club Nembers and i t was explain-ed that in the By-Laws membershi p in the State ir. on the Jeep only, therefore; the Roster of Jeep OWners is the State Association 11embership frmn whom dues are collected. Individual Club members not oHn:ing Jeeps are not members of the State Association as individuals; but as members of the Individual Clubs they are :Memb ers of the State Associationo The State organiz.atfon is an Association of Jeep Clubs and not of Individual Jeep Members. It was also requested that the motion pertaining t o t he Amendment of the By--,Laws on dues and Initiation Fee which was passed unc:--...'1:i..mously at the June 21st, 1959 Meeting in Bakersfield be issued on the r evised and amended copies of the Constitution ar'.d By-Laws of the Galifor!"'.1.a As:,ociation of Jeep Clubs, Inc,, Membership ~ards will be issued to t~1e Jee? Owner as listed on the CJ.x.b Roster O _r:·i answer to a question f:i:-;m th-?. floor~ it was explained that the associatb;:i. means any 4-wheel drive ;rehicle by the t erm 11Jeep11• Publicity Committee, Ed ComeR_. Chairman, stated that tl;;) did not have a .., name for the Association New::;paper~, He ,1.lso suggested publ:u:'.ation of the paper on the off month, to b,, mailed to ·Individual cl,1.':s at that time and items for t he ne:...:t edition o., the newspaper could the:1 be b:r.cught to the .follow:ing meeti::'l, 0 As it is '.:ow t he most difficult problem sf t he publicity Committee is getting new itens to f ill the paper~ Also, he requested each Club to send an ··:p - t o-date l i::;t of members and their 2.-idresses to the Publicity Chairrnc.n. President Horris congratulat ec. 11ro Comes on the Association !e1vspaper and Mr. Yiorri s mnph·::l.t.izod the obl ~gation of each Committee to supply

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'-.__./ _,/ '--./ -4-information to the Editor, he suggested the individual vacation trips our member s are making in their Jeeps as of in tore st to all the members. Please send newsworthy items to: Mr~ Ed Comes Maverick Jeep Club of Burbank 2813 Empir e Blvdv Burbank,, Galifo.::-ni a This address is the Lockheed Aircraft Recreational Center, who is under-lJriting the mimeographing and cost of the newspaper. A motion was made by A.V. Neeley and seconded by Ed Callahan that a budget to cover t he mailing costs of the newspaper i n the amount of $20.00 be allocated to 1':r0 Comes., This motio::r was carried unanimously0 Also, a vote of thanks for the Lockheed Aircraft Company Re:J:r•eational Genter for their assistance in defraying the expense of' mimeographing the paper was suggested and approved unanimously,, The question of a Fame for the News-paper was· postponed until the next meetin~ as the Chuckawallas were the only Club submitting a name at this meeting., Please er:ter your Club1s Name for the California Association of Jeep Clubs Newspaper before the Septerrber Meeting at Sacramento0 Mr. Comes suegested that a l et ter from the State Association Secretary be written to l'-'Jr,, Jesse Covington of the National Jeep Se2rch and Rescue • / Association stating the State Association1s policy in these matters, that L each Club governs its own activities in this type of program. A motion was made by Loren Hagler and seconded by Ed Callahan that a letter be written to Mr. Jesse Covington expressing t he Association1s policy. This motion was carried. Area Closures Committee : Jay Baker, Chairman,. repartee! on t he Jeep t r a ck erosion tests e There was still some snow in the high ;,-n.ounta:_i_ns but that in the accessible test areas the erosion was not t oo severe_. the rains had filled the ruts w·ith washed, .. jn dirt and g:-·ass is cove:-'.'ing 'c,;-e marks o The meadows are healing themselves. A questionaire has been mailed to the Area Closures ae:;::-resentative of each Club, this questionaire refe:::-s to -':-he individual area i n Hhich each Club i s locatede He stated that to elate replies t o the Closed Area ,1uestionaires had not been r eceivedo Nr o Baker tren opened the Arna CJ_o1c;,n·es Budget requi reinents and called attention to the pl acards ancl posters had bee11 placed around t he dining room and stated that i t was riecessary to r aise :;:,1300<:00 to get tho Area Closures Fr-:Jgram as outlined in the June 21st, 1959, Bakers.field Meeting Hinutes, underway O 'l"his program meant mailing a printed letter to each one of tho· 20,000 Jeep Otmers in the Stat e ,, Get tjng a;,. \1.p to date

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-5-list of these Jeep Owners' addresses and printing the envelopes was a very important part of the program si:.rice the lettc1·s if sent to old addresses is wasted time and money,. Hc.J explainud that obtaining such a list would be oxpcnsive as i t would have to bo purchased from a commercial list:ing fi:.."m at a ~'1st o:F' a1'out $300 , 00,, In o.ddition at 4 Ci:;nts each 2Cl000 ~.e:t"ve·'.'s would cost (,800tQ0 to mail, envelopes, mimeographing or m:ltil:' ct cet er a would cost ·ab"out ~r200,,00 to toal the ~~1300,,00 noted0 It was decided that a 11NEW 1960 JKGP'' t o be uc1r2-;;in .for" at $LOO per dona-tion would assist in covering the cost o.f this program Tickets would be sold at the Sacramento State Fair 1~JEEPEl1 'S DAY11, September 5th.I' 1960, Labor Day. Also, tickets will be sold through members and Clubs and Local ~alers who would participate,. Mr-sr Baker-read a rough draft of the letter which is being .forwarded to each Club for comments a~1d r evisions, a period of time is allowed in which the lottc:i:-is to be re~·.urned a.rid if the Club does not return tho letter with any changes .:::c. tha·::. t ime., it will be assumed that Silence gives consent and they approve t he form Circular letter. :Vir., Jay Baker further stated that this Statewide Educational Program for 4-hlheel drive vehicles would be conducted in con.junction with the Forestry S.ervice. A discussion followed and the decision to allocate ~.i.500 oOO .from the Treasury to get the Area Closures Educational Program under way was agreed as of paramount importance as this was the basis on Ahich the California Association of Jeep Clubs was organized ori6inaliy and has been a prime factor in our organization since. A motion was made by Joe Diaz and seconded by A.Vo Neeley that the Associa-tion allocate :!~500.00 to l'-1r9 Baker and his Committee t o proceed with the .A:rea Closures lilduca tional Programn This motion was carri ed unanimously o }tr. Baker·read a l etter from the State Fair Corrffiuttee offering Labor Day as 11JEEPERS DAY11 at the State Fair. After a discussi · and an explanation that Sunday, Sept.amber 4th, 1960, had been requested u:i' t bA 1:'roven_1or as 11Governor 7 s Day;; , A motion was made by Louis Pnpe and seconded by Joe z t at we accept September 5th, 1960, L"bor fuy as 11STATE JEEPER•S DA.1.;· at the State Fair in Sacramento. 'l.1his motion ;Tas ca:::-ried ·.manimously It was also suggested t hat eci ~h CL1h try t o have a ·e··_~;gatl,1,1 atter..d the Fair on Sept embm: 5th.:, so that we may have a g cd tu:.·1· .,ut f~om al l over the State,, The prograD and 2.:::t i vi t i es f 0:r the c:12.y wi~ ~- be pJ.annecl and distribute(~ by t"':.e Sac;:-ament, Jeepers Cl··b., A."'_ ·-;o ) ac.::.:\!noda-:-,:Lons r motel or camping will ·:... 8 arr anged -~Y the S ere: :ie. to C~ ti.b , il ·c-equcsted by the individual Clubs or member s ,·

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-6-State Rally Coi:nnr:_ttee : Forrest 8he?pa 1 Chai:'.'!Tlc:41, :,•pr:,'J:'"1 'Jd that his corranittee had decided the most l'avur3.ble t ime and A'"0athe:r sonditions for the State Rally would be in Febr'.la:ry o-r March 1961,. c. possible date during Easter Week, A lE..tter had ½r.>.en written t o the Hearst Ranch requesting pennission to use t ·na S j£:. G:, tjrests in that area if the Dias Ranch Area was too dry or not .:i.· rai":.cb~e . Eldon Sheppa gave a detailed r eport on why the St ate P..c.1..J.J.y h;d -b~en call~d off over the Decoration Day Week-end., Rockhounds and other individuals had started a total of three fires which b'urned over npproxl.mately 50 acres of the Dias Ranch and it took 2} hi)u.-rs to c,-~·ing the fire under control. These persons were D'l.d cw.eless but the fire .11azard was so great it was believed unsafe t o hu:~d a s-:-3;t,e Rally o~ 350 tc, 400 Jeeps in this area~ President Steve r:orris instructed l'-'i'~ J Forr8st Si:-epp§. and hi.1.; Commit-tee to get a date selected during Easter Week 1961 (Enst ar weEk th~.s year )f 1961 is the last week of M:i.rch, Palm Sunday is 1-fu.rch 25th a2 .d E2-s ter i s April 2nd, 1961) and proceed on the fully Pl.:ms , Mr. Sbeppn stntf'ld his committee would welcome ideas and suggestions for activities during the State Rally. Communications Cc,nmittee: Garland Peed, Chairrria,-., _. reported that a question-nire published in. the current edition of t~e newspnper should be filled out by any Club having two-way r adio o.nd mailed to t',e Sto.t e Secretary. This would enable the State Association to obtain a C~_annel on wr.ich to operate feasiblye NEW BUSINESS: After di scussion it was decided that Clubs resigning from the St2.te Organizntion nrust return their membership c;:,:t"ds and remove decals cmd any other as sociation identificntion from their venicles; and thnt i f a Jeep is sold to any non-member all State Association Insignio. must be removed. Jeep Clubs not incorporated in the Sto.te of Californin can obtain insignia protection of their Club by registerir_p it with the State Secret o.ry of Californfa (See Corpor.1tions Code, 1959 nr!.:i. tiol'llJ 'fi tle 3 • Unincorporat ed Associati ons, Section 21300, Chapter 4- Insi rnin.s, Page 181 to 1830)• The Chuckawallas and the Hil::.toppe~'S don'.lted the door p:".'iZJt' and ::..n the drawing they werb won "uJ two members of the Tular e Clut ., Ed Cnllahm1 of t.he :Desert Foxes WN~ the toner cf reacing t~~-'3 11THING11• See you at t he F·.L~~

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CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF' JEEP CLUBS , EIGHTH REGU1AJ.1. MEETING AGENDA September 5th, 1960 l abor Dny 11 STATE JEE PER 1 S DAY 11 Little Theatre in theGovernor1s Hall State Fnir Grounds, Sacrrunento California STATE JEEPERtS DAY DOINGS: September 5th, 1960 Monday. 9:00 A.M. 11 :JO A.H. Meeting ca.lled to order Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call of Delegates Reading of the Minutes Treasurer's Report Correspondence Committee Reports Legislative Cornrnittee: Latest developments on the Wilderness ~ill0 Membership Commit tee : Membership Cards Nm·, Clubse Publicity Commi ttec: ibrne for the Newspaper Neus Items. Area Closures: Educaticnnl Progrrun Ticket Erosion Survey Communications Committee: Channels. State Rally Committee : Rally Date. Old Business: Future Meeting Places Ne1-1 Business: Adjournment PICHIC GHOUNL'S F011. LUNCH Q REJvIINDER TO ALL NEHBE..R.S AND DELEGATES: BnING YOURSELVES TO /CELEBRATE THE FIBS"' liSTA'l'E ,JEEF.E:U.S DAY11 CEIBBRATION H CAJ ,I.FORNIA •

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Co.lifornia Association of Jeep Cl ubs Ei ghth Regulc.r l"ieeting Littl e The~tre in the Governor's Hall Grounds, S.t'.crrunento, CoJ.if. 11STATE JEEPERS i DAYn September 5 ,1960. MH!UTES The Eighth Regu.lo.r Business l1eeting of t he Californi a Associ ation of Jeep Clubs held at t he Stat e Fair Grounds, Sacrairento~ Calir orni a in t he Little l heatre in the Governor's Hall was called to order at appr oximately 9:30 A.M0 by President Steve I forris" All Officer s with the exception of Will iam (Bill.) Norri.son, Tr easurer, uer e present., Mr e A, V. Neely of t he Chuckawallas served as Acting Treasurer 0 Roll was cal]ed of t he Delegates, with t he following pr esent and credentialed~ Chuckawalla Jeep Club Deser t, Foxes Hemet Jeep Cl ub ITillhoppers Jeep Club Hilltoppers Jeep Club Orange Count y Four-Wheelers Joaquin Jeepers Sacramento Jeepers Tulare County Four-Wheelers A~v. Neel y Ed Callahan Harry Buschert Louis Pope Johnnie Diaz Lor on Hagler Don Goodman Sandy Hilton Eldon Sheppa '---" '---' Member JeGp Clubs Hithout a Delegate; pr0scnt wor e t he, El Dor ado Jeepherders, Four-11Jh1:oel Drive Club of Monterey, Hadjii, Hill tn Gully Riders, Mavorick Jeep Club of Burbank, Sidewinders Jeep Crui se oi Indioo President Morris introduced Mr., Bert E. Gcisrci te:r, Conv ntion Manager of tho Sacramento Conv~mtion Buroau0 Gcisrc-i t or presented an invitat i on to tho members of t ho Calif ornia Associ ation of Jeep Clubs from the City of Sacramento to hol d t ho Annual lfeeting in Sacramunto :in Fcbruai·y l961.., An ornamented f ormal written invi t ation was prLsontcd by him to th1.-Sccretary0 This written invita-tion has b~cn signed by James B. McKinney, l'fa.yor of Sacramc..:nto; F:rod A . Barbaria, President of tho Sacramento Count y Board of Supervisor s ; Norman '2uillinan; President of tho Sacramento Ci ty-Colll1ty Chamber of Commcr co and H.G. Jl-1arkworth,. President of th0 Convontion BuroauQ · A motion was made by A.V. Neel y and seconded by Johnnie Diaz that we forogo the reading of the minut es by the Secretary and to accept the minut es as written, -si nce most of the Delegates had r ead their copies of the minutes of the last meet :ing. Thi s motion was carri ed unanimously by t he DGl egateso A. v. Neel y , Acting Treasurer in Wil l iam Morrison's absonco, r eport ~d a balance in t he Tr easury of ~p903009 as of this dat e., ~ r equest was made i rom the floor that mai ling distribut~on of club dat u .:md :information, such as minut es of each meet:ing, bo f orw.'.U'dcd t o t he Offici al. Club Address as listed on tho recently published l i st mid to tho home address 'C,., of the Del0gat e0 This will enable t he Del gat e t o g:vc an up-to~dat G St at e Associ;:)_tio11J r eport not only t o members of the Club but t o thG Delegate assigned

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- 2-for the next meoting0 It uas also suggested that a list of items on which r eplies or action was desired for the next Sta t c 1-1eet:h1g would bo forwarded with the minutes. This suggestion was approved" Pr0sidcnt Steve Morris cal:lod for the Committee Reports and the follpwing is a general report of the Committees; Legislative Committee : Bud Hammers, Chairman, reported that his ~ommittee had received copies of the ~nded wilderness bill, Sl.123. 'The nuthors-:•of:.-this amended bill are Senators Go~don Allott of Colorado and Joseph 01¥.lahoney of Wyorningo A lett er congratulating the authors of this Bill is to be written by the Secretary of the Associationo Also, this letter will include the aid Jeep vehicles can render and have rendered the lf'orestry Service in fighting fin,s, building fire r oads and in rescue o.nd search operLltionso A copy of this lutter is to be forwe.rdcd to Senat o,r Wallace Bennet t of Utah, t he recogn,ized senatorial authority on public ]ands .:md their o.dmi11istrnti0n o A motion was; by Louis Pope and seconded by Johnnie Diaz thet the Legislative Committee purchase a copy of t ho 240 pngo report of land descriptions by Sto.tes, embracing tho areas designated as wilderness~ This motion wns un,mimously approved. Membership Cammi:ttoo: Ed Callahan, Chcd.rn1"n, reported that the membership cards had boon printed o.nd purchased and o.ftcr the President nnd Socrotaryis sigi:mturc was added, the C-..".rds would be distributed t o the member Clubs e A limit o.ff one extra card to each member has been deemed necessary9 and a charge of t wenty-five cents (25¢) will be made for the second card .. A motion was made by Ed Callahan and seconded by Johnnie Diaz that the membership cards be forwarded to each Club in a package a.fter t he:t have been signed.. Each Club shall assume the responsibility of' assigning the cards to their members and a l ist of persons holding cards will be forwarded to the State Association Secretary. This motion was unanimously carriedQ The Application for Membership of the Sareea Al Jamel Club of Indio was placed before the Delegates" Sareea Al Jamel (Arabic for Fast Camels) has a membership of' 14 members,, A motion by Ed Callahan and seconded by Elden Sheppa to accept the Sareea Al Jamel Club of Indio into t he California Association of Jeep Clubs, Inc., was made c. This motion lofas unanimousl y carried. YJI' o Forrest Sheppa -stated that he 'H'as getting t oBethor with Johnnie Diaz on September 11th, 1960 to assist in the organization of severe.I new Clubs i11 the Inglewood, Redondo and Torrance Areas in Los Jmgc,lc,s County,, Publicity Conru.ttce: Ed Comes, Chairman, was unable, to attend this meeting. end published his report in the Third Edition of the lewspapero Mr-Garland Pead of tho Hilltoppers re:iter ated Hr. Comes' request. that the vm-ious Clubs get. ·news t o the; Editor as soon as possibl. Items of general interest, special mechanical changes and de:vices used on Jeeps, various trips nnd maps of particular interest to the assocint.j_on members., News items shoul d be forwcrdod to: ril'o Ed Comes.,. 281h Empire filvdt,, Bli.rbank, California c/ o Maverick Jeep Ciub of' Burbank40

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-3-Area Cl osures Committee: Jay Baker, Chairman,, has moved to the State of Oregon and has had to resign the Chairmanship of this Committeeo President Steve Morris '----.,/ requested Sandy Hilton of the Sacrament o Jeepers to give the report on Area Closureso He reported that tickets are available for t.he NEW JEEP and each Club woul d receive 10 tickets per registered member. 5000 ticket s have been printed and clubs desiring additional ticket s should contact Steve Horris of ?.51 Sandburg Drive, Sacramento 19, California. Tickets went on sale at .the ·" St ate Fair in Sacramento on nstate Jeepers' Day11 Soptember 5th, 1960.. J:his Jeep is being purchased from the Willy's Company at Dealer's cost: A CJ-5 ~equfpped with hubs and winch~ The Jeep will be delivered by the Jeep Dealer nearest to t he winner and will be available in any stock fact ory color~ Sales tax W]ld license are to be paid by the person having the ]Jlu.mber drawn for the Jeep. '.li'he Willys Company is most interested :in our efforts to build good public relations and service wit h the National and State Forestry Groups. Drawing .for the New Jeep will be held December 17th, 1960. Soil Erosion Check: Several Jeepers went :into the Silver Lake District on Highway 88 checking the soi l erosion of tracks made last year. Jeep t r acks in the meadows are filled up and appear to be in better condition than the surround-ing territory due to new grass growth. Also, where Jeeps had been driwen across gulleys the resulting t r acks had acted to collect pebbles and silt and form small. dams which had apparently prevented further erosion in the gull eys0 'I'he Area Closures Committee is completing a map which they believe will include all the closed areas in the State. It was also requested anyone hearing of areas being closed or contemplated cl osure should for1mrd such information to President Steve Morris. Vice President Forrest Sheppa related two incidents which occurred at the head of nine-mile canyon road. The Department of Agriculture is building a l ogging road in the Sequoia National Forest from the end of this road, and had placed a chain across i-t w'here it jo:ined the nine-mile canyon road. In the first incident a Jeeper was given a citation for being on the new road which he had enter ed by coming across countryo Mr., Sheppa felt that the citation for driving on a road under construction probably would be hard to prove since there were no construction ma:rkerso In the second case a man was caught unbolting the barrier chain and this probably could be enforcedo Mr,, Sheppa and his party were told by the Department 0f Agriculture Field man, not a Ranger or Sheriff, that should t hey enter anywhere in the area they would be cited by himo Although t hey believed this mdividual was exceeding his authority, t hey went around and .following a homesteader's road they lmew,. went in behind the closed area. It was admitted by the Department, of Agriculture Field mrurr that the area would be open soon anyway as logging roads or public roads in any case. In the discussion t hat followed Preside1 t ~·iorris stated that he did not know first hand of any case of a fine for entering the Natio112al Forest in a jeep and asked :Vo:-o Sheppa to report on the outcome o:f the t wo cases cited. He also r equested that the Association be notified in any case such an incident as this occurso Communications Committee: Gt1rland Peed, Chairman, r eported that only three Glubs had filled out the Communications form which is the last page of the second edition of the State Newspo.pere He requestGd that the forms be filled out regardless·o£ the number of sets in each Club, incl uding Clubs that de not have r adio sets11

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-4-This form will be used to decide on tho best possible channel QVnilable to a].]_ two-wny radio operators ;;:ith the expense of additional crystals. S'tate Rally Committee: Forrest Shoppa, Chnirmo.n, r0ported thnt t~e'bist area he and his committoo -had located f'or tho State Jc;op Rally was tho Hunter-Leggett . MilitD.ry Reservation al'1!d we could use the Monterey Club Co.roping A:r2a for our crunpgroundsa Facilities such as drinking welter, tables and benches, cooking areas and toilet facilities could be used since the Monterey Jeep Club had offered it to us for the State Rally. The Hunt er-Leggett }1ilitary Reservation will give us plenty of space to hold various races and obstacle contests. 'The Hunter-Leggett Military Reservation north boundary starts at Carmel and reaches to the San Simeon Ranch property on the south and on the east is very cl ose to King City, which may be used as an entry point. The Mont erey Camp grounds adjoin the Hui1t er-Leggett reservation on the north0 Hr~ Sheppn stated that he had not heard from Harold Krnbbenhoft and assumed l'ir. I"u-abbenhoft did not have any further suggestions. A discussion on the possible date of the state Rclly in 1961 followedo The 1961 calender yeor d0es not h:we any early th:ree-d~y ho.l i days ( except too L.:.bor l)uy Week-end)~ The closest dn.te between December o.nd May which uould present the minimum fire hnr.ards -was Februc.ry 10th, 11t h o.nd 12th (Lincoln's Birthday) which is observed o.s .2. holido.y by mru-iy goirernnent c.l groups0 A motion wns IllQde by Loren Hagler CTid seconded by Ed Callahan that we hold the Stnte Jeep Ro.l l y on Febru~ry 10th, 11th o.nd 12th of 1961 (Frido.y, So.turday o.nd Sundll.y) • This motion wc.s wi thdrmm for further discussion. A duplico.te motion Wils then mettle by Sandy Hilton c.nd seconded by Elden Sheppo. o.fter the discussion foll owing the withdraw:::]. O'f the originru. motion. This motion wns co.rried unonimousJ.y on o. poll of t he Delegc..tes. A motion was by Sandy Hilton and seconded by Don Goodmnn that the State Jeep Ral]y be held o..t the Hunt er-Leggett M:i.J.itary Reservation wa.s unonimously carriedc. Mr. Sheppa. requested t hat a".l.yone having suggestions or-wishing t o assist in the_, preparations for the State Jeep Rally should contact himo He wi~l welcome all assistance. President Steve Morris appointed 1ouis Pope, Bob Morris and Cap Handel ·!;,o the present committee of Johnnie Dinz, Harold Yu-abbenhoft a.'Jd Chairman Forrest Sheppa. NEW BUSINESS: Mr, Harry Buschert announced that he has a Radio Program every Saturday Morning at 10 :40 A J'1., 1320 on your din.1 in the Hemet Areao 'J?'it,le ~f the progrrun i s 1n1et rs Go Jeepin r n • Announcer, producer and owner of this progrnm is Harry Bus.chert o.f the Hemet Jeep Glub, Mr. Buschert needs cll1Y and all nows on Jeeping in the stntc and pc.rticul-U"ly southwestern area. Please send him any interesting items for his broadcasto You mo.y send him dc.tes of coming Jeep:ing events in your· Club o Jeep:mn.sters rnny exchange items on trips pl nnned for lnter in the year 0

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'-.../ ...__, '-.__/ SATURDAY DOINGS': CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATIOW OF JEEP C:tlJBS NIN.CH REGULAR NEETHG AGENDA October 22nd and 23rd,1960 Tulare, Cnlifornio. October 22nd, 1960 All do.y long: When you arrive in Tulare, register c.t the 'l'ul.nro Jeep Dealer0 Verify meeting plc.ce for Committee Meetings o.nd check motel and camping reservations. 7:30 P.M. - Cormnittee Meetings nt the Forrest Shcppn Residence0 Address: 955 West Inyo Street, 'Fularo, Cnlilornia0 SUNDAY DOINGS: October 23rd, 1960. Tulare Hotel, Tul£'.l'e, Co.liforn:iJ:J.0 9 :00 A.,ti. Meeting cc..ll od to ordoro Pledge of Allcgkncc Roll Cnll of Delego.tes Rending of the-Minutes Trensurer1n Report C-orrcspondence Committee Reports Legislative Committee -Amended Wilderness Bill Membershi p Committee -Y10mbership Gm-ds Publicity Committee f0r Newspc.per Areo. Closures Committee - Ticket Sclcs State Rnlly Committee - Progrc:.ll1s ~ications Committee -Chmmels r~ew Busin~ss ll :30 A .. 1;. Adjournment. Chock Reminder Sheet - Get motel reservo.tion c..nd nur~ber needed t©: Forrest Sheppc... Also, if you W"cJlt dinner r es rvo.tions for Saturdnyc

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-5-'-.--/ For the information of every member of the Californi a Association of Jeep '---..../ Clubs , t he Hemet Jeep Club i s the largest Club i n the Associati on. 'Fhey have 57 acti vc. members. Mr Q Bus chert has 500 ticket s on t he NEW JEEP DRAWING .:md he i s confident h0 -will sell cJ.l of those ticket s and morc0 '--" President Steve Morris annoU]lced t he date of t ho next meeting ns Qct.ob_gl! 22nd and 23rd, ].960 il'li Tulare O We -will dispense wit h tho Tngus R..mch D:i.nner-DC\Ilce o A moti0n by So.ndy Hilton and seconded by Ed Ccl.l cllo.n that ·we cti.spense m tJn. the dinner-danco meeting on So.turdny, October 22nd, nt the Tagus R...-mch Lodge w~s co.rri ed uno.:nimousl y0 Mr Forrest Sheppa requests t hat persons desiring motel reservat ions in Tulare f«>:rr-October 22nd and 23rd, 1960, p].ense l et. him know t he number to r eservea :Ml-a and Nr s . Bud Hammers invites all per sons wishing tO' camp the use o.f their large yard at their residence. Out door facilities are avai l able and t hey plent y of r oomo Their home is located at ·15972 Avenue 264, Visalia, Co..1.iforn:L::t n Viso.lia i s a short di stQDce from Tul2..l"'e. Conmtittee Meetings, Saturday Evening on October 22nd mny be held ~t the home of Mro and J.Vhns Q Fo::in3st Sheppa on West Inyo str eE::t, Noc.-955, Tulare, IG' no It lllD.y be wi se to call when you arrive ~d verify t hese pl~ns wit h the 1'-'orrest Shepp,2 r esi dence., 'l'he Business Meet i ng on Sund;:y r10:ming, October 23r d , wil.l be held o.t t he Tula.r e Hotel., Forrest Shcppo. is arr angenents for the. room nt t re Tulare Hotel0 ~ 'The New Joep Dre.wing 1,dll be hel d December 17th, 1960.9 during the Tent h (].oth ) · Regu].ar Business Meeting. Send t i cket stubs and cash or check t o Steve Morris. Chock t ho Reminder Sheet bef or e taking off for the October i·focti ng0 -.__.. ---------

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'---" California Association of Jeep Clubs,Inc. Ninth Regular Meeting Banquet Room of the Tulare Hotel Tulare, California Oct ober 23rd, 1960 MINUTES .. .. -•. The Ninth Regular Business Meeting of the California Association of' Jeep Clubs, Inc5, was held in t he Banquet Room of the T'u.lare Hotel, Tulare, Californiao This meeting was called to order at approximate-ly 9 :00 A. M. by President Steve Morr is. All Officers with the exception of William (Bill ) Morrison, Treasurer, were presenti;, .,Mr .. A. V. Neely of the Chuckawal]as served as Acting Treasurer,; Roll was called of the Delegates, with the following present and credentialed: y',/Chuckawall a Jeep Club Desert Foxes VFour-Wheel Drive Club of the Monterey Peninsula Hilltoppers Jeep Club \!Maverick Jeep Cl ub of Burbank ~~~:e~~:~!e~~~-Whee] er s v Tulare County h-'i.Jheel Drive Club A. V. Neely Mrs. Ed Callahan 11Andy11 Anderson Garl and P. Peed Bernice Buttell Ed Callahan Mel J e Klieby Elden Sheppa Member Jeep Cl ubs vr.i. th out a Delegate present wer e the El furado Jeepherders, Hadjii, Hemet Jeep Club, Hill.hoppers, Hill n' GuJ' Riders, Joaquin Jeepers, Sareea Al Jamel Club, and the Sidewinders Jeep Cruise of Indio. A motion was made by Elden Sheppa and seconded by Garland Peed that we forego the reading of the minutes by the Secretary and accept the minutes as written and mailed t o the Clubs and Delegateso This motion was caITied. A. V. Neely, Acting Treasurer in Will iam Morrison's absence, reported a balance in tho Treasury of $771~500 Correspondence to various Jeep Clubs interested in joining the State Association was read by Presi dent Steve r1oITiSo Also, a copy of the letter .forwarded to S~nator Gordon Allott of Colorado and Senator Joseph o·tMahoney of.' Wyoming .•

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'---' President Steve Morris called for the Connnittec Reports and the following is a general report of the Committees; " ..... ~ .,. Legislative Committee: Bud Hammers, Chairman, reported that his Cormnittee had obtained a copy of t he Wilderness Bill, S1123., 'This Billie the substitute Bill by Senators Allo,tt and 0fl1ahoney and oontains complete descriptions ~f the c:.reas of each State designated as proposed Wilderness Area. The areas described for the State of California are being trans-ferred to a la:l'.'ge State map by the A:r.ea Closures C:onnnittee Chairman., Mel J" Klieby ,_ 'fhis map will give members of the Association roll :i.nn:nediate picture of proposed areas to be considered Wilderness Area under ·this Bill,, Howe-ver, since hearings: on these areas by t ho Deparlmcnt o:f Interior ··and t he Department a,f Agriculture are to be hel d locally o.nd are subject t o the approv.'.11 of the Governor· of the Stc,te and/or Stat e legislative Committees om Natural Resources~ it has been doc~ded thnt a letter should be written to Senator Wal]nce Bennet t of Uto.h, the rec0gn:i.zod authority on Public Lnnds, requesting the following inform.::ttion: 10 Interpretation {Jf the Wilderness Bill versus the Wild Refuge L:lwo 2 0 Docs the WD.domcss Bill take precedence over the Wild Refuge Law in existence at this t ime. 3, Does u hunter hc,ve to be on foot to enter the N~tional Forest during the hunting sec..son, where there is some fire do.nger existing? This question o.risos from the fact that one Jeep Club, with Jeeps having approved e:rJw.ust systems, was barred from the Clevelcrid National Forest while hunters were allowed to go hunting on foot in the same forest on the s.:'JTJ.e dc.y this occurred. 4. Request the name of ;:,, person who could be sent to interpret the Wilderness Bill , Sll23. A copy of this l etter i s to be forwarded to the Chief of the Nc",tion.:i.l Forestry Service. A motion Wc",S mc' by Elden Shepp.:l nnd seconded by Ed Cn.llahan thc.t the nbove letter be written by the Secret2TY of the Association to Senc.tor Bennett of Utah. This mot i on wns cCTTied, Membership Corrnnittee ; Ed G':'.llc..hon, Ghc.i.rm...:n, ed 1.m npplica:tion for membership submitted by tho Boandocker s Jeep Club of ¼bittier before tho Delegc.tes. A motion by Ed C~nh~ seconded by Elden Sheppa thc.t the Boondockers Jeep Club be accepted c,s members in the St.ate J\ssoci[:tion wc,s c.:-..rried unnnim.ously.

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____... '------ 3 -Mr. Cclln.ho.n reported thc.t distribution of the membership cc.rds should be completed before the next meeting, since the President ond Secreto.ry were signing the cards now for distribution" .. ,,~- ----~ It was also suggcst9d that a program t o revitalize interest and participation o.f weniber jeep eiu·os be considered. It was believed t hat the Educational Fro~Tam of t t e Area Closures Committee may be a factor in t:i.1is programe Permission f or a State l'anel of Sµeakers to answer questions :·:-elative to the objectives of the Califo~1nj_a Association of Jeep Clubs was requested1-A panel dif:cussion to bB arranged for January or Feb"Jt'UE\:ry O Invit ations shouJl.d be sent out to al l ·Jeep Clubs desiring personal gui dance and cla-rification of the Association Aims and Objectivos. Tentative p]ans for this panel discussion is t o arrange a mG":6,i,.,...'.lg in t he Apple Valley Area,, A mot.ion to in~cstigate this plan further was made by Ed Callahan and seconded by Mel Kl i cby-0 ':This motion was carried, Publicity Connnitt00: Ed Cornes, Chairman, reported that tho newsp:-tper is graduall y decreasing in size and interest because of lack of nows and items of interest to the various member clubso Certain types of general club gossip is not of interest to the State Association even though it may be of interest to the :individual club11 This sort of thing should be carried in. the Club Newspaper,, Mro Comes raised the question: nDo we need a newspaper?111 Delegates present assured Mr. Comes that the Californ1a Association of Jeep Cl ubs did want a newspaper and that another effort would be made to have the Member Clubs repr eseio:~at ives forward news of trips, recrea-tional facilities and maps of trips, along with news of Individual Jeep Trips. Address : Ed Comes, Publicit y Chairman Lockheed Employees Recreational Center Maverick Jeep Club of Burbank 2814 Empire Blvdo Burbank, California Items f or the Newspaper should be mailed so that they reuch Comes before the 15th of t he mont h :p!receed:ing the Association Me.eting. Area Closures Cormnittee: Mel J. Klieby, Chairman, reported that the donations of the Jeep Drawing ticket s were going very well and that each Club should get t he tickets, stubs and :money in early, and they must be mailed to Mr. Steve Norris before midnight December 1st, 19600 Arrangements are being made for t he Drawing of the New Jeep an December 17th; 1960 and Mr0 Klieby stat ed that they plan on having :Mr. Ken Moyer,· an executive of the Emryville Kaiser-Willys Plant present at the· It may be advisable t o hold this meeting someplace ~ther than Tulare. ·

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......_,, ----..__/ -------- 4 -Arrangements for this drawing are to be made by Steve Morris and ¥.I!'. Mel Klieby, they will handle the details of the location and celebrities to be present. They will also notify each C:lub a!'.1-d Officers of the time, place and location of this meeting and pl' December 17th, ]960. A motion by Garland Peed and secondea. 'by-•ifd Callahan that the next meeting place be arranged by Mel Klieby and Sltevo lflOITis and that they notify the Clubs was carried" A motion was made by Mel KJLieby and seconded by Elden Sheppa that all tickets, stubs and money .for the drawing be mailed to Mr•. Steve Norris not later than December 1st, 1960, that all tickets and stubs shall be kept until the Am:mal Meeting fu February 1961 in the event any question arises relative t o the drawing and ethical procedure0 Stub identificat i on "will be necessary for the Winner . This nwtio,n was carried unanimouslyQ State Ral l y Conference: Forrest Sheppa, Chairman., introduced Mr. Beauford 11Andy11 Anderson , the l1ayor of Seaside and member of the Four-Wheel Drive Club of the Monterey Peninsula. Mr., Anderson has made arrangements. for the State Jeepers Cor.i.:ference to be held at the Hunter-1eggett Military Reservation., He has been advised by the Chief of Staff, U .s. Army at Fort Ord t hat the stat e Jeep Conference may be held on the Hunter-Leggett Reservation on February 10th, 11th and 12th, 1961. This area consists of approximately 250,000 acres. It has 40 to 50 acres of Oak trees w:i:tt.h a stream and it is most likely that we shall camp in this area. A shale area can be used for Jeep Trials and various Driving Tests. No firearms may be carried. However, cameras are permittede As a safety precaution all Jeeps having two-way Radio Equip-ment should keep in touch with the Officials in the AreaQ Each Jeep Owner shall be responsibl e for the occupants' safety and behavior in his Jeepe A list of persons attending must be submitted as you arrive at the King City Gate for Entrance. State Jeepers sha]]. enter and leave at the King Ci t y Entrance :in gr<Dups escorted by Y.dJ.itary Guides. There ·will be hot shower s and flushing-type toilet facilities. Good camp si tes are available and cooking facilit i es at the !fonterey leased camp si t e,. Ther e i s a 161 x 32·r dance platform at this ].ocationo Each club should have reJ,resentatives attending the State Jeepers Conference. A registration fee of a nom:inaJ. amount per Jeep is under consideration to pay for pri zes et cet er a and that each person entering -this area and leav:ing t he area will be accounted for by e. Checking System required by the Military., Yir. Anderson assured the Delegates at this meeting that the Public Relations between Fort Ord Officers and t he, members of the Four-Wheel. Drive Club of the I'·onterey Perrlnsula was excellent and every effort would be exerted to keep t hi s excellent r elationship. The Nonter oy Club shall coordinate all plans through :t-·ir O FoITcst. Sheppa and Mr. Steve Morris (California Association of Jeep Clubs! Vi ce-President and President., r espectively). 'l'hey will issue maps nnd jeeping rules on mimeograph sheets to oach Jeep Otmer and/or Jeep Driver at t ending tho State Jecper1s Gonforence1

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Mr. Sheppa requested persons having any ideas of the type and extent of activities for carrpetitive games with Jeeps to forward them to.---him as soon as convenient0 The State Rally Conference Committee will notify the Individual Clubs of the .Arrangements, gatherin~ p-oiDt-s, contests et cetera. President Steve Morris appointed the following persons on the 1961 Nominating Connnittee: A. V. Neely - Chairman, Bud Hammers, Bill Powell and Ed Comes as the Alternateo CORr1ECTION Oh the Recent State Association C'onstitution and By-Laws., Under By-Laws Article VI, Section one-now reading11•shall meet on an evory month basis-11 Should read "shall meet on an every~ month basis et cetera11,

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____,, California Association of Jeep Clubs. Tenth Regular Meeting Lockheed Employees Recreational Center Burbank, CalifaJmia December 18th, 1960. MINUTES '.The Tenth Regular Business Meeting of the California Associat_ion of Jeep Club~, Inc., was held :in the Con.f erence Room of the Lockheed Employees ·'R.Efcreational Center at Burbank, California. This meeting was called to order at approximate- , · ly 9:00 A,M. by President Steve Morris . · A~.·1 0.fficers of the Association were present, Roll was called of the De1t~g~t n:1 1,1·1..t.h. -~,he following present and. credentialled: Boondockers Jeep Club Chuckwalla Jeep Club Desert Fox Jeep Club Hemet Jeep Club Hill 1n Gully Rj_dcrs Hilltoppers Jeep Cl·.:o Maverick Jeep Club ~f Burbank Orange County Four-~¼n.:iee:lers Saqramento Jeepers Tulare County Fou-r-,~W1eel Drive Club John Littlefield A. V. Neely Frank Siefert Harry Buschert Lois }ti:1k Emil Ni xon Joe Machracek 11Cap0 Randel Mel Kleiby Dick Thomas :,1iember Jeep Clubs without a Delegate present were the El Ibrado Jeer,berders, !fadjii., Hillhoppers, Four-w'he el Drive Club of the lfonterey Peninsula., Joaquin Jeepers, Sareea Al Jamel Club, Sidewinders Jeep Cruise of Indio. Due to accoustical difficulties of the meeting room, President Steve Morris read the minutes of the last Meeting fctJ!' the Secretary• A motion was made by Emil Nixon and seconded by Dick Thomas to accept the minutes as read• This motion was carried, The Delegate form of Mr. John Littlefield, President of the Boondockers Jeep Club was presented without the Dlub Secretary1 s signature, thus being :incomplete.~. A motion was made by Emil Nixon and seconded by Frank Siefert to accept the Delegate form as presented. This motion was carried unanimously. The Treasurer's r epor t by ¥1!". Bill Morrison showed a balance of ~~788.50. This report was accepted by the Delegates. President Steve Morris acknowledged Christmas Greetings sent to the Association by Member Clubs. A letter from Robert Eilertson, formerly of the Long Island Beach Buggy Association, to President Steve Morris requesting in£ormation on the California Association of Jeep Clubs, was read to the meeting by President Morris. Mr. Eilertson is a resident of Castro Valley (near 0akland),Californi~ at this time but had heard of the association when he lived on Long Island. The Hayward Hillhoppers are the closest Stat e Association member club and he was -directed to contact them by President Steve Morris.

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____,, --.._/ ...__., President Steve Morris presented A.V. Nee].y of the Chuckwalla Jeep Club a special award, A can opener equipped with a miniature umbrella designed to keep Mr. Neely from being sprayed when he opens cans of liquid. It is design-ed and expected that this will be handy at the P.T.A. Meetings, President Morris then called for the various (Iommi ttee reports• The follo1-ring is a general report of each Committee as given by the Chairmru:i-. " ...... · ..... --Legislative Committee: Bud Hammers, Chairman, reported that a, letter had been written to Senator t'.:allace ~ett of Utah by the Secretary of the California· Af.'8ociation of Jeep Clubs •. , Alt this writing, we have receivGd a reply from Se::11c~t0r Bennett Is Office and shall receive further information from him according to his letter. ~~:nb~!:_'ship Committee: Ed Callahan) Chairman, introduced JV".ir. John Littlefield~ h·e::;Jd~;nt of the Boondockers Jeep Club of "Whittier, Mr. Callahan stated that t b8 l.)Jsert Burros Jeep Club of Hawthorne and the King County Four-Wheel Dri--;·v. CJ:ihs plan to submit their app1 ·.~ations for membership at the first meo-::.:t·;1f; of' i:.1c.e New Year 1961_, E~~licity Connn~: Ed Comes:, Chairman, stated that the Publicity Comm::..•;j-::.E-:8 ;·_as not recei""i'"~"d any news iten;'l a.nd therefore did not publish a newspaper tr:is meeting.. Hr. Comes clarif:Led and explained to all State Members a newspaper that they shotl.•_r_: print on ths newspaper the statement;, 11No y-rart of this newspaper may be p:..•inted by any Club, person or group, not a ri.ember of the C~li.fornia Assoc5.ettion of Jeep c:,_u½s without written permissio:1 S'~'.·om (the Name of i,he Jeop Club publishing tho paper) Jeep Club," This state, ... rncnt is used to prff'&Bnt anyone f-rom misquoting or distorting any of the facts 0ontainod in the newspaper, a copyright is not necessary for any individual to take action if libelous acts :1.ave been cornmi ttcd whenever such a notice is printed in the paper. Area Closures: Mel Kloiby, Chairman, r eported that 3,966 tickets had been distriouted on :bhe Now Jeep and donations totalling ~~3, 96? .41 had been rcccivodo Mr. IQ.eiby distributed a 3" diameter California Association of Jeep Clubs Insignia which lists 7 rules for cross country vehicle travel on the reverse. These Insignia arc supplied to be placed on the Jeep or car windshield of all members of the California Association of Jeep Clubs. Yir. Klciby reported that an effort was made to have those Rules for Cross Country vehicle travel incorpo-rated with the fire permit obtained from the rangers which is necessary for vehicles and porsons entering tho National Forcst_s if any fires fer-clnY purpose are contemplated.. However, the Rangers did not bcli5VC these travel rules should be issued with the regular fire permit since they felt that it applied to drivers of 4-Wheel Drive vehicles only and this would mean extra printing and costs for the use of a special group onlya Kleiby stated that further meetings with the Rangers are contemplated and that he hoped to prove that these rules would be applicable for all motorists entering the Forests. Mr. IQeiby stated that ho understood several new Areas nre to be closed in the ______ .. --next two or three years. These areas are in the El National Forest along the Mokelumne River and an area of about 1000 acres in tho Swmnit City Ca.ny-on··-district •. Mr« Kleiby will ascertain the locations on maps which he is obtaining .from the Forest Service indicating w:iJ.d areas and proposod Wildcrnass Aroas E?.lso. In the Fresno Area -Onion Creek and KcttJ.c Ridge nro scvQraJ. cxporlloontB-1 .forost.s----DJ"ld wil.d ,".Irons.

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'--.-/ ,.__., ---3-Mr. KJ.eiby requested permission to purchase Coast and Geodetic Survey Maps of areas containing wilderness, wild areas and game refuge areas in the State of California., A motion wns m'lde by A. V,, Nfle]y and seconded by Emil Nixon that l1r0 EleibJ 1:-c allocat od cufficient. funds t p11rchaso these maps. This motion was c3.rl'.'i::1\ unanimouslyo In Southern California 99,000 acres of publicly owned lands are beine trans-ferred from the Bureau of Land Mana.gement., Los Angeles Office to RivG·ts~.03 County for various recreational us0 i n Il (eleven) sitesu 1°0,.000 13.c:i.·01; i::1 San Be:rnar djno County f or seyen (7) possible recreational sites h2Tc rre,,-: ons:,_~,-been allocatedo This brings a total of 219JOOO acres of 21.~:-;h 1-e.nd clas;'i':ica.,~ tion fo. the last several months~ lv!l."0 Harry Buschert brought out the fact that in this transfer of public lands approx:iJnateJ.y 33., 000 acres in the Mountains-West Area near Desert Center, 9000 acres Chuckw2.lla l·iountain-EF.s;~ Area including Chuckwalla Springs, and 9000 Lc-"°es of the i1nle Nountain , ,-e.:. of eastern R~.'l'~:.:--side County which contain:::; Til:·)Y Wel:!. and so::n3 of the b --~::. jeeping areas for membe,:,s of t !1e Califo:rnj.a l-1.&socia:t:.ion of Jeep Clu'.Js.:. During the discussion of the S01.:thern California 131:.:reau of Lan.1 Nanage:n??:". t transfer of 219,000 acres to the County of Ri\'<;rsir•e u: d SaE Bc..."l" f:y;' ptXpcses of recreational sites , it was suggest•',d th2t. ;d:'3 Sec-et.:u-y of t ~10 Association write a letter t o l'-fr0 1oland F., Ke·.:i, a.Es:;_.-t,a,r:t to the Burem' Jf Land Management Super.r:i::.:;or-~f the Los .Angel "S Off foe m1d ask for n clarifi-~ ':¾.:.t-:i-On ·'Of how this transfer is lllclde fr.o . foder .... l to S·t.o.t c usage, and to det.e:i!'1:1i'I'.' -~ i f possible, its future status for jeep~g. A motion was made by 11Cap11 Randel and se:::onded by Fr,:,nk Seifert that the Secretary write this letter to Ifcr'. •ol£!.Di F o Keil, with a copy to Co:ngressmrn Saund of Imperial County and jnclude in this l et ter a question on the statue of 800,000 acres of ba.Mbing rcmge in 8-outher·n Califorr.ia,:, which has not been cleared of duds by demolition crews , and which could b e converted to the s+,;:• ~ ·.: of ~lifornia for use in recreational nrenso This area is mostly in the Eastern Imperial Valley. Forrest Sheppa reported on the Fresno-Tulare area ro1d stated that n road cor__,. ing th0 Nine-mile canyon - Kern Plateau to Johnsondal o ho.s been approved by th State to open up this r ecreational area when pl.:i.ns nre comploted. This JTh.,.J..'1.S a road from Inyokern to Porterville. Forrest Shopp['_ mid Eldon Shcppv. h::vu , explored this area thoroughly and they are ~rilling to continue .. A motion was made by Joe Machracek and seconded by Frank Seifert that J?orre~i-. and Eldon Sheppa investigate this project for and by the California 1-;,sso~i~.-~-.j'\:.: of Jeep Clubs, This motion was carried unanimously• State Jeep Rally: Forrest Sheppa, Chairman, reported that the Four-·:ihee_ ::.·~·v2-Club of Monterey Peninsula and. the California Association of "Teep Clubs J-_2.~i signed the necessaljr papers wi. th the Fort Ord Commanding Of :ficers for thG u.-c:"' of the Hunter-Leggett Reservation for the February Meeti:15 c The Honterey f"; J is putting on a Barbecue 11B:ig Feed11 S'.:1:tu...-day Nite_, FebT'l.1.•"-7' llth, 961,i; ~:~ ·-:. co~ of .. $L.50 per-· person ..

Page 77

'-._./ -4-Each Club is requested to determine the number of its members desiring to attend this Barbecue. Reservations are necessary and should be addressed to the Four "Wheel drive Club of the Monterey Peninsula,. Box 364, Seaside, California, approximately two weeks before the State Rally February lOt:1., 11th and 12th,1961. An annot1ncernent has been issued by Mr· > Sheppa giving the route, entrance and restrictions to be obser'V3do PrintP-d maps and" r egulations will. be distributed at tho Entrance Gate. "' '-..,. --The proposed $2.00 registration fee for. all members of th,~ California Assoc:. .. ,.· tion of Jeep Clubs was discussed and a motion was made by 11Ce.p11 Randel e.nd · seconded by Frank Seifert that a registration fee of $2,,00 per jeep b~ u.ssr,[;3 -ed to all members of the Association attending the Rally0 This motion was defeated" A motion was then made by Frank Seifert and seconded by Ad Vo Neely that the r egistration fee of $1000 per jeep be assessed to all merr.bers of the Assoc:i.a~ tion attending the Rally. This motion wns amended to include the: stateracnt that all Jeeps not members of tho State Associo.tion aro to be 2.dmittcd f:cec ~nd the Association will make up the deficit~ if there is onee This motion GS amended was approved by the li1elegateso The cost of pri5es to be given to winners i.'I'} compet.itive events was and a motion was made by Frank Seifert aP.d seconded oy Emil Nixon requestinf that each member club attending the Rally donate a prize fo:;.' t;,1e Competitive Events. This motion was carried unanimously(t A mot.ion that the Annual Meeting be held Febrary 11th and/or 12th, 1961 at the Hunter-Leggett Reservation was made by Richard Thomas and seconded by Frank Seifert. This motion was carried unan:imously,, NRW BUSINESS: Harry Buschert of the Hemet Jeep Club and V.irs. Lois Mink of the HilJ!.. 1n Guli'y Riders of Riverside invited the California Association of Jeep Clubs to hold their second meeting in Riverside during 1961G President Steve Morris called for a report from the Nominating Committee anct ~ir. Neely referred the report to Ed Comes~ The fo]lowing nominations are presented by the Committee: President: Vice President: Treasurer: Secretary: A.V. Neely Mel Kleiby Bud Hammers Pat Peed J Nominations from the floor were made by Richard Thomas who presented Har:cy .. Buschert for President; Frank Seifert nominated Ed Callahan for Vice Presine~t and Emil Nixon nominated Pat Peed for Secretary. A discussion followed on the merits of creating an office of a second Vi~e President such as a Regional Officer f or the Northern part of the State e.nd another ~or the Southern part of th® State in the event that the number vf meetings per year were reduced, It was believed that. two vice president::: 1°rc.:L:1.:'..i assist the State Association in forming ne~1 clubs and sponsoring inter--c}vb activities on the local level. A motion was made by Dick Thomas and seconded by Frank Seifert that a pr")po:':l:ed amendment be submitted to the California Association of Jeep Clubs to change tl"e· :ay-laws to establish an office of one additional vice president, or a total of t.wo-(2) Vice Presidents. This motion was appro-wed by the Dclegat,esc

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'-----' '---' '--..../ --..,/ MINUTES California Association---;-f Jeep Clubs. Eleventh Regular Meeting Hunter~Leggett Military Reservation Fort Ord, California Febre~ 11th and 12th, 1961 A special session of the Eleventh Regular Business Meeting of the California Association of' Jeep Clubs, Inc., was held Saturday Evening, February 11th, 1961 at approximately 8;00 P.M. President steve Morris called the meeting to order f or the specific purpose of the Election of Officers for the year 1961. The meeting was opened with the placement of the application £or membership of the Desert Bu!Tos L.-Wheel Drive Club of Ha1·rthorne bef ore the Delegatese> Roll was C8.lled of the Delegates 1-dth the f ollowine being present and credentialled: Chuckwalla Jeep Club Desert Bu.n-os 4-Wheel Drive Club* Desert Foxes Four-Wheel Drive Club of }'.bnterey Peninsula Hemet Jeep Club Hill 'n Gully Riders Hillhoppers Jeep Club Hilltoppers Jeep Club Joaquin Jeepers Mavericks of Burbank Orange County 4-Wheelers Sacramento Jeepers Sareea Al Jamel of Indio Tulare County Four-'tmeel Drive Club stuart Roberts Harold L. Andrews Frank Seifert Dick w. Carlos Burg Ashley Frank Fox Al Staples Johnnie Dias Bernard Canale Oscar Wright. Loren Hagler Sandy Hilton William A. Eryan Bruce lfuef er Member Jeep Clubs without a Delegate present were the El Dorado Jeepherders, Hadjii, Boondockers Jeep Club and the Sidewinders jeep Cruise of Indio. A motion was made by Frank Seifert and seconded by Johnnie Dias to accept the application of the Lesert Burros 4-i•m.eel Dri'r'.'E!I Club for membership, This motion was passed unanimously. The Desert Burras Delegate form was accepted and they 1rere eligible to vote. President Norris placed the Aroondrnent Proposal Number One before t he · Delegates and members of the Association. This amendment pertained to the number of regular business meetings each year to be held by the Association. A general..discussi on opened on the proposal. and the following motion was presented. · *Delegate form accepted a~d in order.

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,.__/ '-.._./ '-._..., A motion by :&lrg Ashley of the Hemet Club and seconded by William Bryan of the Sareea Al Jamel Club of Indio that the California Association of Jeep Clubs, Inc., have three more business meetings this year, or a total · of four meetings during 1961 and four meetings each year thereafter. A poll of the delegates was made and this motion was carried_ unanimously. Amendment Proposal Number Two creating the office of Second Vice President. , ·was then presented. The officers are to assist in the formation of new clubs and to assist local clubs on an individual and inter-club activitieso A motion by Roberts of the Chucknalla Club and seconded by William Bryan of the Sareea Al Jamel Club to create the office of second Vice President, thereby ha"Qi. ng two Vice Presidents, First and Second. A poll of the delegates was made and this motion was carried. President Steve Morris then called for the Election of Officers with the Office of President to be considered first. Nominations for office of the President were A. i1. Neely of the Chuckwalla Club and Harry Buschert of the Hemet, Jeep Club. All voting was done on a secret Ballot. The Electic:1;,~ Conmittee appointed by Steve Horris distributed, collected and counted the ballo.ts, Hesw.,ts announced A. V. Neely was elected President for the year of 1961. Nominations were then opened :for the Office of First Vice President. Harry Buschert, Erwin Bjerke and Ed Callahan were nooiina.ted for this office. I A motion by Frank Seifert and seconded by Johnnie Dias to close the nom:inations was accepted. The ballots were distributed, collected and counted by the Election Committee and the Office of First Vice President was won by Harry Buschert. Nominations were then opened for tbe Office of Second Vice President.. Erwin Bjerke and Ed Gallahan were nominated for this office, A motion by Sandy Hilton and seconded by Frank Seifert to close the nominations was accepted, Ballots were distributed., collected and counteci by the . Election Connnittee, and the Office of Second Vice President nas 1~n by· Erwin Bjerke. Steve Norris then annotmced the new officers of the California Association of Jeep Clubs for the year 1961-62. A. V. Neely, President Bud Ha.nuners, Treasurer Harry Busche rt, Fir st Vice-Presiden-t Erwin Bjerke, Second Vice-President Patricia Peed, Secretary• The Offices of Treasurer and Secretary were the nominations suggested by the Election Committee, and the nominees were uncontested and voted into office unanimously.

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..._,,,, -Introduced to the members and guests of the California Association of Jeep Clubs, Mr, Neely congratulated Steve Norris and praised the work accomplished in the two years he served as President of the Association and he hopes to be able to can-y through the programs started during Steve •s tenure of office, President Weely ]ater, in a private interview stated that he would maintain similar poJiicies we have had in the Associ?•·• tion with the exception they would be a little more fluid. ·" President Neely introduced the two Vice Presidents, Harry Bu'schert of H~t and E:rwin B.jerke of Sacramento, The Treasurer., Bud Hammers of the 'F'ulare 4-vJheel Drive C].ub and the Secretary, Patricia Peed of the Hilltoppers Jeep Clubo The meeting for Sunday Morning was announced to begin at approximately 9 A.M. and President Nee]y turned the meeting over to Fon-est Sheppa to conduct the drawings for the various prif½es donated by Member Clubs., Jee~:: D"! Dealers and Ouch. Ttienty-five (25) different accessories for Jeeps were won by the members and their guests - many of these accessories were expensive donations from Jeep Dealers in Areas where member clubs are located. A list of the prizes, the donor and winner is attached to the minutes of this-meeting, After all the prizes had been distributed a vote of thanks was given to the Tulare 4-vJheel Drive Club for the Generators which supplied the electric lights and to Dan Froelich of the Chuckwalla Jeep Club who supplied the t1rnike11 and the public address system; and to the Monterey Peninsula 4-Wheel Drive Club who assisted in obtaining the Hunter-Leggett Area for the State Rally and also provided a fine Barbecue (fea 1.50) of wild pig and chicken -and conducted a trip <Jver the "Burma Road11 area; with too rain· starting again and the fire going out the Satw.~day Session was adjourned.

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Cali.i'ornia Association of Jeep Clubs Sixteenth Regular Meeting Y.drror RoOJ1t, Johnson Hotel Visalia., California May 2oth1 1962, Sunday Hornirg. President A. V. I1eely called the Sixteenth Regular Meeting -&o ,'order at approximately 9 :07 A.H. in the Mirror Room of the Johnson Hotel in Visalia, California on May 20th., 1962. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by ucap11 Randel of the Cr•::· o County Four-Wheelers. \. President Neely introduced Lt. 11Ed11 ELll-rards, Co-Captain of t he Inyo Countr Sheriff ls Search and Uescue Unit. All Officers with the exception of Earry Buscher-t.., ?-.Lrst Vice-President uere present. Roll Fas called of the Delegates the f ollowing presed:. and credent~ed: B~ondockers1 Jeep Club Chuclrnalla Jeep Club Desert Burros 4.-Wheel Drive Desert Foxes Jeep Club Hanf ard Jeep Club Hemet Jeep Club Rilltoppers' Jeep Cl ub J oaquiJ1 Jeepers Naverick Jeep Cl ub Orange County 4-'ifueeler s Sacramento Jeepers Sareea Al Jamel Tulare Co1.mty h .. 1-Jheel Drive Club W .A. Schmidt Rill rforrison Paul Thompson Demus Yates Bill Begley Ray .·!est e J ohn THi.f ord Don Goodman Ed 11Cap LI Randel Sandy Hilton Bill Bryan Forrest Sheppa. Member Clubs without a Delegate were: Bay 1\.:rea 4-Wheel Drive Club, ElDorado Jeephe.rders, Four--vJheel Drive Club of the Monterey Peninsula., Pd.llhoppers East Bay Jeep· Club, Hadjii Jeep Club, Hill •n Gully Ri ers., Jeepini Jeepers Jeep Club, and the Ueduood Jeep Cl ub. A motion by Bill Bryan to farego the reading of tl-ie .-:in tes and to accc_ ·;;,' them as printed was rrad.e• This :motion .·as by Bill iiorrison., Hotion Carried. Steve Horris presented a ax of Skte !r.signi3. metal cuts 1-n1ich Mr. Homer Thomas of the Hillhoppers-East ~ay t,ee_ Club made and sent to the California Association Hembers. Each meroer Club Hill receive one. Remenber Mr. Homer Thomas of" the Hill.hoppers East 3ay Club o:f Ila~ward., CaJ.ifoxnia ,m.en you. need cuts for letterheads. Y..1r. Bjerke requested that the Secret:ll'Y write a letter of thanks to Mr. Homer Thomas for this gift of the Insignia Guts to our Nember Clubs. A letter which was forwarded to the 1-ionterey County Board of Supervisors was read to the Lelegates.

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___,.,, May 19th, 1962 Saturday. In order to keep a :National Association of Vour-~'Jheel Drive Ot,mers i.nfomed and united as a recreational group interested :in the preservatun of the public lands and in their individual conduct as responsible citizens, it is recommended· tra t the HFQUR. WHEELER.n, the magazine of Back Country Driving and Camping, be the Official M.aga~ine of the '7.National Assoc:ia tion of Four-.• \lheel Drive Ovmers.. It is only 1v.i. th such an organization c~ ve-*e .fective• · ly put in operation our educational program and our recreational facilitiE:,. program for drivers of 4-Wheel Drive vehicles, A general discussion followed this request, this discussion 1·1as extremely favorable to such a plan since our Constitution enables us to assist in every way the formation of groups interested in back country driving. A motion was made by Steve Norris that the California Association of Jeep Clubs officially pursue the formation of a tr.National Association r·"' Four-Wheel Drive Vehicle ()'(omers11• This motion was seconded. by Bill P.~:. ::. A discussion on the blanket. scope of this mmtion should include a .:.·'.:-::: range of vehicles. 'I'herefa-e., Nr. Horris presentec' an amendment to the above motion which :included uall cross country vehicles11., this amendment was seconded by Bill B:FIJan. A discussion followed and it was emphasized that this statenent 1tcross-country vehiclesn uas too broad a range f or a National Association to encompass at this ti1ne. Mr. Steve Horris then r esc:inded his amendment and ask that the motion stand as first presented. Hr. Bryan went. along with this and rescinded his second to the amendr.1ent and the mot.ion as first presented h~ld. President Neely called on the Delegates to vote on the motion: "That the Californi a Association of Jeep Clubsofficially pursue the for:ma.tion of a National Association of Four-1rin-i.eel Drive OwneFst1• nus motion uas carrie<i unanimously by a poll of tlle Delegates. Hr. Neely appo:inted a Committee consisting of Bill Bryan, Sandy Hilton, Garland Peed and "C~pll Randel~ The Committee Has advised to select its ovm Chairman .. John Tt· announced that a letter addressed to the Hilltopper's Jeep Club had been received from the Lake County Chamber of Commerce and tha Lake County Realty Board offering th~ Clear Lake Area as a possible route for a state Jeep Jamboree and Run sir".ilar to t~e. Georgetown Event• !X • Twiford further stated that Mr. and Hrs. Emil Nixon of the Hilltopperc c _;e property owners in the Clear Lake Area and that they represented the ::..::.. e County Chamber of Commerce at the recent Sportsmen •s Show in los Angele~. President Neely instructed Hr. Twiford to investigate the feasability o:f such anJeep Rally and/ or Jamboree. He estimated trat- 1-ti. thin the next yea:r a definite plan could be organized e...~d presented to the State Association. President Weely then called f or adjournment at approximately 9 P,N. of this section of the General Session and annotmced that all Committee Meetings on Membership, .Area Closures, National, Association of 4-Wheel Drive Ot-iners., Publicity, State Rally and Legislative Problems hold their meetings within the confines of the Mirror Room and after one-hour of the Connnittee Meetings we hold another session to alert all Delegat,es o.f special problems.

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Sunday Noming President Neely called on the Membership Chairman to report on any appltcations f or membership. :Nr. Brya.11 reported for· Hr. Harry BusGhert tha.t a Club in the Blythe A:re-a had been contacted by the State Associatio1 Representatives and they were working with them. Er. Bjerke stated' that progress is being made on the formation of a J~~p Club in the Aero-Jet General Plant at Sacramentoo .. :·-.. .,. Old Business: Pt~oposcd Amendment for Associate Memberso A motion uas mao.2 by Sandy Hilton and seconded by Bill Bryan that the Proposed Ainendment for Associate lkrrbers b3 t,abJ.e-:l per..clli.'lg the out come of the formation of the Ifational Ass0ciation of Four-Wheel Drive CJt-mers., The mot,ion war:: 1o · ; •· d.ed 'by Bill Bryan. The. motion was approved by the Lelegateso President Neely announced that the Southern Sect:-.onal Heetine;s were beir(· organ;_zkd and pla·::med by Bill nnk of t1 e :-Ii~. r .. l Gully Riders of Ii.iversi• .. ~ e The lforthern Section has been 1.1c.v~ng me0tings f-?:;_' the ~:'.st year, since the~-realized an orr:nn:.'.'?led group ·shov-:'..d be consu.J.ted or pro"tJ.en1s of• Area Clos1.,.:.-·· and o·Gb·)l' ger..eral :m~tters,, New Business; Bond Issue en· the June 5th Primary Ballot, !'.rt-. Neely called on Ken Smit h o: _the !0aquin Jeepers to present a rep~·t on this issue for the State Parks ::ud Recreation Department request t o authorize the issuance and sale of S-:at .~ general otlic;ation bonds in tl~ amount oi' ~t1~0,ooo,ooo.oo to meet the cJsts of developing a recreational program, uhich prograr,1 would L.,clude the acquisition of sites for; and the development of, state .::..11d county beaches, parks, recreational· facilities., smoll cerart harbor facilities, and historical monuments. Distribution of the the· money as f ollous: . ~95,000.,000.-00 availab le t o the legislature as folloHs: (a) Not less than 15% and not more than 25% available f or the development by the State beaches., parks., recreational facEities and historical montunents. '.L'he remainder -thereof would be available for sites by the State for such .facilitiei:;, Hot. more-than ::~2,sooooo.-00 lTould be available for fire prevention purposes to protect forests with a historical, wildlife conservation, or recreational significance• Not less than 40% of the !'.,95,,000,000.00 to be expended in the SouthE!l!"'ll Counties and not less thm HXi to be ro..1)enc.ed :in the Northern Counties; and the balance thereof to be expended in my area of the Stat.e. (;i4S,ooo.,ooo.oo available as the legislature may provide for grants to counties for projects of regional recreational facilities for public d:. ~ t:iroo recreational use. ~P5,ooo,ooo.oo appropriated by the Legislature :_.__:• the Conservation Board. ~~5',000,000.00 appropriated by the 1egi,·• lature for the Division of Small Craft Harbors. Mr. Smith brought out the fact that these bonds are to be used for r.ecre~t:'.on facilities already in the planning or development stage. Areas for recrea-tional 11off-the-road11 driving ha.s not '.:>een included in these f'aci1:i.ties and it is necessary far Jeep Clubs and Four-i·Jheel To:-ive Units to s.eleci:i and set aside areas for this type of recreation for family use. The Bond issue is a political issue and each person should vote the vray he ar she believes rather using this report as a guide. 'This is oru.y a definition and brief outline of the State and Gounty Recreational Facilities under cons:ideration. Persons opposing this Bond Issue claim that the State Parks and Recreation Department already 01,m sufficient property for parks and recreational areas and that developmmt. or tb::~se areas shou1d cone out of the general fund.

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'--..,./ '---' ~ / -3-Sunday Morning President Neely called on the National Association of 4-vJheel Drive Ovmers Connnittee far a report and the Chairman selected to head this Cornmitte~. '?he Chf;t,, Garland Peed., and members of tr..e Committee are Bill Bryan, Sandy Hilton and 11Cap11· Randel., 1'Cap11 Randel requested that Forrest Sheppa be added to the Committee. President. itrreely conct.:rred ni th this request and further stated all correspondr:mce for the<'!e would he ha_Ildled by the State Association Secretary(' It was a,l so 1:'ecornmender1. that: a letter· be sent to the Pacific Northuest Jeep Associc=;,i;,ioD c:nd t:10 .i:•i:;te·••H:l.-Jeep Association of .Colorado informing th,im o:;.'. the )••at~.0-.:1;11 .~ssucia.tion of 4-ivheel Dri•.re Otmers and requesting the::.r', in -c/te Nat::.onal. Association. ~!!1.P~rship Co~tee: Chairma~1, Erwin B,7erke, repcrted t ·~at a packet to prospecJ.:.ive members wa.::; outlined in the Committee meeting,, was decided that the packet should include the following: i.. 2. ,. 4. 5. 6. Orientation: 1-Jhich would consist of the Jeep Cl ub actj_vities" Simpli:fied Rules for incorporation• Simplified set, of By-Laws. Material for Press Release, Objectives of the State Association. Form letter as a reply to inquiries, which specifically request inforn:a.tion on the forming of Clubs. Ym. Bjerke emphasized the need for eaeh member of the Association t o assist any groups requesting aid in the formation of a Club or tobe roombers of an organized group. State Rally Committee: John Twiford of the Hilltoppers Jeep Club reported that John Dias, Chairman of the State Rally Committee, instructed him to give the report. P:i?smo Beach is the location for the Rally to be held over· the Eabar Day Week-end (Saturday, SUnd2.y and Ifonday) September 1st., 2nd and 3rd., 1962. A Hot-Sheet 1· for11arced to all Clubs giving instructions and information on t he Rally, ]Sy-Laws Committee: Chai±man Garland Peed reported that a proposal of :. amendment is Being prepared f or the r1ethod of succession of · .' 0£ficers .1 in the event a vacancy were to occur.,• This proposal will be presented to the Delegates at the Ausust l~eeting. Publicity Committee: Dennis Yates of the Desert Foxes reported for Mr. Frank Seifert, Chairman of the Publicity Committee, 'lllie State Newspaper will be out in J'une of this ye2:r and the second issue fer 1962 is planned far November 1962. This will assist Mr. Seifert :in mailing the issues before Holiday rush periods. lir, Yates requested that all Clubs issuing a Newspaper put the Hilltopper Club Editor· on their mailing list: Helen Hayden, 1501 Walnut Street, Hanhattan Beach, California. It may be advis• able for all C.lub Newspaper Editors to fo!'!-ard their address to Mr. Frank Seifert so that this list may appear in the State l,Yewspaper, All items of interest to the California Association should be fcrwarded to Nr. Seifert for publication.

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Sunday Mom:lng Comnnmications ReSo~: Garland Peed., Chairman, stated that during the past several mont~s e had moved and 1n the process had not unpacked the lists of members with Citizen Band Radios and their C.all ~tters - • The last Roster o.f Club members gave more information and Mr. Peed expressed his thanks to those Clubs, who had included the members names and Call Letters on the same list. Mr. Peed plans to make a ~omplete list available in mimeograph form be.fore the State Rally on the first. of September. Area Closures· Committee: The fol.lowing report was mailed +.,o tre Secret oy Bill Bryan, Chairman of the SouthE:rn Section of the Arca Closures., ¥.ir. Bryan 1s plan of donating State Asf''.)(;:Lation members 7olunteer aid to the County of Riverside or any otrer countJ in the sout,hern area to develop prospective park areas for 4~-\;heel ciri ve recreational areas was referred to Mr";Ed Walker, Juperintencient of Parks. Ne. Walker stated that if He enjoy the areas in their present state, why do anything else to develop them. }men an area is developed it then requires cmstant care to rrevent destruction, and removal of debris left by the general public. Inasmuch as the hikers and equestrians have camp grounds devoted exclusively to their personal use, I have raised the question as to shy aren't camps set aside and designated in certain areas ta be used mainly for 4•Wheel Drive Op3rat.ors, and this is not to mean that anyplace else would be off limits to our use. Mr. Walker suggested that we take steps to have certain canyons., trails and roads designated as 11Jeep Trails11 as shown on U. S. Governme-.nt topographic maps by writing to: Geological Survey, Distribution Section, Federal Center, Denver 25. Col..orado. A catalog on maps which are avail-able may be obtained. Pi.eking out desirable routes and presenting our requests to the Director of Parks and Recreation or Director of Roads for your county; the County can then designate as unimproved county roads, routes which would give Jeep units unclosable access to existing govern-ment lands which may be used for our Recreational fu_rposes. Due to an oversight Bill Bryan did not have an opportunity to present the above report to the :Delegates personally. Area Closures, Northern Section: Chaiiman steve Horris reported that t: c general trena o? cooperation and goodwill touards the California Associ J.· -.:~1. of Jeep Qlubs and its memers has become quite pronounced. Heretofore ue ~ were met with -doubt and at times questionable sincerity; in the last few months it appears that we have obtained the confidence of the peop1e with lltlom we have 1,;orked. This is particularly noted in the Area Closures Group.. In the Toiyabee.Area No. ]_* private land owners have openEd up trails allowing persons to cross their land to get to the trails and according to the Forest Rangers they -i-rl..ll cooperate on posted lands so 1ong as this privelege is not abused. The brochures continue to be mailed out and the Willys 1-iotors CorpOJration have been plaeing this brochure in the new vehicles sold in California and also in Oregon and Fevada. This distributio , •as approved by the Area Closures Committee since these states have tre same problens we do and 4-vJheel drive vehicles oi.D.d operate in the •ational For-es ts and Parks Trails -w.i. th utmost discretion. '>kl would appreciate ~ooperation from r the various beverage manufaeturers on the beverages which come in smal1 cans. •

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Sunday Norning A note printed on the cans to curtail litter-bugging men these cans are tossed out into the· Public Lands 'tiOuld be a commendable publim: service by these manufacturers. A short discussion followed on this question. Mr. Marris rrade a motion that the Secretary write a letter to the va.r-ious Beverage Manufacturers requesting their cooperation in this ~itter-bug drive. The motion was seconded by Don Goodman. The motion was-'·ca'l"'i--:i.ed by voice vote, Mr. Morris futher reported that the l.fokulme Wild Area boundary chang es which Wild Area excluded Mokulnme Peak, Eeebe Lake and Summit City Ca-,·-~~•. had been endorsed by the Forestry Ser-wee. These boundary changes hac been requested by the California Associ1.~tion of Jeep Cl ubs at the Woverrib- :· 12th meeting in S,tockton, Our Educational program far 1~1ich we had 48,000 'hrochures priri.ted instead o:f the 25,ooo on 1·:hich the orif,im1l money uas allocated has exhausted our prese1'1t budget of :'.~2125.oo and we have exceeded this amount· at this t:ir,;e by :)5.34. We have mailed out 12,407 brochures as of Friday, Nay 18th, 1962;, to the 4-Wheel Drive Owners in Californi a. There Here approximately 700 brochures mailed with a covering letter to various la.Hm.akers. In order to continue our program, it is necessary t o r aise sufficient money to finance the mailing costs, which must cover approxilnately 251000 brochures. The method of raising this money i s yet to be determined. Pl-esident Neely assigned the Area Closures Committee the task of investigat• ing various methods of obtaining the needed funds to complete the Educational Program. At this time President IJeel y called on the Association Treasurer, Bud Hamrner~, to make his report. Hr. Hammers 'reported that as of May 20th the amount of money in the Treasury uas ~:;2135 .13. Bills just received had not been or deducted from this amount. A motion by Bill i'-ior:dson to allocate ~i;J.650.00 out of the Treasury to keep the Educational program active was made at this time• This motion was seconded by Ed Comes. A discussion followed during 1-Jhich j_t uas disclosed that certain billr -' been presented t o the Treasurer and he would not be able to meet these obligations and still pay ou.t (,16.50.00 to the Area Closures Committee . :;_t was then decided by Hr. Comes and :-Jr. Harrison to rescind their prior motior. and to present the f allowing motion. Hr. Motrison made the moti on t},.at he St ate Tre.asurer aJ.locate ~~1000.00 to be used by the Area Cl osures Co! t o keep the Educational Progra:m mailing of brochures alive and active. Ir .. Ed Comes econded this motion. A poll of the llilegates gave un.:mir ous approval t o this motion._ A discussion followed on the method o~ obtaL-rtlng funds and a motion was presented by Ed Comes and seconded by Paul Thompson that the Area Closures Committee Chairman make arranger~nt s to ccnduct a drawing -if possible on a Four-Wheel Drive Vehicle. This motion Has carried unanimously, Discussion of the various 4-1rJheel Drive Vehicles and addit.ional accessory-items which would be af interest to members attending the State Rally and ho"t-1 they may be obtained so that our Educational program could be continued.

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-6-Sunday 1-foming President Neely then assigned the Chairman of the Area Closures .Comrnitte~ to investiga:ce tre possibilities of additional accessory items, .. also. ~ '• -· Bill Horrison then made a motion to allocate the sum of ~;-J.oo.oo to be usetj. for the printing of such material as pecessary to carry out this draw:ing. The motion wassecondecl by Don Goodman. A discussion followed ancl :Vrr. W.A. Schmidt of the Boondockers Jeep Club offered to donate the nece·ssary tickets. The motion was then withdrawn. President Neely then assigned Ken Smith to the Chairmanship of the Con·_;::·~ ..,ct; on Legislative Matters. Divid:i.w the Area Closures and Legislative as :,·:o separate and distinct Committees. Mr. Steve 11orris will continue in thrs Chairmanship of the Northern Seetion Area Closures and Hr. Bill Bryan as Chairmanship of the Southern Section of the Area Closures Committee. Don Goodman presented an Area Closures display to .Steve Morris. The THIIIG IS in Monterey and since they did. not send a ~legate to this Neeting, it was not available. "Next Heeting will be held August 25th and 26th, 1962 at the Johnson Hotel, Vlirror Room ih Visalia, California. A motion for adjournment was made by 11cap11 Randel and seconded by John Twiford. Adjournment 11:50 A.H. Patricia K •. Peed Secretary 6/1/62

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CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF JEEP CLUBS., D:C • /4 CLUB Area 4-'\ivheel Drive Club \,, ?30 Ventura Street Richmond 9;-Ca).ifornia Boondockers Jeep Club 7Lr28 Lynallan t-Jhittier;, California Chuckwalla Jeep Club l ?lls~,miee Lane West Covina, Californic:. Desert Burr os 4-i--Jheel Drive 230!5 Jviathews Lane, Redondo Beach, Ca.lifornia Desert Foxes 308 S. He stern, Avenue A.i1al1eim, California ¥:ONrHLY NEETII\l¼ 1st l-1onday 2nd Wednesday 1st Wednesday 1st Honclay . ·• East Bay Hillhoppere Jeep ;_:,.:-1, .• , 2nd t: hth Loncay P oO. Box 302 - Club ·'. . .,. Hayward, California El Ibrado Jeepherders P .o. Box 13.5 Placerville, Cali forni a Four Wheel Drive Club of the Honterey Penmsula P .o o Box 36L. Seaside, Californi a Hadjii Jeep Club 3330 Inglewocd Blvd. Los Angeles 66, Calif" Hanford Jeep Club 8609 8½ Avenue I-.anford, California. Hemet Jeep Club P.O. Box 841 Hemet, Californi§. II ill topper's Jeep Club 12h39 Aneta Street Los Angeles 66, C~lif 3rd Thursday 1st Yonday a .cl 3rd Thm·sday Unsched.ttled 1st ··ednesday 2nd So.turday NUMBER OF JEEF[ 50 17 22 13 27 30 20 l8 52 20

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Hill tn Gully Riders 5087 Woodman Avenue Riverside, California Jeepin1 Jeepers Jeep Club 6309 Paramount Blvd. Long Beach, California Joaquin Jeepers Club or San Joaquin County P.o~ Box 705 Stockton, California Maverick Jeep Club of Burbank 2814 Empire Avenue Bt;rbanlc, California Orange County 4-Wheelers 1206 E. 17th Street San+,a Ana, Galif orn.ia Reduood Jeep Club 178 Mary Avenue Sunnyvale, Cal:i.farnia. Sacramento Jeepers P .o. Box 9201 Fort Sutter Station Sac:-amento, California Sa:,:,eea Al Jamel P. Oo Box 1157 Jndio, California Tular'3 County 4-1.rJheel D-.cive Club P&O~ Dox 15 Visalia, Calif'omia ROSTER OF CLUBS (COm'tD) 1st Thursday 2nd Saturday 3rd Thursday 1st Thursday 2nd Tuesdc.y 2nd Wednesday NUMBER OF CLUBS AS OF NOVEMBER 1st·.~.~~. 21 NU.MEER OF JEEPS AS OF lJO[!"'MBEU 1st• e o O o o .480 11/7 /61 PICP 17 ll 16 30 18 38 13 20

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..,_____,,, '-..J COU:1 TESY OF N_\TION.'_L F()TJJ WHEEL DH.IV~ .:1S3N. Post Office Box 527 I NDIO, C.':LI FOitNI1, 92202 C.',LIFOnNI.:, .:~.3SN, OF 4 WD CLUBS I NC, Post Office Box 5001 s·_cn:_MENTo, C/;LIFOBiH!l 95317 C0~1!PILED by ROY H, TfJIJLKf1 .\rt I ZON,~ ·-·-----·-Buck ey e Four \Jhcel er s c/ o Nor ma Wecgcworth 202 5th /.ve, \-Test Buckeye , j~rizon8 .. Gil a Bend SJortsnen1s Club Gila Band, ~rizona Marico)a County Sheriffs J-2e-) Posse 2119 West Portl ~nd St. Phoenix , urizona Flagstaff 4 Wheel Drive Cl ub Flagstaff , ~rizona Yl,;--:a \,_ 1:.Pn"'o]n,·,c:, A . . ... '-i ,n C ~ _ \_; j_ ,::, Yuna, _'\.rizona Mesa Four Uheol cr s c/o Joe T2,t e Mes2 , !rizone. Phoenix Joe) Club 7358 N. 39t h t vo . Phoenix, ~rizona Tucson Jce1 Club .? • 0 . Box 1 9 Y-3 Pr escott, Arizona ~- x 4 Scouter s of Scottsdal e P . 0. Box 1 L~47 Sc.:uttsll:::i701 -:r i zcm,-C,'i.L I F (1}ll\T I:. Four WheGl Drive Club of Merc0d 2707 C\mcord 5 C2.lif, Fuur- :-Jbe,·il Drivo Cl ub of Monterey i-l. 0 . Box 30L~ 302 s ide, C;,_lif. Fresno Fenn· 1,,/lJ(!0.l Th ·1v" Clnl.i P, 0 . Box 1 :i'/4 Fresno 16, C~lif. I ;·Dcr i8.l Valley Du~e·-'· BfJ.ggy !ls sn , B0x 363 Br awley, Calif. Inyo County Sheriff's· Jee:J Posse 2 56 Willow 3t , Btsho:1~ Calif. Jee:_; Jy)sies 19418 March Drive SGnta .na , Cal if. Land Rovers Jee) Club c/o riichar d Collins , Pr s . 16585 P .i ne Fontc:na , C,1.lif, Mendoc i no Count y Jee) Posse c/o 3heriffs Office '#. Ukic1.h, Cctif . Ont?.rio i.1unp Bus t er s 31 '1 1,1. h St. , C;:ilif. Plu~as Jee~ Passe rt. R. 1 , Box Lr 30 Quincy, Calif. nivcrside County Four Wheel er s P. O. B0x 327 Norco7 Cr>li1.. San Bern2-.rcli no Four i•Jhcel er s 5483 El n St. San Bernar dino , Calif, SRnd Buss, Inc. 177 Hillj_pns Hoc>d S2_lj_nas, Calif. Santa M2.ric> 8;:i.nd Buc;s 21 2 it. Mc2lhPny Santc M.ria, C, lif. Tr '1. i.J hl;:, z0r s f.20 _·,rvin St. B~kersfiel:, C-lif. B;-,_y ,·.rc2. 4 - Wlwn l Drive ";lub ' . 0 . Box i l f 52

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\..J B0ondockers 4 WD Club P. O. Box 2331 Sant~ Fe S7rings, C lif. Ce:)~d;ol City Mount.'"' in Gor:.t, 4 1-.JD Club 53 1 5 - 6 3 r c1 St. " t C l"f 0,'.",.-,.; _[· c•.1·1en O' 8. 1 • Chr.c:ln c1.lla Jee·) Club 2118 North Lee St. El Monte, CPlif. Del :hrtc Jee1Jors P . 0L Box 46 5 · Cr2sccnt City, Ce.1if. 95531 Desert Burros 4-Wheel Drive Club 1 503 So. Ninth St. ~l hR~brc, Calif. 91803 Desert Foxos Jee) Club 2422 Zoni th ."i.vG. Santa ~na Heights, C2lif. DiAblo 4 \.-/heel er s P. O. Box 765 Concord, C2lif. Drifters Jee·) Cl 1b P.O . B0x 197 Ponon2., Ce.l j_f. B y Hillho:) 1cHs Jee;) Club P. O . .Box 302 H:::i.yw _ _rd, C2.lif. ~l ~orado Jeaphord0rs e.o. Box 930 Placerville, Cclif. 95667 Four tfheolers of Or2nr;o Cnunty 1 T l 1+ \fos t 3;:int2. Clar Sant,, C2.lif. Ghost rLidcrs 1717 Gilda Circle Si ni , Calif. GladonGer s P. O. Box 411 Rosc~o~d , Celif. Hadji. Jee) Club -....J 32G9 Gr2onf j_olcl ,\vo . .._,, Los ,\ngol e s, C;1lif. HanforJ JeeJ Club ?. O. Box 727 HPnford, C2.lif. Henet Jee) Cl ub P. O. Box 841 He~ot, C~lif. 92343 Hill Billys 1431 .- 8th St. ManhRttan Beach, Cali f . Hill- N- Gully Hi der s· ... ·· ·-· ?. O. Box 2302 Riv0rside5 Cr:.lif. 92 506 Hill To)J0rs J0eJ Club 2302 Hill St. Santa MonicR, Calif. 9040 5 Inland En)iro Ridge Jangers 14627 Hunt er St. Eon tan, , Cc.lif, JeeJing Jce)ers JGe, Cl ub 6209 P~ra7ont Blvd . North LonG Be~c6, CAlif. Jo2-.quin Jeepers P.O. Box 706 Stockt0n, C. 1 if. L0s ,.rr ior~s l+ '.:.JD Club, I nc. P. 0 . Box 70l+ F~llbr0ok, C2li f . 92028 Los Batidore s 4 x 4 Club 825 Lincoln El C~jnn, Calif. r,fr.werick Jecn Club of Bur b nk 2814 2:T)ire . Burb,,nk, Cn.lif. .:c, 1" r F0 lr- -.. 1:l,elers P.O, 3:,x 1225 :tv!oc\::st0, C:::.lif. >101..mtain Goats P, 0. B')X 30 57 S n 1-hse, C li:f. :·-/1 7alley --? :1e:rs P. C. Bm'.: 71 :: -J - , C li :'. 01! Cro··f .oe::r Joe·) Cl ub 263 Gl~P-Jrivc · Oroville, C.,.,lif . P ..,'J. n.oughridcr s '} Inc . P. O. Box 5664 PRs, dena, Calif. ..:

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Reddi-Dogg~r8 TeeJ Club 3722 No. Ivc-n ;,ve . Tioscnen.d , Cc.lif. 91 '/'/0 r,0,ll::mrls Gr:ickos .Te8 J Club P.O. Brix 76·1 ?edlc-nds, Calif. ~adwood Jcu~ Club P.O. Box 459 EiX(lrlJ'lc..l e 5 C:1.lif. Jough & n0ady Jee~ Club P. 0. Box 1 51 OrPngev2le, Calif. ~1-1ff Ryders-Eern Crmnty P .O. Box 1282 Jeep Club L2.lrn r sfiold, C .. lif. Secra:'1ento Jee .-,ors, Inc. r1• 0. J::l()}: 9201 Fort Sutter st •.ti ')D Sacr2.r-1c.mto, C:.,,lif. San Frc-.ncisco Jee'1ers P.O, Box 231 . Dely City, C~lif. S,n Fernendo V~lley v~gabonds 1 i 852 Blythe St. North Hollywood, Calif. Santa Barbr1.rP.. 4 ~JD Club D O ·- 4, 6 " . . Hox 1 Golet~, C~lif. 93017 S2.nta r'ic ri;=i. 4 ;.!heol ers 1 324 Ronr.1.h\ Pl. Sar~. ta liai' i2., C.::tl if. S;:i_re2a :.1 Janel 4 HD Club 1.' . 0 . Box 526 .C.1.clio, C2.lif. i:-ii err2, Back Pa cking 4 1/Jh0elers 3Ti \.J:::,_rnor /.vo. TT "~',.TP.r·c1, C2.lif. 3-·. ::u ·;,_ 'l'i·"~. Sllt'O Hunting Club ? . 0 . 3rrz ·ftYJ'/i 923? Fort :~11i·.t.0 r St-., r, i 011 Sa. .r,..,·1.:0~-:-,,, Crtlif. Sundo ,mer JCG) Club 5536 :-:::ast i..r,. shinct on .Blvc:. Conno~cc, C2.lif. StuniJ Jm1pors P. 0. Box 5011 Missi()n IIills, Crtlif. Tierrn. Dol 3ol 4 Wheel Drive Club 3~L1., U1dvor sj_ ty S2n Diogo, CPlif. Tul::ir8. County 4 H.D Club P . 0 . Box 1 5 ~ :· · Visalia, C8.lif. Ventur;:,_ Crmnty 4 :,m Club 426 V?cllc Rio Ojai, Cr,lif. Waywegos Four- Wheel Drive Club P . 0 . Box 2256 ~lh~nbra, Cnlif. Luburn Jee) Club 165 College \,Jay Jichnond, Cnlif. Calif. ~ssn. of 4 W. D. Club P. 0. Box 5001 Sacr~~ontri 17, C2lif. Con,J.or 4 UJ Club 5232 Flr)r ;:il Drive Ventura, Calif. Dune Rj_c1urs7 Inc. 532 C;,i.r0l Pl. lrr oy~ Gr~nao, C.lif. El Ch~p0r a l 4 W. D. Club 1706 L.wson Si101i, Ga l if. Oceanside 4 T,fheclers 1060 Chestnut Carlsbad, C2lif. 92008 Hanblin Rods 380 E. Dex t e r Covina, Calif. Los Pai _n'JS P . O. B":x: 1 20 5 ?rvnn".., Cclif. 4-9cr:::: l+ 'J . D. Club 1123 .i:. Or,,.ngo .'.ve . . :onrovin, Calif. Hidden Valley 4 lfueelers Escondido, Crlif. Desert ?uscuc Squad 'r' ---~ ~. ~ ~ f"" .... 1 ...; +'

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"-.,/ ..._____.,I Boondockers 4-WD Club P . O. Box 2331 Sc=mt,q Fe s-wings, C;1 lif. Ca)itol City MountPin GoRt 4-UD Club 5315- 63rc1 St . " t CJ 'f ..),'.:"'.-.;.c,~1--;en o, a. _l • Ch1:_~kwr1.lla Jee-) Club 2'11 G !forth Lee St. El donte, CPlif. De l !hrte Jee'JGrs P. lJL Box 4 6 5 · C~esccnt City, Ce.1if. 95531 Desert Burros 4-- Wheel Drive Club 1 503 So . Ninth St. ~l.A7br c , Calif. 91803 Desert Foxes Jee;) Cl ub 2422 Zenith ~VG.· Sant~ ~na Heiehts, C2lif. Dir-iblo 4-Wheel ers P.O. Box 765 Concord, C2.lif. Drifter s Jee·) Club P.O . B0x 197 Pononc, C;:i_lj_f. :C .st Bay Hillhot) )Ors Jee;_) Club P . O . .Box 302 Hri.ywa.rd, C2.lif. El Darado Jeophcrd2rs P. O. Box 930 Placerville, C.:.lif. 9 5667 Four V/heol.ors of Or ng2 County 1714-·:.iGst ,3entt:. Cl .r;::, Sant, ~n~, Celif. Ghost :Fi.icLi rs 1717 Gilda Cir c l e Sini , Calif. Gloc1onGe r s P . 0 . Box L~ 11 Rosc~ead , Celif. Hacl.j i_ Jee) Club .__/ 32G9 Gr,;cmf iold ,\vc . ..__.,,· Los ;\nf~ele s, C:\l i_i" . Hanford Je8) Club ?.O. Box 727 H2nford, C2.lif. Henet Jee) Club P. O. Box 841 He'-ict, C~lif. 92343 Hill Bi llys 1 li-31 -8th St. ManhP.ttan Beach, Calif. Hil l - N-Gully Hider s ... P. 0 . Box 2302 • · -Riv0rside, Cnlif. 92506 Hill To)J0rs J0eJ Club 2302 Hil l St. Santa Monica, Calif. 9040 5 Inland En)ire Ridge Tiangers 14-627 Hunter St. Eont;::m , Cali f . JeeJing JceJer s JGe, Club 6209 Paranont Blvd. North Long Be c6, CRlif. J1)2,quin Jeepors P .O. Box 706 Stockt:)n, C.lif. Los .. rri0r ()s1 4 '.:JD Cl u b , I nc. P. 0 . Box 70l+ Fellbr0ok, C~li f . 92028 Los BRtidor e s 4 x 4-Club 825 Lincoln El CRjnn, Calif. :tvfi:i.verick Jee; ·) Club of Burbank 2814- Bn')ire ;.vo . Burb2nk, Calif. 'Iodosto Four-Vhuelers P . 0 , Box 1 22 5 Modesto, C2.lif . Mountain Goats P. 0 . Box 30 57 S, n Mose , Calif, Na)a Valley Jae)er s P.O. B0x 71 ~2.)2_, C0.lif. 0:ihi r Go:)her Joe--) Cl ub 263 Gl en .. Dr i ve -Oroville, C::i_lif . Pasadena Roughr i dc r c > Inc. P. 0 . Box _">664-Pasndena, Cali f .

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coLon;.Do Ghost Town Cl b of Colo. 743 So. Jorsey St. Denver, Coln. 80222 Estes Park Joe·1 Club B')X 1 557 Estes ?ark, Colo. Four Corners Jee) Club Cortez, C:il? . Four 11n1eel er s of Ouray P . 0 . Box 435 Oury, Colo. Fugarwc J8e1crs 1475 Zcmodia (Re::tr) Denver, Colo . Grand MesP.. Jeu 1 Club 667 Round Hill.Drive Grrnd Junction, Colo. Gunnison Joep Club Gunnison, Cnlo. Jefferson County JeoJ Patrol 13850 Berry Hnad Golden , C()lo. The Milo-Hi Jee) Club of C0l n.,Inc. P. O. Box 822 . Denver 1, C0l o . Monte Vistr1. ChP.1·1ber •:)f C:Jnqcr e .Jeo;_1 C0r:"1i ttGe Richar d Too~, Chnirnan Monte Vista, Col 0. Rabbi t Snrs Jeep Club 2811 ~-2nd lvo: , Cnlo. Telluride Joe) Club Telluride , Cril o. Trr_j_l br8,-:i.ko1· s l+ \.f..-ieel Dri vo Club Pueblo , C0 l n . Swar1) ~-(ats 346 Lalrnvi mr :,ve. Orlando, Fl0rida Tre~sure EuntinG Club 7525 E. Tro,-.sure Drivu Mia~i Beach 41, Fl0rid~ ID!HO Bdar Lake Jee) Posse Rich Mot:>r Cn. Mnnt )i or, Bnnneville County Sheriffs J ee:1 .--Posse 471 B St, -102ho Falls, Idaho~ S wtoot h Tin2ners Jee1 Club Ketchui01, IdP..ho ILLINOIS Four Wheel Drive Cnn~ers Box 1 57 Gurnee, Ill. iV!:.SS.:\CHUSSTTS Roughrirtars Jee) Club 106 Lovolny nc. ~n~0ver, PRssnchusetts Four Whoelor Club 1383 Swr1.ney Walled LRke, Mich . 1ichigan Four Wheelers P. O. Box 2230 Der.rborn, Mich. H§pOUli__l 4 x 4 Ex0l or urs of Cr2ve Cneur Creve C~6ur, Mi ssouri Lester Ville JGeJ SJort Club Lest erville , 1issouri Mountcin Patrol Sear6h & Rescue 1320 14 St. South Greet Fnlls, Montane. Tie Rnu~h ~id0rs Box 884 Billings, tontRna Tr 2 s r e rluntin~ Club Bnx 1012 Billings, r ot ~na

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Clark County ShGriffs Jee) Posse P. O. Box 1482 Las Vagas, tevada Sierra Ground Tiescue JeeJ P tr0l 20 5 Tocor1a : v e . CRrson City, Nevada NEW JERSEY Sussex County J2e;pster Club Sussex, New Jersey NEW JvIEXICO • lbuquerque Jeepherders, Inc. 1023 Forrest er ~ve N. W. ~lbuquerque, New Mexico 87102 Las Cruces Jee:·) Club 1015 N. Mel Rnd~r s Las Cruc~s, New Mexico Under Water Search & Roscue 709 Senec2_ St. Fulton, New Yor k Surf rtunners FWD Clyib c/n ·ef f Fitton 1 5 bbins Willston, New York ,\nerica , Inc. · County Fr1 Drive Club Lisbon , t , . . ~tor~. c r 2.~e 2~ .l gh 0t. OR~ N ·---Club Eneral d Roadrunner s Four Wheel Drive Club 740 MoL1nw Val e Eugene, Oregon Lake City Jee) Posse c/n 3horiff1s Departnent· Lakeview, Oregon~~-~ Lebanon 4 W. D. Club Leb_non, Oregon P~thfi~ders 4 W. D.· Club 17 55 S. fodford, Oregnn ---Pnrtland Brush Busters 479 D St . Milwaukee, Oregon Salen Jee:) Club 660 Liberty N. E. Salen, Oregon Allegheny Je~7ers Jeep Club R. D. #2, Riv8rside Driv0 Oil City, Pannsylvania East Penn Juc,er s P. O. B0x 91 Kutztown , ?annsylvani a 19530 Jarvey' s L;:,ko J.i g,2 Runners Club 70-76 W. 3dn_o t St. Kingst0n, Ponnsylvania Tri~ngla Jcia~ars Inc. 501 0 Oz2.rk Dr. Pittsburgh 39, Pennsylvania S:--'/)ky Mrmnt;:,_in Jee--) Club 1 009 E . Bro2 r}way Maryville, Tennessee J El)aso0 County Sheriff' s Reserve P. 0 . Box 12 5 El Pr.seo 41, Texas Four WheclGrs 2000 Boldt . Tylor, Tcx2..s

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Bountiful JeeJ Posse 1 470 N. f'iain St. Bountiful, Ut ah Davus County Jee~ Patr~l c/o Davis Crmnty Sheriff Cloerfield, Utah Duchesne County Jee') Patrol DuchGsne Cnunty Sheriff' s Offi ce Duchesne, Ut;::,h East Carbon ~escue Petr0l P.O . Box 391 Price) Utah Ener y County Sheriff' s Jee:1_) Posse Ferrr:m , Utah Garfiel d County 3heriff' s Je2p P,.tr0l c/o Sheriff Mi ddl ~t on Panguitch, Utah Gol den Circle JeeJ Club B(JX 326 Monticello , Ut ah Iron Mtn. 3heriff' s JeeJ Patr~l 1 77 No. 11 50 W. Cerler City, Utch Millard County Sheriff ' s Jee) Posse Filnor e , Utri.h Monti cello Fun Jee) Patrol Mnntic2ll0, Utah Off-Bighway Jee) P~tr 0l Box El der County Brighan City, Ut2.h CALIFO .. TIA Inland ~mpire une Buggy Assn. 145 No. ycamore h'alto, Calif. Desert evils 4761 Boise t. oan iego, Calif. Dune Dodgers Inc. P.O. Box J+l..~2 Escondido, Cnlif. e . iders Inc. .o. Box fJ,:fj= 668 Ocea..-.,,o, Calif. s ring Valley ~and uggy Assn. 3640 Calavo Spring Valley, Calif.